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Close ,constipation remedies,natural remedies for constipation,constipation home remedies,constipation relief for women.Discover The 7 Most Common Causes
of Constipation That Every Woman
Should Know and Avoid.Increasing Output Instead of Decreasing Input”

Don’t become fixated with what is going into you and ignoring what isn’t coming out of you. Most womenn try to decrease and limit what they eat, instead of increasing what they get rid of.

Here’s how I explain it to my patients:

Think of your colon like a short hose. If you keep on packing food down that hose but have the other end clogged up, what’s going to happen?

Two things: The tube is going to start bulging outward, because there is no exit point.

Secondly, that food is going to start to rot. By rotting I mean it will ferment, fester and stagnate — becoming food for microscopic bacteria…

Here’s where it all starts to make sense to them…

…when those bacteria feast on the leftovers inside your gut, they produce gas. Gas and backed up waste cause bloating, cramps and transforms your gut into a trash bin.”

Those same bacteria also produce waste products that damage the lining of your colon and the nerves responsible for pumping food out.

Most women, after following my constipation advice tell me…
I’ve gone from 1-3 bowels movements a WEEK,
to 1-3 bowel movements a DAY

And let me tell you what a difference that’ll make for you. It means your colon is going to clean out whatever you put into it within 24 hours. Not 36 or 48.

Even if you’ve been irregular for your entire life, that’s NOT okay. If you’re eating every day, you should be making at least one trip to the bathroom, three would be even better.
Please, take these three steps to
get rid of your bloating, gas
and that awful “blah” feeling
that has been ruining your life…

Step One — Take the Simple Self-Test Below: It will help you determine whether you’re suffering from constipation. If so, becoming regular should eliminate or significantly reduce your bloating, gas and other symptoms.

Step Two — Avoid the

7 Major Causes of Constipation: Next, read my free booklet called, 7 Common Causes of Constipation That Every Woman Should Know and Avoid.

Step Three — Work up to 1-3 Bowel Movements a Day: Download a copy of my collection of 37 Constipation Home Remedies For Women. Read, apply and enjoy less time in the washroom, more energy and looser pants.

Relying on laxatives, stool softeners, enemas or other artificial ways to clean out your colon is a dangerous route to go. You’ll discover more, after you sign up for the series. Let’s just say, it’s always better if you can do it yourself.

Alright, here’s the self-test to determine if you are suffering from constipation, and how severe your case is…


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