Foods to Avoid to Prevent Constipation

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Constipation is common especially for women and senior citizens. Eating fiber rich foods is one way to help prevent constipation. Avoiding other foods can also help promote regularity.
Dairy products, red meats and chocolate are all foods that should be eaten in moderation to prevent a bout of constipation. Green bananas and caffeine are two foods that can go either way. If the bananas are ripe then they may actually help promote healthy digestion, but if they are green they may cause constipation. Caffeine may cause constipation in individuals who are dehydrated, but can help relieve the disorder otherwise.
You don’t have to deprive yourself of the foods you love. Eating certain foods in smaller quantities and along with high fiber foods might be the best solution. Discuss your options with a healthcare provider.


Daniel Thaler says:

Just about all of the products you mentioned I DIDN’T have, which a lot of
them I normally eat, and developed acute constipation. So you, as myself
at the moment, are full of it. says:

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