Radical Remission Survivor Interview: Chris Wark (colon cancer)

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RRP Founder Dr. Kelly Turner, PhD interviews Chris Wark, a Radical Remission survivor of colon cancer. After having surgery for his Stage 3 colon cancer at the young age of 26, Chris’ intuition told him not to do the recommended chemotherapy, but instead try to heal his body by super-charging his immune system. He successfully did this via dietary changes, supplements, exercise, and mental/emotional shifts, and is here to tell his story 10 years later. Read more at http://www.RadicalRemission.com/ and Chris’ blog, http://www.ChrisBeatCancer.com/ .


Radical Remission Project says:

Learn how Radical Remission survivor Chris Wark overcame Stage 3 colon
cancer with surgery but without the recommended chemo.

Mildred Wilson says:

Wonderful interview, THANK YOU SO MUCH :)))))

zenosxr says:

I wonder if when I got out of the hospital, and got my appetite back this
is why I mysteriously craved strawberries, blackberries, cabbage and
celery….Also I will say that Any red meat DISTROYS me after colon cancer.
I have to avoid it like the plague…I wish you would link to some of these
“Studies” that you mention over and over. Peer reviewed studies would be
something worthwhile to look at.

Frankie Jimenez says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

zenosxr says:

Man, I had stage II, no lymph or metastasis, but mine invaded my left
kidney, spleen and touched on my pancreas.. I lost all of those organs
except the pancreas (just some of it)… How the hell did I not get
positive lymph I do not know… (age 34)

Kerrie Hutchinson says:

Thank you for this wonderful interview. (Paleo is not based on the idea
that cavemen only ate meat!) :-) 

Orb_it says:

of all the interviews of Chris this has by far the best questions!!! well

george griffiths says:

Thank you so much. This is wonderful stuff. I have always personally feet
that mainstream medicine has failed us with regard to cancer. MDs have
inadequate out dated therapeutics and most have no real understanding of
chronic, lifestyle based disease I fear.

Marc Tonzillo says:

What about feeding candida with all the fruits?

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