How to Deal with Snake Constipation

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I discuss two methods to help you deal with your snake’s constipation. Lots of helpful tips, why constipation happens, and what to do to help your snake have a bowel movement.

Warning: Gross factor around 9:15, so if you have a weak stomach, you may want to stop the video.


Sharon B. Four says:

The end of this video reminds me of that episode on South Park. When Stan’s
dad made the worlds biggest poop. Called his brother Jimbo like”Ya gotta
see the size of this thing!”

Dinospikester says:

Thanks for the help! It actually worked for my Corn Snake.

Can I ask a question. So my Corn Snake finally pooped and I want to ask if
I should continue to do this everyday with her or not just to be sure?
Please reply. I really need to know.

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