Paleo Diet – How To Avoid CHRONIC Constipation?

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G’day, I’m Durianrider from Adelaide, South Australia. I first became a personal trainer back in 1999 and have trained with some of the fittest people on the planet. Ive learned a lot along the way and I run the largest vegan forum i

n the world with Freelee the Banana Girl (, and I bust my ass every single day to help people help themselves while saving the animals and the planet at the same time. I’m a high carb, plant-based vegan cyclist who gives no fucks about saying what needs to be said.

Every year I go to Thailand and run the RawTill4 Thai Fruit Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It’s the world’s largest FREE vegan festival. Just turn up and learn and train with the best. Eat unlimited ripe fruit in Thailand and enjoy incredible Thai vegan food for CHEAP!

Stand up for what you believe in, or sit the fuck back down. CARB THE FUCK UP!


bananiac says:

BRAH! Did you even oil load before your race?!?!?!

VeganGaymer says:

DR, you pregnant with Freelee’s baby!

Julian Johnstone says:

haha that poor pedestrian didnt know which way to walk!

Carl Harwatt says:

Most of the runners I see run like that! Lookin’ like they just pooped
their pants. How many more times are we gonna see “the Lambo” clip?

Passion And Fruit says:

or get hydro-colon therapy everyday if you’re on paleo. It will flush you
right on out for about $80 USD a pop! :D

durianrider says:

Paleo Diet – How To Avoid CHRONIC Constipation?

ObamaoZedong says:

There’s a shirt out there that says “pooping, vegans do it better”

D41ryQueen says:

That woman looked uncomfortable. 

Kenny Fitzpatrick says:

You’re so silly. That’s how you build abs. I ate 5 beaver tails one time
and I looked exactly like that. It’s all natural! :) 

Potato Strong says:

miss the lambo clip!

Wondershare says:

Its cause your not taking your probiotic finer supplements and eating
your fermented sauerkraut. 

Mehdi West says:

Olive oil is actually good for constipation, just because you’re a vegan
doesn’t mean your diet needs to be low in fat, if you take away high-fat
foods it becomes even more restrictive.

aimi kv says:

Harley I ve got a question. Did you even have any injuries from being an
endurance athlete?? any bad knees?? just wondering… 

Darci Habighorst says:

It’s unbelievable people still think the only way avoid constipation is by
eating a high animal protein, low fiber diet. Even the meat eating MD’s
will say you need fiber to keep your GI tract moving. 

Venode says:

Lmfao harley that asian behind you got scared lol your too funny bro keep
it up your awesome”

SillyWebRacerZ says:

Lambo clip never gets old !

MongooseFreeRider says:

Being outdated will only get you constipated

jp929rr1 says:

“It’s the stress from all those Vegans …” LOL
Primal man could not eat more than 30 gr/fat per day consistently because
game meat does not contain more than 2g/100g F (antelope) to about 5g/100g

To eat 30gr of fat one would have to eat about 2Kg of meat = 300-500 gr
protein which would screw up poor caveman’s kidneys as we all know … Only
up near the north pole do animals carry (due to the cold) the level of fat
required to subsist on fat …

I do think though that grass fed meat once in a while (month) and some fish
(weekly) would benefit most rather than strickly vegan…

Dexter Poin says:

Haha I was busting up when he said got any olive oil? My knees are a bit
sore! Haha! Im not against a little olive oil, but I do make tons of fun of
the paleo diet. One of the biggest jokes in the history of diet fads. The
people who follow it dont even know what paleo is! And most of them dont
even follow what they think paleo is! Its hilarious stuff! 

30bananaguy says:

i love that lambo outtro lol

prenmp says:

I don’t want to be lean like a Kenyan sorry man, maybe girls do.

ViolentVegan says:

Is that Art Garfunkel putting bananas in the Lambo?

Li-San Loves says:

First thought was… You look like an egg with legs. 

Vegan Jeanni says:


pdude1911 says:

I don’t think paleo people suffer from constipation too much. Sure all the
dead rotting animal flesh can’t be good for your intestines, but if I’m not
mistaken (and I am no expert on paleo whatsoever) they eat a lot of leafy
green veggies so I guess the fiber should prevent constipation somewhat.

anthony salisbury says:

Why do you have that car? Its totally ridiculous. Even if I had a million
dollars id never buy a car that expensive. Buy a car that is reliable fuel
efficient and safe. Give me a good reason you have that car, an actual good
reason not just because you can. 

Ana Kotorri says:


a0667318 says:

I think Harley’s fat shaming me!

BestBefore111189 says:

0:47 if you woulda fallen over that wuda been HILARRRR

Doug bananaboy says:

funny and true i love this powerful type of humor

BumbleBee Healthy says:

HAHAHAHAHA! love the beginning

Vegan Soul says:

ftfu (fat the f*ck up)!! errr wait thats not right……

Jade C says:

You are too freakin’ awesome XD !!

Kfreeks says:

World’s most advanced culture in technology FTFU! :(
Not to forget about the mgo’s…

Maple Blondie says:

You’re really slowing down there Harley – better lay off the paleo diet ;-)

Organic Guido says:

CTF UP already then mate!

californiactually says:

Stop recycling the Lambo clip bra! :)

Jerry Thompson says:


Kaden Dunk says:

Is that your lambo?

Phil Moufarrege says:

you need to drink more bulletproof coffee like the cavemen did.

Ryan Knight says:

I always love the lambo clip at the end

jon schooley says:

DR What shoe’s are you running in these day’s?

Rice Power says:

Gold Coast here we come 

Steve Colebaugh says:


Gupta Fitness says:

Hello Mr Durian Riders, Good day to sir, my very good friend.
I liking this video very much, it make me laugh when it starts with your
funny walking and needing toilets.
Lots of peace to you on this fine day my friend.

Kyle Young says:


Mrsfavflav08 says:

Lol!!!!!! Tears rolling! The clip at the end too…

iiF0Xii says:

U Tryna get robbed in Thailand showing off a rented lambo 

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