Colon Cancer

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The most deathly disease shared among men and women-Colon cancer. “We are what we eat.”:Dietitian. How to take care of your Colon health? Consult Aloe Expert in FLP. H/P:+6591457539


Rod Neville says:

There is a LOT of bad English on here

furniture store says:

this is a cancer this shit is treated with chemotheraphy?

Curcle McKdoofus says:

This guy must have been in a lot of pain

JM Panganiban says:

Thanks for sharing. I am one with the colon cancer patients and their
families. Let’s do more awareness campaigns.

A.M. Landau says:

I was watching a video on how to make haggus and now it took me here

Spencer Bussell says: please help!

Maja Mahaffey says:

ewwww i don’t even know how o ended up on this shit yuck 

Sophia sabar says:

If every person, can diagnostic cancer earlier, will have so many life be

Renee Chapman says:

this is gross

granpastreetz says:

Being honest I only use the bathroom 2-3 a week. I eat maybe only one meal
and a few snacks a day. Is this normal for the low amount of food I eat?

daniel velez says:

Fuck why did i had to eat when watching this video?

Jacqueline Kizer says:

What? English please

harinder says:

colon cancer cured — should medicines continue for ever [
after colon cancer is cured ] ?

shawn kemper says:

Each day, trillions of plant fibers work their way into your colon from
your anus after you wipe. Right now, your colon is inflamed from all the
immune cells destroying your colon cells.

shawn kemper says:

It’s from the toilet paper. Everytime you wipe, you wipe on trillions of
plant fibers onto your anus. Your body’s immune cells attack those fibers,
releasing hydrochloric acid in the interstitial fluid, which destroys colon
cells by damaging their structure and DNA. The cells then lose their
ability to stop replicating, and form cancer.

J Dizzle says:

Extremely informative video! Great job! I would like to offer some
additional information for people who may have colon cancer. There is a
program where professionals will negotiate your medical bills down if you
cannot afford to pay them. People who have used these services have seen
an average reduction of more than 80% in their medical bills and some bills
are even brought down to Zero! Call (800) 617-4372 for more info.

Three Lollies says:

What is the most deadly disease shared among men and women? 


hahahahah wen it poped

AllOtherNamesTaken says:


Andrea Popovici says:

@TheMitosz I’m sorry for your grandpa :(

darkerego says:

oh fuck! holy shit! fuck fuck fuck!

Tummyboxx says:

omg, it would be so fun to pop those.

frulac tulac says:

Why boner

La Louve says:

I love when he cut it,pft

shmushmizher says:

i am jack’s colon, i get cancer i kill jack

Duii26 says:

@sobreision3 what’s funny about that?? i hope you never get colon cancer
but if you do i dont think you’re gonna be laughing about it

tmat04 says:

@TooBlondeNinja because we have to die someday. In order words, they come
about naturally to help fulfill our destiny. And I agree with you in that
if they ever find a cure, some other deadly disease will come along. We
aren’t meant to be here forever. I hope i’m not being pessimistic! And I
don’t mean that we shouldn’t fight them. I wish you and your family a Merry
Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. And longevity to go along
with it, also. May God bless you!

dino2428 says:

My grandpa died from this I watched him suffer from it at the age of 8 I
broke into small tears watching this RIP Gus.

ajrapps says:

@EtaCarinaez No I’ve read up on the latest evolutionary theories and they
do their best, but really it’s just people too ignorant, proud, or scared
to look at what the truth is. Science and all its complexities did not just
come from nowhere. It HAD to have been designed. If you’d studied and
researched science as much as I have you couldn’t believe anything so base
as evoluton.

LeftoverJedi says:

@ttw06 Deep inside. 😀

intrusosgang says:

@DeathIzurfriend Or the same color of Europeans crooked teeth.

frozenadam69 says:

@lochead1 HOW DID YOU KNOW

Macky Daguman says:

Learn How to treat Colon Cancer Naturally bit.lyRCoxDl

jirasakura says:

@thomasc93 ur right hahahahahha colon cancer, the lingings are uglier and
the linings grew smaller and smaller..

PeriquinTV says:

@EverWonder29 having a horrible diet, not keeping active and having a
horrible diet? :^b

Bruce Kefauver says:

If you can get in there as easily as your showing here you can get in there
enough to put a baking soda solution on the tumors and kill the in a couple
of days and have a healthy patient when it done.Why hurt everybody you
meet.Don’t you need anymore friends?

xxxCRAZYLOVExxx says:

I don’t want to go through this, i suffer from chronic constipation, next
step might be cancer :(

ASniperFanboy says:

My mom just got this…

Xeno Morph says:

@thehantavirus hm.

911LIESdotORG says:

Continued: Once diet and exercise is taken care of, you must practice
spiritualism and faith healing which means lots of optimism and positive
attitude and the type of laughter that shakes up your guts as much as
possible. Read and understand the book Fit for Life, by Harvey Diamond and
his wife. Cancer is serious and the Gov+the AMA, USDA, FDA, the drugs
industry, and doctors, are all in on the conspiracy to make sure prevention
is not practiced so they could get as much money out of patie

Agarraestagartxa says:

@TooBlondeNinja my mother died more than a yer ago from the same disease.
She was 75 and until that disease she did not take even an aspirin…so
healthy she was! Then I thought the world fall over me, but now here I am
.Courage and go ahead!

NZpnw says:

thats nasty

lochead1 says:

@frozenadam69 Er, dunno. Is it because it gives you an erection?

Ashley Garcia says:

so once a day is good ??? yes or no ??? you only need to tell me is it ok
or not to have once a day, no need for an explain T_T. Thanks Anyways ^^ !

Christian Guzman says:


cheech91691 says:


douglas williams says:

these polyps arent cancerous,yet. its more a weakening of the colon wall.
similiar to,but not the same as diverticolitis. they are using a cautery
device,a lance to remove the larger ones for pathology for futher may have precancerous cells within. even though it is quite
possible that its malignant,it seems they are more concerned with a stoma
developing which would flood the abdoman with fecal matter. or germs
normaly present in the GI tract getting in the bloodstream. very bad

PeriquinTV says:

@cloudstrife322 call your doctor and go from there.

XwawawaX344 says:


La Louve says:

WHAT? =,=

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