Chris Wark’s Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story (Chris Beat Cancer)

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Close Chris shares his story at The 2011 Cancer Control Convention in Los Angeles, CA.


Michael McElroy says:

Don’t believe this video. Believe this oncologist explaining why it’s

Sharka Vegner says:

we are being sprayed with heavy metals = cancer causes are growing rapidly
not only because of toxic food, but toxic air as well !! please go to for
detailed info & get involved in stopping this crime agains humanity

Marcus Iron says:

Nonsense, vegetarian and vegan based diets have been shown to lead to
long-term health complications and increased susceptibility to disease.
Also, saturated fats DO NOT increase the chance of heart disease. In this
man’s case, the surgery saved his life not his diet. 

Michael McElroy says:

Don’t believe this video. Believe this oncologist explaining why it’s

Eagle says:

The bullshit is strong with this one…

Momma Homemaker says:

The surgery did save his life, but he still has a valid point. He thinks
for himself and will not just blindly take a doctor’s advice. Yes doctors
are very knowledgeable, but they know medicine and they do not study
alternative treatments so they do not know much about those options.

noneedforid says:

Holy crap you people are morons. The operation saved him. Chemo for stage 3
cancer is to make sure that there is no recurrence of the disease. The
vegan diet had nothing to do with it, he just got lucky he isn’t sick YET.
This guy and everyone who believes that vegan food cures cancer is as
uninformed and as moronic as people who advocate against vaccines.

usssanjacinto1 says:

People here are not paying attention. Even though the tumor was removed,
the cancer still spread to his lymph nodes and his doctor pressured him to
do the chemo. How can you people say that the surgery and removal of the
tumor saved his life, if the cancet already spread? This Vegan treatment
somehow was able to reverse the cancer’s spread and eventually weakened the
protein walls of the cancer cells, so the white blood cells can destroy
them. If this treatment didn’t work to fight off the cancer that had
spread, he would have been dead in 2005 or less. So again, how did the
surgery save his life if the cancer already spread?

wanderingronin says:

Fuck FDA and american doctors.

They are the most corrupt and ignorant.

Shilly Storm says:

American doctors have learned that if they can leech onto the human body as
a means to getting paid golly thats what theyll do – from cradle to

Seerofvisions says:

“Yes, Chris beat cancer, but it wasn’t quackery that cured him”

“Sometimes, these patients who believe that alternative medicine somehow
cured their cancers are so transformed, so energized, that they basically
devote their lives to selling, in essence, their story, along with all the
stuff they did to “cure” their cancer.

Basically, such testimonials completely confuse the use of chemotherapy for
primary curative intent with the adjuvant use of chemotherapy in treating
their malignancies.

Many cancers, such as hematological malignancies, are treated primarily
with chemotherapy, but solid tumors (i.e., tumors arising from organs) are
treated primarily with surgery to extirpate the primary lesion. Most
hematological malignancies, if they are going to be “cured,” are cured with
chemotherapy and sometimes radiation therapy. Most solid tumors, on the
other hand, require complete surgical extirpation to cure them.

[In the cases of solid tumors,] they all underwent surgery and eschewed
other therapies, meaning that the surgery cured them. They all attribute
their survival to whatever quackery they chose to pursue rather than the
surgery. I’m tellin’ ya, as a breast cancer surgeon I sometimes get
depressed at how little credit we are given.

As glad as I am to see a cancer patient overcome the odds and beat [their]
disease, it’s truly depressing to see that same patient spread
misinformation about the science-based medicine that saved [them] and then
to promote all sorts of quackery.

Perhaps the silliest thing Wark says in this video is that he has to
“believe” in the therapy he chooses and that “if I really believed in
chemotherapy maybe it would’ve worked.” Here’s a hint: Truly effective
anti-cancer therapy doesn’t require you to “believe” in it. As has been
said before, you can be in a coma, and antibiotics will still cure your
pneumonia. In the same way, you can “disbelieve” that chemotherapy can
treat a cancer, and it will still work.

Chris Wark charges $100 an hour or $175 for two hours to impart his
“healing wisdom” to you. One wonders how many people with cancer this
not-a-doctor has led astray, potentially to their demise, and how what he
is doing isn’t practicing medicine without a license.” –

adrian saucedo says:

i also had colon cancer at 18 years old, stage iii, i did chemotheraphy, i
beat cancer now im also almost 7 years cancer free. my name is ADRIAN
SAUCEDO, i am not famous, i never decided to tell my story, idk why, but
that is what happened. i feel good knoing there is more people like me

MrCervantesent says:

This guy’s a bad-ass!! =D 

Star Tracy says:

I’m glad this brother is out there telling the world that we don’t have to
choose chemo. Praise the Lord for his healing!

Seerofvisions says:

“Despite what people may claim, videos and stories are not scientific
evidence for the effectiveness of any cancer treatment. When faced with a
patient story, it’s impossible to tell whether these patients have been
‘cured’ by a particular treatment or not.

Often it turns out that people have had conventional cancer treatments too,
yet this may not be mentioned.

And we only hear about the success stories – what about the people who have
tried alternative therapies and not been cured? People who make bold claims
only pick their best cases without presenting the full picture.

Through our information services, we’re well aware how distressing this
kind of misinformation about ‘cures’ for serious illnesses can be for
people. It gives them false hope and can lower their confidence in the
treatment they are receiving from their own doctors.

If you want to talk to someone about any cancer treatment, call the Cancer
Research UK Information Nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040, 9am-5pm
Monday-Friday.” –

anael55 says:

Sad, but this was said to me when I asked about the lack of nutritious food
available to me during a hospital stay: What did you expect? Health food?

emilybowenisgonnabefamous says:

Congratulations on beating the cancer! xoxo 

Francesca Leigh says:

The powerful message running through Chris Wark’s inspiring story should be
enough to stop the poisonous drugs running through Big Pharma’s veins.!!!

Karen Phillips says:

There might be hope! If you know anyone with cancer, this video may be
inspiring to try this.

Hendrawanto van der Uilskuiken says:
Aram Barsamian says:

Bat man, it IS the meat. Processed or not, with or without preservatives,
meat’s “complete protein” (one of its selling points), raises IGF-1, which
promotes growth, including the growth of cancer cells. Furthermore, let’s
not treat the ethical issue of killing animals unnecessarily for food as
peripheral or irrelevant.

mrD531 says:

Good for Chris, my mother had the same cancer and being 100% involved with
her medical care I feel like I’ve experienced it. All the people out the
trying to make money off sick and desperate people make me sick. Claims
without any proof. shutting down one company and opening another to run the
same scam, traditional pharmaceutical companies charging absolutely insane
fees. If you or your loved one is sick choose the best you can based on
facts, objective research and wise doctors worthy of your trust. Do not
waste your time on magical cures with insane claims. Remember you always
have a chance of survival with or without any intervention. Chris with
stage 3 cancer (depending on the specifics of his stage) had 50 – 80%
chance of surviving after a good surgery alone. Do not connect his survival
with any magical cures without facts and real doctors who you can contact
and who are not deemed crazy by their colleagues. Don’t take me wrong chemo
is barbaric – but it might be the best we have at this time. It may not be
worth it for elderly who might suffer serious complications or die from it
for Chris – it was a roll of dice. There is nothing wrong with trying to
live healthy but refusing chemo you are refusing about a 25-35% increase in
your odds of beating cancer.

Steeevyo says:

Looking forward when this quack dies of cancer

Rhonda Barlow says:

this guy has amazing insight, on what our bodies really need

woopwoop512homie says:

+chrisbeatcancer Would you say your Vegan Diet only helps for people who
have had Colon Cancer?…Would you recommend this Diet to anyone with other
types of Cancer?

wanderingronin says:

Fuck FDA and american doctors.

They are the most corrupt and ignorant.

Maire Cader says:

Chris Wark’s Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story

Reverse your diet and lifestyle and reverse diet and lifestyle related

Jota EmeEse says:


Rhonda Barlow says:
laswan s. says: Chris shares his story at The 2011 Cancer
Control Convention in Los Angeles, CA.

Iulian Dumitraşcu says:

Let us do like Chris before we are diagnosed with a disease and they say we
must die.

Felipe Roquini says:

If I were this guy I would send a postcard every Xmas to that oncologist
saying something like “still around, no chemo, thanks for nothing”….

Andreano Ng says:


Joseph Davis says:

If you or someone you know has cancer and are looking for more info on
alternative treatments to chemo and radiation, Chris Wark’s FAQ page is a
good place to start.

Also see: Chris Wark’s Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story Chris Wark’s
Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story (Chris Beat Cancer)
‪#‎cancer‬ ‪#‎cancersucks‬ ‪#‎canceralternatives‬ ‪#‎chemo‬ 

Constantin Ungureanu says:
Tracy Chastain says:
Coyote Prophet says:


carolynn kutz says:
Michael Mcdonnell says:
cristian david says:
Tonya Zavasta says:

According to CDC, of all cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal
cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United
States. The five-year survival rate for advanced colon cancer is a mere
12%. The FDA-recommended treatments include surgery, radiation,
chemotherapy and drugs. Chris Wark was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer
in 2003 and had his tumor and part of colon surgically removed, chose to
heal through the alternative methods.
You can listen to a short version of Chris’s testimony at a Cancer
Convention at this link: Chris Wark’s Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story

FiWeBelize says:

Chris Wark’s Chemo-Free Colon Cancer Survival Story

Anninos Christoforou says:
firedragon ljiljana says:
Maria Segreto says:
jenn wyatt says:

many have been hybridized to detriment & GMO’d. you want to make sure you
arent eating GMO, or drinking fluoride that isnt the harmless calcium
fluoride- its actually aluminum fluoride called hydrofluorosilicic Acid(a
metal by product left over from the aluminum phosphate fertilizer
industry!)right now, N.C & i think seattle are working on getting rid of
the fluoride int heir communities along with the 3,000 other towns that
already have. Also, H. Acid is ACID & we’re to keep our pH ALKALINE!

dgmartino2 says:

Wait… please tell me the dogs being on a vegan diet is a joke right? We
are not designed to eat meat, but dogs absolutely are! They are carnivores.
Do them a favor and buy them raw meats, from a pet store. Raw meats at the
pet store are cleaner compared to the disease ridden supermarket meat that
is so contaminated because it is expected they will be cooked.

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