3 Steps to a Perfect Colon Cleansing Diet & Detoxification

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Learn the benefits of better colon health and 3 Steps to a Perfect Colon Cleansing Diet. ……. Do you know how important your colon is to your overall wellbeing? Do you know that over worked colon can lead to all sorts of stomach problems? Do you know that clean and healthy colon can lead to vibrant, healthy and longer live? Do know that colon cleansing and eating food full of fiber and fresh fruits can help eliminate colon cancer? Learn more and get answers for these and other colon health related problems from these blog


Victor Summer says:

Ya know the person is probably gonna try and sell you something wen they
use a computer to talk instead of an actual uman being.

Teralek says:

Colon does not block you morons! If colon blocks you die… Detox scams!
Tired of your BS!

Rasham bhangu says:


larevolucion2 says:

Very nice music, feels like I’m at a doctors office. Thank you dr Stephen

Tedd Grateful says:

thank you Steven Hawking!

Julia Charl says:

Eat lean meat, fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables and fruit and vegetable
juices (without added sugar or other additives).

XXtheJUMPoffXX says:

This computer voice isn’t even pronouncing some words correctly

Gongo Xin says:

Computer generated voice, how lame is this?

Daniel Hulse says:

Computer voice is choppy and irritating. Can’t bear it.

andre SAMSON says:

@Sir *Bowtrol is the best..Bowtrol is an herbal product intended for
cleansing the colon to make the bowel movement easier. This product cleans
the vital body organs in the digestive system. But, its main focus is to
give a refining relief to the colon.*

SherleyPhinnisee livinglifewithbeauty says:


Harry Nelson says:

A steven hawking production

duyen690 says:

Go vegan for optimal health!

Eunice cayaban says:
Wanda Walker-Carrasquillo says:
alan30189 says:

Is that a computer talking or a person? Sounds like a computer generated

jam13es says:

@Benzy1955 Uhhhh.. No.. It’s lives.. “Lifes” isn’t a word… Good try

xfactor12100 says:

Thanks for watching! Please come back for more videos on this and other
topics. I will be adding lots of more videos in the near future.

Monsterchief300 says:

“lives” lol

Edmark RomeInternational says:

Hey Guys Try This One to Detoxify our body: Shake Off Phyto Fiber, 100%
SAFE & VERY EFFECTIVE!!! just search on FB: Edmark-Rome-Italy :)

Michael Wu says:

the website dont work! LOL you need to clean the colon and flush those
parasites out of the body!

keeyk118b says:

according to a friend who is a gastroenterologist, most if not all
nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine. the colon’s function is to
absorb water. eat plenty of fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water to
stay healthy .

Yogesh Rajani says:

Really excellent website please carry on this videos .. yogesh rajani.

Martina12356789 says:

@bbuntin please, do so :-)

Sh Mor says:

All corct, still there is genetic factor in erly colon polyps and mental
stress status al 3 are the combianed factors as one in appering of colon

killedtwosherif says:

i have problem with eating fruits and vegetables pleaase i need an advice
on this issue i am 20 years and i didnt eat a single type of fruit since

James Stamp says:

Well you are royally fucked then. Fruits and vegetables are what we are
designed to eat. Years ago people could get away with eating moderate
amounts of meat even though they shouldn’t. These days farmed animals all
eat GMO feed, scraps and carcass’s of other dead animals, live in absolute
toxic filth and then end up on your plate. So my friend if you eat
processed fast food garbage, packet foods, and meat instead of fruit, veg
and grains you will be in a lot of trouble in the years to come…

Mayur Jain says:

if you dudes will need to get ripped a lot quicker without spending a
single additional minute in the gym, then you have to keep an eye on this
video tutorial COOK46.COM It’s all her fancy: she never executes nobody,
you know.

Martin Reed says:

Haha, monk email

Mark Wise says:

It’s Steven Hawkins

kasuni13 says:

It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when normal people accomplish it
so easily with Trim Fat Maximizer (Google it).

Wolf Patrick says:

If you desire to lose weight effeciently, you should take a look on Google
for “PAFF Fat Furnace”. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

Outsider Productions says:

I heard that in the Natural Community,many say that Death Begins In The
Colon.Great info.Thanks for posting!

Mahendra Gupta says:

You are right. i know the bad fat is the reason that stopping 6 pack coming
outside even we work out well. btw!but ye the surprising part is my friend
who is not doing much excercises, maintaining his six pack with this secret
food items. have a look here bit.ly/17uXLGX?=jdpnl

Joshua nulph says:

My mates lauhghed when I said I would lose weight by not being a fatty and
now I look healthy.

Manoj Kumar says:

sure is right. i know the bad fat is the reason that stopping 6 pack coming
outside even we work out well. Listen to this Do you know about the 7 odd
foods that kill belly fat if you don’t know about them you must see this.
if you are serious go for it now bit.ly/15cUUBA?=quven

nojyeloot says:

yeah. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your
eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. Listen to this I heard that
most of the celebrities used to follow to kill their belly using this 7
food items. you can see it here => bit.ly/16iZe3y?=xqnot

Yura Veselov says:

Hello! I’m Amanda.I did -35 lbs last 2 month.Go to hawght.so#5WXP

xxxxDziDzIxxxx says:

My classmates laughed when I told them I would burn calories with “Lean
Body Maximizer”, but then they saw the results. Go and google “Lean Body
Maximizer” to see their reaction.

broly Tale says:

Useful video! by the way my friend followed this popular weight reduction
plan named: Fat 360 Nuke and dropped 15 pounds within a month. I can not
remember the exact web site just Google it.

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