How to Prevent Constipation

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Constipation affects almost everyone at some time. Follow these tips to help prevent it.

If constipation is accompanied by recurrent vomiting and abdominal pain, seek medical attention.

Step 1: Drink more water
Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water per day. Constipation sufferers are often dehydrated.

Step 2: Exercise regularly
Stay active. About 30 minutes of physical activity each day will not only keep you in shape but also reduce the risk of constipation.

Check with your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.

Step 3: Eat more fiber
Eat foods rich in fiber such as fresh fruit and vegetables with skins, beans, oatmeal, and high-fiber breakfast cereal.

Step 4: Drink ginger

Try ginger tea, which helps improve digestion and calms down the stomach after a heavy meal.

Step 5: Take a folic acid supplement
Constipation can be a side effect of a folic acid deficiency. Try a daily 60-mcg folic acid supplement.

Step 6: Get more sleep
Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, which in turn can cause problems in the digestive system. Aim for at least seven hours of quality sleep per night.

Step 7: Check with your doctor
If your bowel patterns remain abnormal, visit your doctor. Prescription medication or an underlying condition could be the culprit.

Did You Know?
Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement can increase the chance of constipation.


Shody Larkins says:

Great video!

Kate somethingorother says:

They say anxiety can cause constipation, and I wonder if that’s the reason
for mine. I’ve had problems since I was 2, and they persisted even when my
diet was healthy. The doctor could never find a problem medically. I don’t
have any gastrointestinal disorders. However, I do have very frequent
anxiety, and I wonder if all this time it’s been putting a strain on my
gastrointestinal system.

DeeJay MC says:

He has a clock in his bathroom? He must be constipated a lot.

Librulz1 says:

when i hit the age of nine i had constipations that lead to uti’s and im 14
now and better

nikki minaj says:

I came here from a One Direction video! What does that mean?

uut0 says:

hmm water: i drink much diet coke exercise: getting out of bed turning the
pc on and cycling to school and back high fiber foods: if bread counts i
got enough 😛 ive never had ginger tea. and i don’t think that i get much
sleep :O

candybell357 says:

I never knew high-fiber breakfast cereal was a vegetable.

Lauren Reed says:

i have been constipaeted for 6 weeks now and i am only 12 years old.and i
dont know much about all this stuff but i dont want to go to the

robobrain10000 says:

ya so wats a bowel movement?

candybell357 says:

Oh my god… I resist bowel movement all the time!

everythingbeauty841 says:

@purpleberry245 u can poop when ur constipated.. it just comes out in
smaller fragments, gets stuck in ur bowls, and is extrwmly uncomfterbale

El Patron says:

i h8 ginger tea

tareksajeeb13 says:

Alright there! tried – H Be Gone (google it)? Ive heard some pretty good
things about it and my brother in law after a lifetime of fighting removed
quite painful piles with it.

Natalie Dyer says:

I had a McDonalds and that helped me

ncfwhitetigress says:

lol yea

Kyriake says:

ahaha wow, finger up the ass that seems like it will hurt more than help

NothingButBarbeque says:

once i was on the toilet for 45 mintues straight

everythingbeauty841 says:

@lauren1561 ive been constipates for 10 years and im 13… not on and off
all the time.. i can see why u wudnt wanna go to the doctor but i had to go
to a stomach doctor.. what you nees to do is eat less cheese. eat
healthier, go to a drug store and by miralax, and benefiber- not the flaver
kind just the normal one. take the amount said on the bottle for benefiber
in the morning once a day and mix it with water or juice- put the powder in
first it will dissolve with no taste. then at night foll

Charlotte Morgan-Owen says:

@wildcat4live i know me too :( I JUST WANT TO TAKE A HUGE SHIT AND FEEL

jenna white says:

I got constipation for 5 months once

hilldominator27 says:

wat about rooom temperature.

JakeJNyc says:

No Retard When They Say WATER They Mean Water, Thats Like Me Drinking 10
Cups (8 Ounces Each) Of Soda Thats All Sugar And Stuff Thats Not Good For
You, Your Suppose To Drink 8-10, 8 Ounces Of Water Everyday I Would Also
Recommend Propel, Or Vitamin Water, But It Doesn’t Get more better then
“good old water”

TheJMachine says:

except soda and juices and of course beer. the sugar in them actually helps
to dehydrate you.

kathee rina says:

:( it’s really bad

Mike Conway says:

The Charles Atlas system (you know, the muscle system from comic books) has
exercises specifically for combating constipation. They definitely work.

uut0 says:

@DetectiveKidd ive drank so much of that stuff i dont get that effect lol

elliot deherrera says:

that pillow looks soooo comfortable…

elliot deherrera says:

they say it so that if someone with a condition gets hurt they cant sue
howcast because they said “check with you doctor”. really just use your
head. :::I am not a doctor and anything I say should be regaurded purly a
an opinun and not nessarally is fact.::::

nikki minaj says:

OMG i didnt want to watch this so i exited and typed that up! Now i think i
might go die in a hole from the mental scar it left me!

02spore says:

Stick soap in your ass

xXzerozeroXx says:


DetectiveKidd says:

@uut0 Coke makes it worse!

Sydneyb243 says:

when you cant poop

sk8bitchezzz99 says:

One time. My cousin didn’t take a shit for 2 weeks,,,,he learned it the
hard way shitting a 12 inch turds

misterladiesman217 says:

sup with all the videos about going to the bathroom

Gabe Galvez says:

No toilet needed?

gsrulov says:

any beverage cause they are all mostly water anyway…. but u get most of
ur water intake from the food u eat

ncfwhitetigress says:

raywilliamjohnson much?

B-boy StuntZ says:

@Chesirecatlover01 What are you talking about? This is very useful
information. I’m constipated right now actually.

7145159 says:

@chadkroegerishot nice 1

wildcat4live says:

constipation isnt a laughting matter it very uncomfortable extreamly
uncomfortable i should know i suffer from it

naminegirl21 says:

1. Did I have to see hid butt!? 2. Yogurt makes u poop. And not that
Activia crap. Regular yogurt. I eat yoplait twice a day and poop regularly
3. So I guess this video says to basically, take care of yourself.

PedophileBandit says:

Cette vidéo a juste dégagé mes deux points de constipation. Merci pour
l’aide. ~banDit

QTPatootiee says:

hes the guy in the cake video

DetectiveKidd says:

@uut0 Ok…but be careful those things give u kidney stones

Loh Yu Lun says:

I LMAO when they said a medical checkup is optional XD.Bananas help prevent
constipation too 😀

JakeJNyc says:


thesuperfilms says:

lol me too

Madison I. says:

Thanks howcast!

whoaraychel says:

why is he allways NUDE?!

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