Are Colonics Healthy?

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Do you need a colonic? Many people suffer from constipation. Others have been told they have years of impacted old fecal matter lining their colons that they need to cleanse out.

Is there truth to this?


Are there other ways to eliminate constipation? Find out in this video.

Take control back of your health with diet and lifestyle changes!


The Fruit Doctor says:
Eva Budai says:

The coffee enema ‘s focus is not so much on the intestine but on cleaning
the liver, getting rid of toxins from the body not so much the dirt from
the intestine wall. As far as I know. You always have great videos. 

Marla Shidster says:

Easter coffee enemas are the rage around my family from my 10 year old to
my gay son, Robin, who is 28. We all have coffee or tea enemas then go off
to Easter Service with hopes no one has an emergency like last year when my
14 year old had the shits during the Crucifixion Reenactment. Wow some
laughter, but we left quickly.

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