Dr. Glidden Discusses Back Pain, COPD, Meditation, & Endometriosis | The Fire Your MD Now Show

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Adam has severe pain in his mid- and lower-back. Cheryl has 2 friends with COPD and Elaine knows a woman who passes out 3 times a day. Dave’s friend has had endometriosis for most of her 80 years and Sharon has bladder pain. Anthony knows someone in the military who has PTSD. Bill is just tired of being constipated. Dr. Glidden is on top of it all. He also talks about thought and meditation.

Thought, Meditation

01:00 — Dr. Glidden talks about thought and meditation as metaphysical concepts.

Solar Power, Endometriosis

13:39 — Dave in Michigan has 20 solar panels at his house and describes his success with solar power. He knows an 80 year-old woman who has had endometriosis for most of her life. Dr. Glidden describes the menstrual cycle and says the use of tampons, gymnastics and anything that puts the body upside down, contributes to endometriosis. It usually straightens itself out after menopause. Surgery may be necessary.

Interstitial Cystitis

26:17 — Sharon in Minnesota was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. She had a hysterectomy at 39 and has mild diverticulosis. She has bladder pain and bowel problems. Dr. Glidden talks about the ripple effect, that everything is connected. There is a lack of the trace mineral copper which leads to a lack of elastin. Sharon should increase her EFAs and give the program more time.

High Blood Pressure

36:48 — Terry in Virginia has high blood pressure and went to a pharmacist for a reduction schedule. The pharmacist would not comply and her doctor would not reduce her medication either. Dr. Glidden says if he were faced with this, he would cut the pills in half for 14 days, then cut those pieces in half for 14 days, taking the smaller dosages. He would take his blood pressure every day.

Bi Polar, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Depression

40:26 — Anthony in Alabama knows a young military man who is bi polar, has post-traumatic stress syndrome and suffers from depression. Dr. Glidden says he needs blood sugar support.

Constipation, Skin Rash, Gluten

46:49 — Bill in Alaska heard Dr. Wallach say that constipation is a sign of gluten intolerance, and a skin rash is also a sign of gluten intolerance. He wants to know if there is such a thing as a test for gluten intolerance. No, that test does not exist, says Dr. Glidden. Bill is in a nursing home where it is hard to be gluten free. He could find a local naturopathic doctor who would say that he needs to be gluten free.

Low Blood Pressure, Hemoglobin A1C

52:23 — Elaine in Montana knows a 24-year-old woman who has low blood pressure and passes out, sometimes 3 times a day. The doctors find nothing wrong with her. Dr. Glidden says she should get a blood test called hemoglobin a1c.

Hemorrhagic Stroke

57:10 — Elaine is also calling about a man in his 60s who had a hemorrhagic stroke. He is now on Youngevity and doing well. Her question is, are the EFAs dangerous because they thin the blood? Dr. Glidden will call Dr. Wallach about this. Selenium will help the patient, he says.

COPD, Lung Cancer

1:04:34 — Cheryl in Kansas has 2 friends with COPD and one of them has lung cancer. Dr. Glidden says COPD is asthma on steroids.

Back Pain

1:09:55 — Adam in Utah has been on the Healthy Bone and Joint Pak for 2 months. He has serious pain in his lower and mid back that won’t go away. He was injured in a trampoline accident. Dr. Glidden gives Adam a ho

meopathic interview and says he should take Nux Vomika: 2 pellets 4x day for 7 days.

Back Pain, COPD, Thought, Meditation, Endometriosis, High Blood Pressure, Interstitial Cystitis, Bi Polar, Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, Skin Rash, Constipation, Low Blood Pressure, Hemoglobin A1C, Gluten, Solar Power, Lung Cancer

Have questions? Would like to get on Dr. Glidden’s health protocol?
Get The Supplements Dr. Glidden Takes: (844) 818-9090 Or Visit http://takeyoursupplements.com/
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Copyright © 2014 http://Fire-Your-MD-Now.com/



Peter Glidden ND says:

Get The Supplements Dr. Glidden Takes: (844) 818-9090 Or Visit
Visit This Show’s Blog: http://DrGlidden.com/

Cathy McMahan says:

how do you determine the selenium dosage? your are 100mcg, weight? or what.
Hashimotos Dr. told me to take it wanted to know how much to order.

HulaAnglers says:

I thought about a zebra! Then I removed the stripes when dr glidden said
not to think about a zebra, and low and behold there I was!

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