What Causes Constipation?

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The final stages of digestion take place in the colon. There, water from the undigested food is gradually reabsorbed until a solid stool is formed. The stool is pushed through the digestive tract by small muscle contractions known as peristalsis. Constipation can occur if too much water is absorbed or if peristalsis is slowed. Constipation can also be caused by a diet low in fiber or emotional stress. Watch this video to better understand the causes of constipation.


pokezee king-wolf says:

I jst took a huge brick sized shit it hurt so bad guys dnt advice it but I
ripped my ass crack :(

TheEBlocker says:

I just watched an animated shit simulation. What is life

Steelkatana Angelica says:

Sometimes i cant poop for maximum 4 days, my belly is heavy, hard like a
stone and full of awful gas, its not comfortable. But i feel like i have a
big and heavy stone inside. Drink a lot of tea but it doesnt help. After
drinking a big bottle of water i feel dead, can hardly breathe. Im afraid
of pregnancy cos i may not poop and they will have to remove it with the

Parthasarathy TOTADRI NATHAN says:

I like your animated videos. Well presented , it makes one to easily
understand. Thanks many 

Ashley M says:

I don’t even remember the last time I had constipation. Eating fiber and
drinking water daily really does help to prevent that. I drink at least 2
bottles of water daily, occasionally I’ll eat a banana for breakfast with
some pecans but that’s rare, and my dinner consists of beans majority of
the time but occasionally I’ll eat unhealthy. The key is fiber filled foods
and water. 

TeenageMillionaire says:

Consuming too much fiber can actually lead to constipation,
All I ate last week was leafy greens, tomato sauce, tea & coconut flour.
& now I’m paying the price :(

angelinajoanie says:

that is REALLY graphic.

armando angel says:

That guy could have clogged the whole toilet.XD

Keizen Maeko Ortiz says:


B8killerPan says:

Who else is watching this while pooping?

wolfpacindahouse1 says:

2 weeks that im constipated, I have to force it out and when I do only a
little amount will come out, I hope to god that this ends soon

Adam zoabi says:

Why would too much water be lost from the stool (shit)

Falcon Lover says:

OMg I just got my shit out after 2 weeks I fell like im on weed

Ferid Huseynov says:
Alex Body says:

OMG… … That guy ate a lot of Food… O.o

BigTMoney121 says:

So that’s what “shitting bricks “mean… 

Vanilla Meow says:

I appreciate such explanation
Clear and easy to understand :D

Fancy Hat says:

Poor grandpa ): 

Jane White says:

…I wage a constant war with diet/constipation – too much fat/sugar
alongside fruit/veg. Just have to keep eating as healthily as I can and not
give in to treats!

Tina Boshear says:


Super paint boy says:

Omg thank you soo much I suffer from ibs and dont know what causes it and I
now thino its emotional strees

TheLordSnowbro says:

Just took a massive shit while watching this

Reimu Hakurei says:

This is proof of intelligent design!

wavesofjoy says:

why did i just watch this while eating food?

itachi8301 says:

Why did I have to eat the ice cream, why!!! But I feel much better I got it
all out

Zoink foo says:

That’s a lot of poop.

Stephanie Zack says:

I am 13 and after watching this I am getting worried that I might have

Jacob Moreno says:

And the character is fat, because only fat people get constipated… 

joerossu says:

hot milk and in one hour i….. you know…. :D

Lanalovesthat says:

We are poop machines.

Kan Vij says:

I wish I was shown this video when I was 5 years old. I would have become a
doctor instead.

Josh Groetsema says:

I sing “Let it Go” when I need to poop…and then I let it go.

Gabriel Hulo says:

too much shit

SniffyPoo says:

the animated poo grosses me out

Kan Vij says:

Drink plenty of water in addition to fiber .I have been eating banana and
other fruits. Plenty of spring greens.

TheAmazingWorldOfGumball FULL EPISODES says:

Is it weird that I’m happy for seeing this
I thought I was gonna die but this explains everything :D

Emily Hill says:

And that ladies and gentlemen is where shit comes from.

David Frausto says:

Your body starts to feel weak and your neck gets sore.

Matthew Hawthorne says:

Nature is so fascinating!

Chenda Pa says:


Alan Smith says:

I got constipated by eating hot cheetoes

Falcon LoverxxXxxXxxX says:


zoosavage14 says:

Doo doooooo

antdude says:

I think I need to go poop soon.

Steelkatana Angelica says:

Why didnt it come out? Oh, it would be a very big poop

karina maribel fernandez says:
lolfuns hahas says:

This is the grossest vid ive seen in a while.

Mark Marcus says:

Never before have i had to shit so bad. Seriously i just spent an hour on
the toilet and all that came out was a tiny poo nugget.

Damn you chocolate milk!!!! so good and yet so bad!

Regina Diaz says:

Trippy but cool!

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