Dr. Glidden Discusses Constipation, Night Sweats, and Stomach Pain | The Fire Your MD Now Show

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With proper medical nutrition James Gandolfi could have lived a long and healthy life. The MDs blamed natural causes because they don’t know the real reason for his death. Carol’s sister has loose teeth and Gottfried sweats at night. Kevin wants to get off Lipitor, but there may be no hope for Bill’s friend who has been a lifelong smoker. Dr. Glidden has answers and hope for all his callers.

Heart Disease

01:00 – James Gandolfini died at 51 of a heart attack and natural causes. Dr. Glidden wonders how a wealthy man having access to the greatest health care in the world could die so young. His answer is that the MDs didn’t practice health care, they followed the directive of the pharmaceutical companies. There’s nothing “natural” about dying at 51. Dr. Glidden discusses the causes of various heart conditions.

Constipation and Night Sweats

13:50 – Gottfried in Germany has had chronic constipation and night sweats for about 4 years. He’s been diabetic since 1997 and has been diagnosed with guillain-barré syndrome. He doesn’t eat gluten or sweets. Dr. Glidden tells Gottfried to take enemas and Youngevity’s Herbal Rainforest, or a homeopathic substitute.


26:18 – Ethelinda in Pennsylvania lost a lot of weight and has had a tummy tuck. She wants to minimize the scarring from that operation. Dr. Glidden tells her to apply calendula ointment mixed with colloidal silver on the scar 4 times per day and then call back in 2 weeks.

Stomach Pains

33:33 – Janet in Ohio has a grandnephew, 19, who has been sick with terrible stomach pains for 3 months and the doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him. Dr. Glidden says he should avoid the 10 bad foods for 7 days and see if the stomach pains go away.

Loose Teeth

42:04 – Carol in Florida has a sister with loose teeth and wants to know if hydrogen peroxide would help. Dr. Glidden says the breakdown of teeth and gums is caused by a calcium deficiency. She should swish an ounce of liquid calcium in her mouth for 60 seconds, then swallow it. This should be followed by an ounce of plant derived minerals, swished and swallowed in the same way. The gums will tighten around the teeth.


49:05 – Bill in Alabama knows a 60-year-old woman with COPD. After a lifetime of smoking, she has recently quit. She has shortness of breath and can’t walk far.


Bill also knows a person with thinning bones and rheumatoid arthritis. She is taking Fosamax and has developed acid reflux. Dr. Glidden says Fosamax is dangerous

and causes spontaneous leg fractures.

Heart Disease

1:02:28 – Kevin, 43, in California is taking Youngevity supplements, has had aortic valve surgery and wants to get off Lipitor. He’s always had a heart murmur. Dr. Glidden and Kevin discuss Kevin’s situation. There is no relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. He needs to have a diet high in antioxidants, take Beyond Tangy Tangerine, Cal Toddy, EFA plus and selenium in the proper prescribed dosages.

Labels: Heart Disease, Constipation, Night Sweats, Scars, Stomach Pain, Loose Teeth, COPD, Osteoporosis,

Get The Supplements Dr. Glidden Takes: (844) 818-9090 Or Visit http://takeyoursupplements.com/
Visit This Show’s Blog: http://DrGlidden.com/
Copyright © 2013


Danielle Funk says:

Hi, I have been extremely week for a month and i begged my doctor to do
something for me cus I feel i am dieing of malabsorbtion, well she finally
caved in and gave me a b12 shot, i felt good for one night, so i asked her
to give me more cus when you are really deficient you need shots for a
consecutive week to get back up to par, well she said no and i went
bolistic and ended up in the er and they did nothing of course. I DON’T

PA EA says:

After reading Dr. Glidden’s book the MD Emperor has no clothes, I will not
bother going to a MD doctor. I was already heading that way and even
started to refer to the MD doctors as “Legalized Drug Pushers”. I even had
a doctor who prescribed that I go on Tectracycline for “strep throat”
during a routine visit. The problem -I felt perfectly fine. I trusted my
doctor. WRONG!!! I probably would have died had I been on this drug for
more than 2 days. Only Holistic and Naturapathic for me now.

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