Meditation: Healing Negative Thought Patterns

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This meditation focuses on converting our worries, fears, frustrations and stresses into positive and nurturing energy.
Negative words, actions & feelings from ourselves accumulate in our bodies. These non-beneficial energies cause fatigue, depression, anxiety, physical & mental illness, constipation/diarrhea, headaches, back pain, disease and discomfort of all kinds. They have fused with our being – with our mind & flesh. It is extremely difficult to ignore or dissect these parts of ourselves so we must transmute this energy – convert it to something that heals us not hurts us.

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For relaxing, relieving, and healing
Many Blessings


bowgig says:

And I still agree with you… I just also think that sometimes people are
not in a place to be able to face it so readily. By practicing different
guided meditations and working into a personal meditation practice one can
more easily accept themselves for who they are, what they think and how
they act. Many people get lost in a negative thought pattern and spiral
down into depression or anxiety – they face their negative thoughts
everyday, but it does not change how stuck and lost they feel…

bowgig says:

You are right – this does address only the positive aspects of thought.
Focusing on the negative reinforcing the synaptic pathways which release
chemical in our body creating illness. In this state it is very difficult
to see the light at the end of the tunnel – or believe such a thing can
exist. The purpose of this meditation is to begin to train the mind to
create more ‘happy hormones’ which will allow individuals to enter a place
where they feel strong enough to do the hard work…

realslimshaddyy says:

My point here is do not escape negative…its not a bad thing if u face
it..u will laugh at it..if u escape it and start positive thought streams
then the negative stays in the system..why not accept it..and see it for
what it is……do not ignore or resist against ur negative thoughts…just
know what u are thinking..thts the only cure..

bowgig says:

By taking a break from the thought patterns that are reinforcing negative
self-talk it gives someone the opportunity to step back and realize things
aren’t quiet as dire as they felt – it gives them a little nudge to accept
the negative part of themselves and move forward in the direction they
would like to go, rather than being dragged along, or living in a very
reactive state. You are right in meditation and in healing we must accept
ourselves, our thoughts… and allow them to be.

Thought Programming says:

XXX Thought is Precious XXX Thinking in it’s most part is Behavioral
Activity. Behavioral Activity can be programmed. Using language as a mind
software we permanently are repeating our desired goals through spoken
words, just like a mantra. This way we are establishing a specific pattern
of information and literally downloading as well as programming the
subconscious mind, which in response will trigger the programmed action.
Our subconscious mind works like a computer. It turns commands..

Sarah Wolfman says:

ty .. i did relax , love the forest but it was difficult to imagine the
pink protection i kept seeing it blue … what does that mean>? ………

realslimshaddyy says:

This helps temporary take u in to a stream of positive thoughts but u have
not faced the negative ones… the best thing to do is face ur negative
thoughts n see what they are….positive imagination doesn’t help..coz when
u face the trigger ur negative thoughts will start again ….so i must say
its a good thing to fool urself

Thomas O'Rourke says:

I like this. Positive thinking… I’ll add it to my favorites :-)

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