Cancer symptom pains – Colon Cancer

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Colon Cancer Symptoms


ordealbyfire says:

“I’m gonna say… bladder cancer?” Lol.

Thrive Life says:

If you have cancer please visit Jason Vale’s website:

Borkaman87 says:


Had economies only been A LITTLE different, people could idle about until
democratic authorities announce a task for them to accept. People would
sign up and could be educated by just a few experts, via monitors or audio
devices. 5% of a population would be enough to rid the ENTIRE population
off any ailment within years, for FREE. Even patients could be educated to
fix eachother. It’s heartbreaking to see people in the millions and
billions, be condemned to a living hell- or a difficult death. Societies
could be so much better and it could easily be fixed. Get together and
THINK. Let’s assemble the perfect platform for common healthcare
conscription. If health is to be a human right, then make it a human duty.
So easy to implement in public education, without altering pace nor quality
much, the education needed for health care conscription would revolutionize
all layers of society. Perfect health care is prime to anything we need.
Thus, SHOULD it prolong common graduation with some year, it’d be

(Shape this text up if you like, but spread the idea of health care
conscription around wherever you can. Could make a fun study at least)

Julian Ortega-soto says:

Im sooo scared this moring I poo red but I drink a red Gatorade im just 17
years old what should I do should I wait if I poo red again

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