Diet For Constipation Relief – 6 Vital Steps

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A healthy diet for constipation relief is simple and can be very effective. Start with these easy changes. Do you like talking about poo as much as me? Help me “get things moving” by leaving a comment below. And you can read the full article here:


Senior Senior Gonzales says:


starfruit99999 says:

Basically, eat: fruits, veggies, some healthy fats. Avoid grains.

Ramona Q says:

And the award for most uses of the word “poo” in a video goes to….. ( ◠‿◠
) This was interesting – thank you!

Alex Rivers says:

Thx Heather you really help, ive suscribed to your channel. Looking forward
to watching all your past vid’s!

Lemonade25 says:

Flare ups really suck and your dad should be more sympathetic! But people
who don’t have IBS don’t have a clue how awful it is that you eat nothing
and look like 6 months pregnant!

fmbighair says:

@farmerrathfield very well said, healthy and radiant is where it’s at. To
me, being healthy and attractive is more of a state of mind than a tangible.

0xNEVVG3N says:

@whothehellgivesadamn Interesting comments you make but please loose the
CAPS, it’s annoying and hard to read comments with all caps…

WithChildLikeFaith says:

I truly find the colon to be one of the most fascinating organs in the
body. The majority of people have seemed to forgot how their own bodies
work these days and beat their colons up with their fiber impoverished,
sugar-salty diets. Its intelligent videos like this one that show how
closely diet and overall health are related, something that too many people
are not acknowledging at all. Please keep the healthy vids coming!

TheCrab1992 says:

Since I am Vegetarien (and now vegan) I had never problems with
constipation! I think its becuase I eat much more fruit! Before, I often
had reallybig “poo” Problems!

TheNewPoetry says:

@whothehellgivesadamn I know you’re obviously a troll, but telling someone
who previously had an eating disorder to starve themselves is really
dangerous. As much as I like these videos, I really can’t tolerate that
kind of dangerous talk. If I were an insecure teen being told to do
extensive fasting could land me in the hospital. I’m going to unsub, as
much as I hate to. Sorry Heather, I love your recipes but I hate ignorant
vindictive people.

Jurina Harris says:

I didn’t want to admit it but, Im probably constipated. :/ I just had the
stomach flu for 3days. I vomitted the first day about 3times then the rest
of the 2days, I had diareia. Now I cant poo at all. I probably made a
mistake by eating a couple of fatting foods last night and a little this
morning but I was hungry for fatting foods! 😀 But now my stomach is paying
for it cause I cant go to the bathroom so how am I gonna empty all of it
out?! :/ I’ll tell my mom to buy prune juice I guess. :/

TheKalpana21 says:

Thanx a lot 4 the great informations..

MrAkerz says:

Lol great vid!! I luv2poo jus cant atm :)xx

muffinmarisa says:

OMG i have went in 2 days. i havent been eating much of anything =O

InvisiMan2006 says:

Awesome video! Because of Crohn’s disease, the last few years have all been
about poo! Unfortunately, it’s been mostly negative, but I’ve learned a lot
about this taboo subject .

foodpuppie says:

This is great info. I’ve realized that drinking warm to hot water,
especially first thing, works better for me than room temp or cold water
regarding regularity.

TheNewPoetry says:

@whothehellgivesadamn lol troll. Fail.

K4TH7D4V1S says:

I talk about poop to more people than most lol. And this is the first time
I have experienced constipation as a vegan…and blows. Great tips. Thanks!

iamkat8p says:

@whothehellgivesadamn do you have to type in caps o.O?

fmbighair says:

Hello, thanks for taking on a taboo, yet very import topic. I sent you a
message but I did want to tell you about a book a friend told me about, its
called “What’s Your Poo Telling You.” It’s published by the same people who
wrote, “What’s My Pee Telling Me?” Fer serious, both great ways to raise
awareness while entertaining at the same time :)

Shahid Shafique says:

hi there. i have very big problem of digestion food. everyday i eat in the
monring some boil vegies,some salad some beef some fruit then in the
afternoon some lentils night some milk and a little creal. it takes 2 to 3
day or 4 day the poo comes hard and small in this journey the stomach makes
noises like pops and bubles and intestime too i dont know is this health
diet or should i change my eating please give me some advise have a great
life thank you for helping me bless you

Emilia Arrington says:

Love that you broached the subject. I believe you are correct about the
morning constitutional. I’ve noticed my pets have a burst of activity
before going potty. The indoor cats sprint around the house, the dogs like
to walk and trot about a bit before they go, hence, generally, active
people have less difficulty going potty. AND what goes in, must come out,
so if one is putting things in improperly, it will generally come out
improperly. I’ve heard it said “The Truth is in the poo.”

sheikha baladram says:

thanks ur video is very educational and it really helps.

Magdalena Rhinehart says:

I have IBS so I’m always talking about poo haha I’m so glad you’re not shy
about it either, my dads weird though – I had a flare up last night and
today and he’s all ” you don’t need to talk about it I don’t need to know
about it you’re meant to be a lady ” lol thanks for the tips I’m munching
apples as I type! P.s you’re so pretty you look like a Disney princess !
Girl crushing majorly lol

Jessica Riojas says:

heather did you graduate at bauman college

ARBuilder1776 says:

How long should it be? Mine are like 18″ long and sometimes longer.

mashtee2003 says:

Heather, u look so cute, I can’t even imagin u ever take a crap! :)

TheNewPoetry says:

I think one more thing that should be mentioned is that if your intake of
food is too low, even if you’re getting proper ratios of fiber and are
drinking plenty of water, your digestive system will stop working properly.
When I was suffering from an eating disorder I did everything I could to go
regularly in order to push waste and excess weight from my body, but the
digestive system cant function on less than 500 calories a day. If you’re
restricting calories at all it can have bad effects.

thephleblady says:

Black liquice is a great natural laxative! Just thought I’d throw that in.

farmerrathfield says:

I really enjoy all of your videos and information! You always appear to be
glowing with a natural beauty that screams health. That makes me wonder if
eating a healthier diet makes you more attractive to others. I also agree
that knowing about your “poo” is a great way to know about your health.

farmerrathfield says:

@whothehellgivesadamn Genetics,environment,a good heart and mind aside. I
was talking more about people having a natural attraction to something that
is healthy and radiant.

Matt nunya says:

Good advice =) I’m impressed you did this video with a straight face.. xD

muffinmarisa says:

before you get scared of talking about poo, LOL

OUT666 says:


alethakays says:

I do understand the important benefits of regular poo, i just dont talk
about it because there is noone to talk about it to.. and then, if there
was i would probably think they were weird LOL j/k

nickydeboricua says:

your amazing thanks for this video and i am glad you aint shy talking about
things that are natural like poop thanks alot for this vid

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