My Silent Killer-Colon Cancer

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This is my account if getting stage IV colon cancer. I also have a petition by the same name on please sign to get colonoscopies to age 40 and NOT 50. 50 is just NOT SOON ENOUGH.


metallitech says:

Well done heather. 

Heather Nelson says:

Please watch my video and read my post. If you can help, God Bless, if not,
Please forward to someone who may be able to help. Thank you so much and

Heather Youngren says:

Hello Heather,

I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on Octobert 10th, 2013. I have 30
to 40 tumors in my liver. I am only 38 years old. I have been told my
children will need to start getting colonoscopies at the age of 28. I hope
you are still cancer free.

Jonathan Tiffin says:

Hi Heather,
l was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and test results showed that l
had it in my 40 + l am now 51 l cant say how amazing and wonderfully honest
your video came across l see the journey you have walked through, and the
pain you have endured and the dark moments you have faced yet you have the
wisdom and courage to share your situation with others, much love to you
Heather…. and thank you…!! fellow silent cancer killer 

ArgentinaTuber says:

Stay strong, you’ll get through it. I wish I could give you a hug right

TheStormysky08 says:

Thank you for making this video, I pray that your health is great. I have
stage 4 colon cancer as well I was told I had overran cancer and I had to
have a hysterectomy at the age of 25, when they went in and took everything
out they saw that the cancer had spread so they closed me up and told me I
needed to to a different doctor. I didn’t go I was scared I had already
been told I had overran and uterus cancer I didn’t want to hear anymore bad
news, I waited years before I saw a uncologis

Daniel Asher Saville says:

You amazing lady!!!!

Azariah Huskey says:

I hope everything is getting better.

Danielle Garcia says:

Heather, Thank you for all that you are and ALL that you do! It takes a
courageous soul to step forward and share your life AND make a positive
difference. Maybe if this standard had been in place years ago, my father
would be alive today, and maybe my father in law would not be suffering
right now as he battles the after affects of this tragic disease. God bless
you and thank you for sharing your heart with us all.

Imran Ali says:

hi I know what how you feel I have stage 4 colon canser and same thing
with me I had 2 big overy cyst when they did surgery they had to take some
of my colon out because canser eat it up bad today I just done my 12 round
of chemo dr say there a 70 to 80 % chance of it coming back I to keep thank
good thoughts ty for making this iam 41 i pray for you and your family

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