Colonics in Los Angeles – See detox in action!

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Have you ever wondered why everyone is raving about colonics? See for yourself and decide.


Talya Meldy says:

Ha ha on the last comment


I think the big girl just likes getting things shoved up her ass. And
actually the perfect place to build a rose garden would be on a garbage
dump. All of the decomposing material would release free nutrients, and
elements like nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen etc. which would be ideal for
growing flowers like roses.

Robby Hall says:

Well said t marie

Robby Hall says:

so exactly how safe is this procedure and how much does it cost for 1
session? I live in Ca and im thinking about trying this.

Jorge Inacio says:

all nature have detox humans care sooooo must toxic….
wars sikiness accidents divorss abuses cause by toxis
detox is one solution

Robstabobby says:

Urine therapy 

Robstabobby says:

Urine therapy 

joao firmino dos santos says:

Wow! It’s an amazing service. I wish they had it here in Brazil.

Cassandra July says:

After I defecate I feel like I’m have not emptied my rectum fully. Could
this help?

Vicious Vomit says:

If a colonic clears up your bad breath…you might have bigger issues.

NewChicago says:

Looks like the atmosphere makes the procedure less taxing.

Kina G.S. says:

I am a nurse.There are no “TOXINS” in our body, or large intestine, that
you can’t just poop out! This is just a fancy enema. Any “health benefits”
are totally coincidental. . . Of coarse this woman will sell her product
“get it at LEAST every month” and I’m sure more will be advised! Look, if
you fast for 24 hrs. take a special laxative, and then an enema, as I did
to prepare patients for colonoscopies, your colon is clean as a whitle,
I’ve seen it on the TV that the scope shows. Nothing old.

4inches4u says:

its good for you if your into anal sex!

blacknyax says:

7 months later, out of curiosity did you go for the colonic?

Talya Meldy says:

Go to the International Association For Colon Therapist website:
Then click on referrals, enter your city or area code, and you should be
directed to professional, certified colon hygiene technicians in your area.
Truly, Clear Way Health

OwlCUlater says:

I want to poop :(

Lolita Smith says:

My sister is a Nurse and she suggested that I try colonics about ten years
ago. I did not listen to her, but when my Doctor HIGHLY recommended it to
help with my Chron’s Disease, I gave it a try. Colonics have been helping
my Chrons for the last six years. I find that more and more doctors are
recommending colonics. Please try it, you may actually like it. I’m glad I

t marie says:

For a nurse…. you sure need higher education in correct spelling. Which
leads me to question you as to what you say you are. “Look,” it’s an
actual fact that backed up fecal matter in the colon does exist & can cause
many irritations to the human body as well as result in a poor ability to
properly digest food & receive its intended nourishment. No to be overly
rude – but you don’t come across very educated – especially in this matter
at all – which has been around for a very long time.

Universal Mastery says:

I heard the results in terms of mental clarity are outstanding.

Nguyen Huy Huan says:

It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when these other normal
people are able to burn fat easily using Lean Body Maximizer (Look it up on

kate doster says:

i am having my first one soon. i take a lot of prescription narcotics from
a bad spinal, hip and tailbone injury and i had an upper gi done not too
long ago and my colon was completely impacted. honestly i’m scared to have
it done :(

bingobongo445 says:

So people think cleaning there ass like a kitchen sink,is a good idea right

josie gonzalez says:

T marie before you start putting other people down make sure that you are
perfect, you’re trying to talk and act like something that you’re not. look
at your spelling and the way you express yourself, you seem to be the dumb
one here not the one you’re trying to put down! have a good day and go back
to school!!

Talya Meldy says:

Sure. You can do enemas at home.

MIckey F'in Mouse says:

Colonics saved my life. Nothing else would have worked. Cramps went away
for life and my skin cleared up–never had an outbreak in 20 years.

Vicious Vomit says:

2:55 She felt mentally clear after a colonic….I’m STILL lol’ing

swissmrkc says:

i recognize this place from the shorts, that is where shay carl went

SuperBlueboy1878 says:

If you are looking to burn calories quickly, you should search google for
Cosmos Fat Loss. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

Talya Meldy says:

Thank you all for your responses. Clear Way Health

Talya Meldy says:

This is the best colonic place – honestly …..

Soumya Rajapaksha says:

Have you experienced “Ripped X Beast?” (do a Google search for it) It is a
quick and easy way to get ripped fast.

Talya Meldy says:

Thanks for your input. Perhaps you’ve had a colonic before? If not, I
invite you to investigate it, before judgement.

Erikdevart says:

It’s not “toxins,” it’s making poop come out before it’s ready to come out.
“Toxins” are never explained by them and there is no scientific proof.

4inches4u says:

so are you into anal?? hmu

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