How to Treat a Stomachache | Stomach Problems

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Learn how to treat a stomachache from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems and digestive disorders.

There’s a lot of different ways that you can treat a stomachache, and it’s really based on what’s causing the stomachache. If it’s something that you ate, or you ate too much, or something that’s just didn’t agree with you, you just need to remember not to do it again. That’s the bes

t way to treat that kind of stomachache.

If your stomachache may be due to a burning sensation, or may feel like a burning sensation, that may be gastritis or an ulcer, in which case you need to treat it by neutralizing the stomach acid. There’s a couple ways of doing that. One is with either over-the-counter Maalox or Mylanta, which are called antacids, or H2 blockers, such as Pepcid. There are stronger proton pump inhibitors that really block the acid completely, and those are products called Prevacid or Prilosec, which is pretty common. You can get some of those products over the counter, as well.

If you’re having stomachaches that are associated with constipation or stomachache with diarrhea, then you really need to treat those problems. So constipation is best treated by increasing the fiber in your diet and drinking a little bit more water. Once you start emptying out your bowels, that may help with your stomachache. The diarrhea is a whole other issue, because you’ve got a lot of bowel movements. So something over the counter, such as Pepto-Bismol, might help with the bloating and may help with the diarrhea and help to kind of make you feel a little bit better.


Sophia Rodriguez says:

I have chronic stomach pains. I have switched to a dairy and gluten-free
diet, and it’s definitely helped with the aches. However, now my stomach is
constantly making these embarrassing noises.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I would appreciate the help :)

Hannah Scott says:

Okay,don’t eat 1000 skittles!

ahmad Ibrahim says:

I have it and nothing happened

Victoria England says:

Nausea and something for nausea this video doesn’t help at least it doesn’t
help me

CheesyTorndo says:

Stupid adds

Emily H says:

So basically buy medicine wow thanks for the help I would have never

Kyle Schmidt says:

Not helpful

CheesyTorndo says:


Genki Productions says:


The Guard Bear says:

Am I the only one who thought this was HowToBasic’s

McKenzi Norris says:

i know :(

Dante Rav says:

I stop the burning sensation by eating crackers/popcorn/drinking a can of
milk or 1 sodium bicarbonate scoop in 1 glass of water

pikachuofarctic says:

Don’t do it again? Oh wow! That’s sure helps right now!

Diego Roncal says:

2 years ago howcast was amazing now it’s SHIT!

Waqas Ahmad says:

OK i have unsubscribed happy now

202Snowflake says:

omg you watch these too? O:

Cordovarian says:

I saw the title I thought, TUMS AND PEPTO, DUH!!!!!

Dentchi 'Tom' says:

I like her throat six pack

julie vasquez says:

Is that the chick from the office?

Jim Farmer says:

How to treat a stomachache. Step 1. Smoke pot Step 2. ??? Step 3. Profit

Sonia Sok says:

Yeah! I only watched one about some amazing things, but now,,, there’s
about masagges! It’s dumb!

McKenzi Norris says:

omg lol, so mean though XD

chopaface says:

well this is a bit helpful. my bf has been experiencing stomach issues for
almost a year now…

LovelyGirlCreations says:


Gio Sayomi says:

Why Am I watching this….

LovelyGirlCreations says:

yeah lmao! there so stupid!

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