Your Anti-Constipation Action Plan

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Clearly, being constipated is no fun for anyone, and it’s a condition that can have long-lasting effects on your health. Be aware that many drugs and some diseases can cause you to become constipated. Even if your constipation is caused by drugs or a disease, you can find relief by following this action plan, but be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any plan.

Step One: Fiber Fiber Fiber
Okay, fiber is boring. It isn’t flashy like some other supplements that you can take, but it is essential for your health. Not only wi

ll fiber add bulk to your diet, which can reduce constipation, but fiber also plays many other roles in the body.
Fiber is what helps to ensure that many toxins leave your body. Fiber has a way of grabbing on to other molecules. When your body wants to get rid of something, it sends it down your intestines. If there is enough fiber, that molecule is taken out of the body. If there is not enough fiber, that molecule is often reabsorbed.
Fiber also provides a food source to the bacteria in your gut. The bacteria munch the fiber and we enjoy the benefits of the vitamins and nutrients that are extracted.


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