Do a Poo Today! Constipation Relief and Treatment

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Too many people are suffering from constipation. The best cure is fruit and water. Not a pill or fibre supplements. They are only covering up a larger problem. Constipation is a sign of a greater health issue, and will usually lead to one.

I saw at the back of a public toilet door once, a pill for constipation. It had a picture of a digestive system clogged up with pizza, meat and fatty foods. It didn’t provide any other information on how to prevent constipation, only the advertisement for this pill.

Try a big fruit meal at least once a day. Best time is breakfast. Make a large smoothie. Your stomach may need to stretch to fit in all the water and fibre content, but it is worth it to not spend more than 2 minutes doing your number 2.

A whole foods plant based diet works wonders for curing constipation, as well as for other health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Cut out the fatty foods, oils, meat, eggs and dairy – these have low to no fibre in them, and we don’t need to be consuming them for great health. Keep your foods higher in fibre and water content for maximum health, and for the health of your colon. Colon cancer is linked to stool size and frequency of your bowel movements.

“Because of the fiber content, plant-based diets may produce healthier stools and lead to larger bowel movements, which is important for the prevention of a number of medical conditions. Interestingly, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables appear to increase stool size independent of fiber. Furthermore, plant-based diets may facilitate healthy gut flora (which may positively contribute to weight loss). This includes most plant foods such as dragon fruit—even nuts, seeds, and popcorn, which apparently lower diverticulitis risk..

A plant-based diet may be helpful in both the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. The fiber in whole plant foods allows the body to excrete excess estrogen, which may help prevent breast cancer. Intestinal transit time—how long it takes food to get from one end to the other—may be one of the determinants of cancer risk. Particularly protective foods include berries (especially organic strawberries), flax, broccoli (see also here), amla (Indian gooseberries), black beans, coffee, a few herbal varieties of tea, carob, and apples.

On the other hand, total meat consumption has been associated with higher rates of colon cancer, in particular cooked muscle tissueand processed meat. Meat contains the pro-inflammatory compound arachidonic acid and may also be contaminated the toxic megacolon superbug C. Diff and potentially cancer-causing wart viruses. Cheese containing cheese skipper la

rvae (a type of maggot) may cause colon infections and certain types of fish may cause greasy orange rectal leakage. Finally, gluten, while healthy for most people, needs to be eliminated from the diets of those with celiac disease. Folic acid in pill form could be harmful as well” – Dr Greger

I’m a high carb vegan, and have been for over 4 years. I lost belly fat and significantly reduced severe acne through becoming vegan. I share videos that I hope will help you on your journey to becoming healthier, while also being kinder to the animals and the environment.

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VeganVeins says:

one of my teachers last year told us she took a fibre pill every month and
I was like ughhhhhh. I remember Gary Yourofsky said in one of his videos
“if people would eat a fricking apple or pear once in a while, no one would
need help taking a shit” 

sproutbliss says:

Great video!! I poo about six times per day. Same for me with the no poo
traveling!! My family calls it travel efficiency mode. 

Phat Set says:

My entire family is constipation :( 

ItsCherryBomb says:

It’s sad so many people are full of shit, we’ve all been there…. but no
more with a vegan diet. Being vegan gives me the shits…..LOL.

Sorry, I had to. Your message it very true though, water and fruit IS the
answer. :)

HighCarbSkatePunk says:

Haha I remember when I only pooped like 3 times in one month. My digestive
system is terrible. I’ve been plant based vegan for a year and I’m now able
to go once a day which is the best I’ve ever done.

aly g says:

Hi, this is awkward and embarrassing because so um I’m vegan, and I eat
fruit and vegetables like every meal! I eat a normal maybe more than normal
amount of fiber NATURALLY! And I drink bout 5 bottles of water a day and I
still barely go… Once a day and it’s taking control of my life like. I
know this sounds crazy really but all I think about in all my classes and
every minute is “did I go” or not… And it makes me so mad because the
only thing that works is the diet green tea that is basically a laxative :(
urghhhh please help me I hate taking laxatives and diet teas :( please let
me know!!! Please!

Solitary Reaper says:

great! when i was a vegetarian for 4 yrs i went to the toilet once in 3-4
days!! and i thought it was normal because . Now after almost 2 yrs of veganism – 2 times a day!!
someitmes 1 if i have too much refined flour products. this is one of the
drastic changes that i have experienced since going vegan.

Adventure Tours says:

I’m at a loss for poo-poo time 

Li-San Loves says:

No one needs to struggle this way. Do a poo today. Do not delay. Or you’ll

Shi Nobi says:

Why did you laugh when you said that there are constipated people out
there, lol… My son laughed too. By the way, I’ve noticed when I wear a
belt tight, it tends to “slow things down”. I try to wear jogging pants
with elastic as much as I can. And I’ve also noticed the thing you
mentioned about traveling. I think it’s from spending a lot of time in the
sitting position, and not getting up and moving around. There are probably
a lot of constipated truck drivers out there, lol.

Erin Is Healthy says:

People are constipated LOL Loved that one, as you said it you caught how
funny it was, because people are full of POO 😀
This was worth watching and made my evening.
As we get older, many of us have issues. I think it all gets wore out and
less strength as well. I have to stay on top of this literally LOL
Great subject matter, sorry it is hard not to do poo jokes.

GoustiFruit says:

One week without pooping, that’s gross ! With all that meat and dairy
rotting in their stomach, ewww, I can’t imagine (and I don’t want to) the

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