How To Get Immediate Constipation Relief – Jovanka Ciares

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Are you uncomfortable, bloated and constipated (and not happy about it)? If so, you’re not alone. Tens of millions of people suffer from constipation more than 3 times a week. In fact, there are tons of people out there that can go up to 10 days without going!! Wow!

Even when you eat the right foods, sometimes your stomach and digestive system may be a little out of sorts, and there are a few reasons for that.

Check out the video to find out how to get relief to your pooping issues once and for all.

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I have no problem talking about “embarrassing” topics…like GAS and bloating…because I know how uncomfortable and potentially humiliating both can be.

Even when you eat the right foods, sometimes your stomach and digestive system may be a little out of sorts, and there are a few reasons for that

1st, you may not be drinking enough water to help your bowels move properly. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and if your someone, like me, who loves their coffee, you need even more hydration.

Also, you may be increasing your fiber content, which is a great thing, but may take your body a few weeks or months to become accustomed to (patience is key here).

And third, you may not be digesting your food properly. This may be a result of not chewing your food well, not combining the foods properly or your body is not making the right amount of digestive enzymes.

I’ve been talking about food combinations for a while – check out my video on what this is by googling…..

I have suffered from bloating and gas since I was a child. But only when I started juicing and properly combining foods and taking enzymes, did my issues started to get better …….. tell the story of my stomach issues

By 24 I had a couple of ulcers, colitis and yet no solution….

After months of slowly changing my eating habits, I began to see some real positive changes in my digestion…I felt less bloated, my stomach was not as “pooched,” and I didn’t automatically feel gassy after every meal.

My digestive health continued to get better and better as my eating habits got better and better and as I continued to lose weight…awesome!

As I have said before, You are NOT what you eat, you ARE what you DIGEST and assimilate.

If you don’t digest, it will be very hard to assimilate and absorb the nutrients. More over, the whole digestive proc.ess will stall, leading to gas, bloating, discomfort and pain.

So in addition to the tips that I gave you at the beginning, keep these in mind:

Below are 3 very important TIPS to get your body digesting your healthy food and get rid of any uncomfortable Gas, Bloating or Indigestion:

Apple Cider Vinegar – Helps relieve constipation and assist in weight control by breaking down unwanted fat in the body.

Drink your raw foods Raw foods should be an essential part of your eating plan every day. Following the 1 raw food rule (1 raw item in each meal) will help you manage the gas associated with raw foods. Also juicing your fruits and veggies is incredibly cleansing, will help with weight loss and will help relief constipation, bloating and gas with regular use.

Chew your foods properly – Lots of undigested foods that end up making you feel awful and causing constipation are foods that are not properly broken down. Remember, the digestion process star

ts at the mouth. Chewing is eesential.

Take a quality Digestive Enzyme with every meal. Even with the right foods, my own digestive enzymes may need some assistance. Your ability to produce digestive enzymes and therefore digest food properly will decline with age so taking some with food will help you manage digestive issues

Take a magnesium supplement every night before bed – magnesium is an amazing mineral that will help you absorb calcium, reduce muscle tension and will increase water in your intestines and help improve peristalsis (the process of moving fecal matter through your intestines).

Hope this helps. Let me know which ones of these tips are you most likely to start doing and why by leaving a comment below.


TickleBiscuit says:

Man… my record so far is 5 days without a dump. Im on pain meds that
cause severe binding. Ive gotten somewhat used to it. Ill feel a gut
rumble, and I know its about to go down. When I finally push one out, I
swear I can hear angels singing. It hurts so good… usually the size of a
table leg. Im actually


Lol haha poop

lomo ray says:

All you need is PRUNE JUICE or Plum fruit (THE SAME) .
No toxic medicine.

ScarletFierce says:

this video made me poop lol

Annika M says:

Ok so i’m 13. I’ve been having issues my whole life. When I say my whole
life I don’t mean without going. I mean being backed up. Having stuff in
there that isn’t coming out.

I take a triple adult dose of miralax a day. I have a amitiza twice a day.
Along with added fiber. I drink about the recommended amount. All the
doctors are trying to help but nothing seems to be working right. I’m
careful about my diet. I’ve been to the hospital once. So many doctors.
Many uncomfortable procedures. One told me my colon is 3 times the size a
adult mans. Magnesium citrate drink at least once a month, enema,
laxatives… I’m often in pain. Even the smallest diet change can cause
pain. I’ve been to therapy on how to coordinate.

I once took 10 saline and oil enemas in 5 days and absolutely nothing came
out. Finally a milk and molasses one worked. But that was probably one of
the most painful things i’ve ever experienced.

Yah. I feel like something must be seriously wrong with my process. 

Madan Kumar says:

Where are the tips? 

GirlFeetSniffer4U says:

I could not shit or fart for a week. I ate a whole box of fiber one bars. I
must of took a 5 pound shit in like an hour. It was amazing. I was blowing
them like crazy too. 

PandaPuffs says:

I need serious help. About 2 1/2 years ago, I embarked on a healthier
lifestyle by incorporating more fruits and veggies, exercise, plenty of
water, and fiber. I lost weight and have been able to maintain it but I
have never been able to fix my bloat and irregular bowels. Over the summer
I tried going vegetarian and then vegan, then ultimately I tried the
rawtil4 and even fully raw diet. However, they didn’t really help me and
made me feel very heavy and lethargic. So I decided to switch back to a
regular diet consisting of just whole, clean foods. However, my symptoms
have not gotten better at all no matter what I try and they only seem to be
getting worse. I saw a doctor, 2 actually, and they sent me home with pills
that I don’t want. Then I saw a chinese doctor who gave me acupuncture and
sent me home with a herbal drink she made for me. However, it doesn’t seem
to be helping and my parents are forcing me to take laxatives and eat they
way they want me to eat. I’m 22 and still a dependent so forgive me if I
can’t “stand up for myself”. It’s not easy and I don’t have much say. I
have wanted to see a naturopath but it is not covered by insurance, and w/e
isn’t covered by insurance my parents won’t let me do. I am suffering so
much and I have become very stressed and emotional about it because I work
so hard to cure myself and be healthy.. and am not seeing any results. What
am I doing wrong? I tried asking for help here and there but help is
expensive. If help is expensive and costly then I can’t receive proper help
and therefore I will be stuck living the endless cycle of pills under
insurance. What do I do?

manikandan m says:

Hi, I am mani, I had this problem, For this issue I have got solution from
indian ayurvedic treatment. Lets start. First in the early morning 4 to 6
am wake up and boil a 1/2 litre water as much you can drink, after boiled
the water add 1 or 2 spoon Salt as much you can with that water and then
mix it and drink that water with light hot. And then walk at your
home.after 30 mins you will get urge. go to toilet. your entire colon will
clear. follow this method next three days. after third day daily drink 1/2
ltr hot water only. you will get urge.(Note: monthly once follow the salt
water treatment). I hope this will help you.

Phoenix RadTech says:

Great info! Thank you so much!

evelyn duncan says:

Great video! Don’t forget to add that along with a good probiotic and a
good fiber, it has been found that 80 percent of people with constipation
problems also are magnesium deficient. So please take a good magnesium

JD Carter says:

The fastest way to get rid of constipation is to watch scary videos or
movies like anneabell or the woman in black. It’s works for me₩§

alan5435 says:

Is it normal to be constipated for almost 3 months? 

daoquynh29 says:

It means it’s serious and you need to check out with a dr. Be sure to tell
them about that too
Since old stool get stuck the recent ones (or liquids) pass it so that’s

John Taka says:

I think I am having pretty bad case of constipation since I had a bad cold.
Help me

Mark Keller says:

Just came from my gastro Dr. today. She gave me a prescription for Linzess
145. I guess that means she thinks I have CIC? Seeing that I was coming out
of anesthesia from my colonoscopy I can’t remember what she may or may not
have said to me afterwards. I also have a hiatal hernia (which she doesn’t
think needs to be corrected) and the combination of both problems
(constipation and reflux) is getting to be too much to bear.

Either problem has my breath smelling badly, and when both are acting up at
the same time … I just want to die from embarrassment and the harassment
at work. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t go out anymore, I don’t
have people over, I avoid conversations, etc. etc. I’ve had this problem
for decades (since high school) and it has slowly drawn me into a shell
that is now rapidly closing in and becoming a cage.

I need relief before it becomes my coffin.

Shykyrah Burt says:

I need a good juicer machine and recommendations?

chris says:

Thanks for the tips :-)…. I’m glad you are on this video of instead of in
person, otherwise I’d be somewhat embarrassed. You have a kind tone of
voice & very pretty.

b yoon says:

interesting points ,if anyone else wants to uncover
how to live a healthy natural life try Awsomic Natural Health (Have a
quick look on google cant remember the place now)? Ive heard some amazing
things about it and my neighbor got great success with it.

Katrina Sibley says:

diarrhea with constipation? is what I have, help!?! and Im vegan whole
fruit and veggie not processed food. Im lucky to go once a day. Im having
an endoscopy and colonoscopy on 10/6/14 and work out everyday

Parthasarathy TOTADRI NATHAN says:

Very useful tips . .easily implementable..most useful tip to me was enzyme
addition . ..thanks a lot 

Marty Haas says:

Gentle lady … Thnks for info

Karen Cruz says:

What kind of meals should i eat?

Cheryl Lane says:


Here’s a drink you can take in the afternoon to activate a bowel movement.

With a juicer, juice some tomatoes, carrots, and celery. By experimenting,
you can discover the amount of each vegetable to use according to your
taste. Mostly likely you will want equal amounts of tomatoes and carrots
and you will want to add a few stalks of celery including the leaves.

Now, let’s add a few more items to give your drink more pushing power.
Squeeze in a small amount of garlic, onion, and radish. While juicing your
carrots, juice a small bunch of spinach or parsley.

Drink 1 to 1 ½ cups in the morning and see the results soon after.

P.S. You can read more about constipation remedies information at

Jelena Dobric says:

nice tips, but there’s nothing immediate about them, and that’s what i need
right now!

J AMIE says:

Me and my baby daughter went to a buffet in phoenix n we both got
constipated freaking sucks 

Something Nice says:

Drinking Hot Water can Relive Constipation!

OurBest ForHisPraise says:

is beautiful – with great information – that is all we need.

Roy Liew says:

This video is very deceiving. They are not immediate solutions

Quagigitymire says:

Due to medication I very often go around 5 to 10 days between movements and
I am always, always straining and the stool is very little almost walnut
size and take very long to expel. I am now developing painful hemorrhoids
and haven’t gone without seeing blood in months. Sometimes it’s pretty
substantial, others minimal, but it’s always there. I have use laxatives,
colace, sencot and these really seem only to cause very painful cramps with
little relief. I hate doing it, but I often am forced to use saline liquid
laxatives when it’s been a longer than normal time. I can say I have on
many occasions gone well over 10 days and I get to feeling very tired,
almost as if my body is poisoned type feeling. It’s horrible and I don’t
have insurance and don’t really know where to go or what to do. It’s
absolutely affected my entire life and I am only 32 years old. I don’t
often leave my house to do much in case the painful gas hits or I have to
go. It’s not fun explaining why I just spent 45 minutes in a restroom at a
restaurant with friends.

yuukun090 says:

Thank you Jovanka! I had problems since I was diagnosed Crohn’s disease and
got into remision, but after two months of taking your instruktions, it
made a big change. I don’t suffer anymore and I fell much more energized!
To all people, just be patient and don’t eat junk food and large amount of
sugar. That’s a silent killer.

Greetings from Serbia and thank you for guidance to a better quality life

yves luis says:


roniera cornwall says:

i have stomach pressure problem i need releif from this every thing ni eat
it sat up in my chest i have to jump and down for the food to come down it
takes hours and hours to feel better do i drink ginger for this im going to
cas doctor hiatus hernia its real small but it inter fere with my whole
life please give m esome advice thankyou

April Fairy says:

Help!? My normal bowel movement was everyday in the morning but it stopped
8 days ago. I went to a doctor and she just said to change my diet to one
with more fiber and that was 3 days ago. Right now I have gas and rumbling
in my intestines and diarrhea. What should I do? I’m 16

Luis Fernandez says:

this isnt immediate

kenan&kel says:

that apple cider vinegar tip is amazing. never knew it broke down fat cells

sidcon1 says:

You are Gorgeous! Thank you for the very informative Video. Thumbs up

Christopher Gardner says:

How the fuck are these IMMEDIATE?! These are preventative measures. 

EgOBOi1 says:

Thank you I hope this works
Nice i hear it’s not only me 

MsLeelee94 says:

thanks for the info i wish i could talk to you more in private this is a
constant battle and im afraid ill get colon cancer if i cant find a
solution my dr. just suggest miralax and perscribe laxatives it not getting
rid of my problem. i want to be healthy even if i have to just drink my
meals thanks for the video tips.

John McDevitt says:

What do you mean by a digestive enzyme? 

A Akda says:

So wheres the immediate relief? 

Muthu Manickaraj says:
TerryLicia Reed says:

Dear, by the time the food becomes stuck in your large intestine, it HAS
been digested! That occurs in the small intestine. Constipation has so
many sources that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Your tips are
great but an “Immediate Constipation Relief? is not appropropriate; it’s a
come-and-watch-me title. Stinks like five day old feces! And BTW,
potassium citrate (I like the cherry flavored liquid myself) is available
in any drug store and many supermarkets. It IS “natural” and it WILL work
for ANYONE. Even diabetics.

lampuiho says:

My way of fixing constipation. Stop working.
Just work at home. No idea why that fixes it.

Pau Kung says:

She’s Brazilian. Muito obrigado Jovanka!

Roy Liew says:

Are you philippino?

victorianinfinity says:

“10 days without going” I go like once a month wow

JamesOscar says:

great tips but i heard nowhere about immediate relief anywhere in this
video. misleading title.

jordan ash says:

Richard barksdale lol this is about constipation and advice on relief of
constipation not politics

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