Confronting Colon Cancer

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Hosted by ideastreams Rick Jackson, the show follows the stories of several people in Northeast Ohio who are confronting colon cancer. Nearly every phase of this disease is explored — from detection to diagnosis, from treatment to steps anyone can take to decrease their chances of getting this disease.


ombra306 says:

My doctor found a FLAT POLYP he could not cut and turned out to be
Now I`ll have to see a surgeon and another scopy….
I`m only 59!!

htahaei says:

if u have cancer or know of somebody that does please turn away from the
murderous medical establishment and their monopoly on treatments and
rick simpson hemp oil
Essiac and the story of Rene Caisse
Dr. Tullio Simoncini and his sodium bicarbonate therapy
Vitamin B17 / Laetrile and cancer
Mistletoe / Escador therapy
vitamin C therapy
Dr. Gerson and the Gerson Therapy
Dr. Lorraine Day
Dr. Linus Pauling
Dr. Joel Wallach
Dr. Burzynski and antineoplastons
Dr. Mercola
Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Joyce Roling says:

They say that it takes 10 years to develop colon cancer. My husband
developed a tumor larger than a golf ball in the 3 years between
colonoscopies. Explain that???? 

Kiana Foster says:

Awesome video! Thanks!

hankazaria says:

No vomiting, I believe it was part of the illness, which is one symptom,
unexplained weight. Maybe it was also part of being worried, and not
wanting to bleed everytime I went to the bathroom.

xxxCRAZYLOVExxx says:

I have seen 3 doctors already, they didn’t see it as a big deal, one told
me if i had cancer i would be all skinny and weak. Another told me to come
back in a month if the problem persists and to use laxatives in the
meanwhile. The third one told me to take anti-inflammatory pills (im not
taking it cause the first doctor told me not to :/ ). I have pencil stools,
minor pain in abdomen and have trouble pooping.

dionusos2 says:

But were you eating less or something? Because there has to be an
explanation. Or were you eating the same but basically just losing weight?

dionusos2 says:

why were you losing weight? vomiting?

hankazaria says:

I was diagnosed at 34, go figure. A co-worker’s husband did not have any
symptoms at 45. He went to the doctor because he couldn’t go to the
restroom, he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I had three of the
symptoms described here.

hankazaria says:

Go to a GI specialist and demand a colonoscopy. After all, it’s your body,
not the doctors’. I’ve read articles where colon cancer is becoming common
in young adults, 30 – 35 years old, and one doctor I work with, who worked
at NCI, actually told me it’s becoming common for people my age, 30 – 35.

Annora Karas says:

How do we account for a diagnosis of colon cancer when patient ha had
colonoscopy every 3 to 5 years with last one less than 2 yrs prior to
diagnosis…..none of those had any malignancy noted

hankazaria says:

My dad had a heart operation, did not have money to pay for it, so the
hospital used donations. I am not advocating “taking advantage of the
system”, but there are options, where the surgery could be covered
depending on your economic status. You don’t have to die, especially here
in America.

hankazaria says:

Eating the same, basically. You also have to keep in mind that losing
weight, almost 30 pounds, without “trying” in a period of 3 months is not

funkbrother216 says:

You can’t confront it without insurance, that’s the main problem. You have
these symptoms but you are between jobs with no insurance than don’t bother
“confronting” it, you’re just screwed!

dionusos2 says:

what stage/

dionusos2 says:

are pencil stools roughly the length of pencils. or are they just thin?

beachandsunandsand says:

Get a COLONOSCOPY!! That is the ONLY way to know what is going on in your
colon. Don’t waste time ‘seeing’ a Dr let him “see” the inside of your
colon instead.

hankazaria says:

That is true, before I was diagnosed with it, I lost 27 pounds in two and a
half months without even trying a thing. I had some symptoms previous to
loosing the weight, and people were telling me I looked better, since I am
a chubby looking guy. Little did I know, and little did they know…

xxxCRAZYLOVExxx says:

how long does it take before developing colon cancer, when having chronic

hankazaria says:

Yes, so far so good. I’ve been told by my oncologist it’s curable, as long
the chemo treatment works on me, as long as my body responds. So far, it’s
been one year since I finished chemo, and I had the last oncologist visit
about a month ago, he told me to comeback in three months, and I have to do
another colonoscopy a year after my last colonoscopy. Protein is just a bit
higher than normal, but ok. I am crossing my fingers, still, surgeon said
to wait five years to consider myself “cured”.

dionusos2 says:

I wonder how one loses weight when you’re consuming the same amount of
food….I presume it was because you were expelling much of it in the
bathroom? or malabsorption?

LochRaven62 says:

Extremely interesting and informative…thank you.

Ana Golobic says:

Excellent video. A friend of mine went in for her first age 50 colonoscopy
(with no symptoms) and has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Doctors should
be asking their patients to undergo a colonoscopy way earlier than age 50.
The prep has changed and is more manageable now. I am going to contact my
doctor and book mine.

xxxCRAZYLOVExxx says:

just thin

xxxCRAZYLOVExxx says:

I also lost weight but i also changed my diet, stopped eating fast foods,
eating nothing but healthy foods. I have had my throat constricting for
about 4 months now, the doctors haven’t been able to find anything wrong
with me but a bit of irritation in the throat, and diagnosed me with acid
reflux, so i was prescribed dexilant ppi, and my constipation problems
started around the time i was using dexilant. btw how did u get rid of

hankazaria says:

check yourself, do a colonoscopy or talk to your primary physician or a GI
doctor, who is a specialist. Do not think twice about it, I don’t want to
put fear into you, but you don’t have to have chronic constipation.

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