3 Natural Remedies for Constipation

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http://www.totalwellnesscleanse.com – In episode #11 of “Ask Yuri” I deal with the issue that everyone “loves” to talk about – constipation. That’s right! We’re talking constipation and answering one of my viewers questions about remedies and treatments to end constipation and get back to regular bowel movements.


Gunzee says:

I have to take methadone and this has resulted in really bad constipation
for me. I drink a lot of water 3 litres per day. For breathfast I have bran
and oats and try to incorporate fibre into my diet. I eat a lot of fruit
and veg, I use sienna and still no relief. Please help.


Thanks. I’m happy to find a natural remedy. I appreciate this video.

priscilla darling says:

i drink a bunch of water, get fiber, and omega 3’s and i’m still

trumpsahead says:

Thought I’d check this out for my CAT.
Your advice is all common sense.
Here’s my advice to people with serious constipation: Take a glass of
water with 3,000 to 5,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. If no effect after 20
minutes, drink more water. If still no effect after one hour take another
2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C. 

Go Base says:

Didn’t poop today :(

misspriss105 says:

Eliminating all wheat & introducing probiotics worked great for me. I
preferred to get my probiotics thru fermented foods such as sauerkraut &

nheng yam says:

try turmeric tea it worked with me when I was constipated..

manikandan m says:

Hi, I am mani, I had this problem, For this issue I have got solution from
indian ayurvedic treatment. Lets start. First in the early morning 4 to 6
am wake up and boil a 1/2 litre water as much you can drink, after boiled
the water add 1 or 2 spoon Salt as much you can with that water and then
mix it and drink that water with light hot. And then walk at your
home.after 30 mins you will get urge. go to toilet. your entire colon will
clear. follow this method next three days. after third day daily drink 1/2
ltr hot water only. you will get urge.(Note: monthly once follow the salt
water treatment). I hope this will help you.

DJShearer says:

I eat fruit or vegetables at every meal, drinking plenty of water, drink
kefir, eat flax, take probiotics….and I’m still constipated.

Hawt Potato says:

Is it possible to soften my poop when its going to come out?

Chris Sebring says:

My constipation annoys me 

Doge says:

these don’t work…. WTF am I dying???

TitaniumTip W says:

A good remedy I found is to yell “get out of my butthole!” 3 times. 

PS3Spetmykitty says:

Fish oil is bad . Thought u knew man . 

itzzpoo1 says:

Alovera juice helps..

just joan says:

One question please: having been on prescribed narcotic pain meds for more
than 10 years along with instructions for Miralax 1-2 capfuls/day. Is it
possible to be able to have BM’s without any laxatives? Off the narcotics,
but constipation is almost a daily problem. Thanks for any suggestions. 

Jack Daniels says:

Or you could just take an enema or magnesium SHITrate. They both work,
however if an enema for some reason DOESN’T work, then you’ve got a problem
and you need to see a doctor PRONTO!

andrew barrington says:

i eat loads of fruit and veg,, plus plenty of fiber and water,, and im
still having major problems,, worried bout fecal impact,, any ideas ma good

isaiah jordan says:

eating eggs sunny side up could it cause constipation

isaiah jordan says:

eating eggs sunny side up could it cause constipation

Martina Staal says:

How about massaging your belly on a regular basis if you can’t move around?

Barbie Roberts says:

dazv555 thank you, you’ve given me hope to carry on, see I was really
scared about this because I’ve been constipated my whole life and I never
wanted to tell anyone because it was to do with stuff downstairs, thank
you, x

aiden flockton says:

It works a little

Debi Christensen says:

What about suppositories I am addicted I guess taking two a day to go to

Toni Dukes says:

Random video I watched and I didn’t know about the whole floating and
sinking business. Very informative #newsubscriber

dazv555 says:

what you said really helped me…I’ve constipated my whole life (19
years)…. but i started drinking water (about 3-4 cups) every morning
before any meal and lots of smoothies and green juice..also exercise 5 time
a week… then after 2-3 months doing that…my constipation was gone
..people get discourage when they follow for a week and nothing
happens..well it just time …

Jerry Finin says:

Thank you.

GreenDayRoxZ1 says:

can u take flax seeds an fish oil .. ? 

Gimble Macy says:

Nice try, but this is seriously skewed. I got to the part about sinking
and grinned. People with Crohn’s… the reason they have oily poop is
because they can’t digest it.. .and by the time it shows in the poop…
they are getting regular doses of steroids at least… y’know why?
Because they are having continuous diarrhea, not constipation. Further,
I’d agree that exercise is good, but it’s only to maintain regularity, it’s
no good if you’re constipated and having stabbing abdominal pain. Then you
can’t move much without agony.

In that case, you can encourage motility with rebounding (using a $20
trampoline you can buy at Dick’s sporting goods store), gently, or you can
go for a gentle walk, but that’s about all you can do without constant
wincing. For me, what works is, paradoxically, muscle relaxers. A double
dose of my muscle relaxer will have a relaxing effect on the cramps enough
to release the poop and let it come out.

The stuff about anal retentive personality is just a load of crap. People
are always trying to blame physical things on what boils down to “it’s all
in your head.” The reason why stress causes abdominal issues is because of
the tight junctions in the epithelial tissues of the bowel. Look it up in
pubmed. Try something like probiotic tight junctions as a search term, or
paracellular flux, that’s a good search term too. Once your body decides
it’s in stress, you activate leaky gut, water is lost, and you can get
constipated if you tend to go that way. Some people have the opposite
issue and get diarrhea with leaky gut. But it’s not because you’re crazy
or have a personality problem.

Water may help, but the stress has to stop, and there are other things in
diet and conditions that can cause leaky gut. For example this current
fashion of eating coconut oil, instant leaky gut for a few hours.

He’s right about fish oil. Though fish oil does also cause leaky gut for a
short time, it ultimately heals the gut and causes it to seal better in the
future. Consider adding zinc, a probiotic you can look up, researched
under the name of “VSL #3” though other studies have used only L. plantarum
and found good results, so whatever probiotic you use, include that one in
the mix, and consider adding Vitamin E to protect the fish oil from
degradation INSIDE your body.


You don’t have to get ripped off by Amazon or whoever is selling the latest
and greatest VSL #3, by the way.. the formula and list of what’s in it is
found by poking around a little on PubMed… look for Ulcerative Colitis
probiotic, but you might want to be careful what you read… bleh. Not for
sensitive readers.

If you just want symptomatic help with constipation for RIGHT NOW, get some
miralax which is not a stimulant and is given to children and even babies
with constipation safely… all it does is draw water into the bowels. You
may have to take a double dose on day 1 and keep it up for 3 days for
complete relief. For chronic cases, just take a dose every day and it will
never bother you again.

Magnesium citrate (the bottles of liquid at the pharmacy) works very well
if you’re willing to tolerate the all day diarrhea it will produce. It is
commonly used for bowel prep before a colonoscopy, but has a secondary use
for relief of constipation after giving birth.

There is a natural but semi-toxic method using increasing doses of Vitamin
C… starting with 5000 mg, and taking 1000 mg every hour until diarrhea
results, usually around 10k mg.

None of these uses stimulants. I’ve had constipation all my life, even as
a child I used to cry in public toilets while my mom was humiliated and
helpless. I’ve made it my lifelong mission to never feel agonized and
miserable like that again. 

miertjie94 says:

I love you man. I subscribedto you becaue of this video!

Meat Pie Mildred says:

My new hobby is holding in my shit-let it come out a few inches,then
SHLOOOOP suck it back in again.Do this 30 or 40 times.

PS3Spetmykitty says:
peacelover639 says:

Hey people Water before breakfast Eat slow eat banana Some caffein Lots of
vege helps

Alex The Man 505 says:

Do you need help pooping? 6:21

Herve Shango says:

Does vitamin pills help

April Judge says:

thats the thing is i only started to become constipated ever since i
started the fruit and vegetable diet about a week and a half ago ugh and i
know im getting plenty of nutrition and fiber but why am have i gotten
constipated since i started the raw food diet???

Kul Beens says:

Yuri is #1

C Money says:

Help me man. I shit bloody dry shit and it felt like having a baby would. I
have to shit but god damn this is going to kill my ass.

Fersomling says:

I haven’t tried prune juice yet, but I discovered that snacking on cashews
every hour or so cleans me right out, but I have yet to discover the right
amount for me, because I am running to the toilet three and four times a
day, with very little warning. But it sure did cure the constipation.

Rap The Lyrics says:

Just a tip to anyone: DO NOT TAKE A LOT OF LAXATIVES They mess up your
intestines over time and your problem gets 10x worse, I have actually lost
these lil ridges in my intestines that allow my intestines to be be
flexible and stuff due to laxatives. All the laxatives I have ever taken
were actually prescribed by a dr as well.

Snot Nose says:

Bot Accounts, they make many many accounts and use a program to thumb them
up so everyone can see them. but then some of us make bot accounts to thumb
them back down, or spam flag em.

Yaleiiry Velasquez says:

Ineed some advice y 13 year old son suffers from chronic constipation and
had many x-rays done and there is no obstructions or anything but I find it
to harsh for the instestines for him to be on Miralax and Doculax all the
time, I feel hopeless because it seems like an ever ending problem

Emma Rose says:

Lol Freud.

Todd Walters says:

I used to be addicted to laxatives!Not good!!!

farrodread1 says:

Thx Yuri.

Vincent Bossé says:

Hello guys <3 If you need some natural remedies such as supplements,
essential oils, creams and such, I highly recommend iHerb . com. Use coupon
code JHH599 for a 10$ discount on your order + free shipping in certain
areas. They have over 35,000 products, so it’s very convenient, one stop
and you’re good to go + they have the cheapest prices around. Have a look
and see for yourself! X Have a bright & beautiful day. 😀

Mathi Senapathi says:

@pechisking Buy Moringa Max capsule from Natural Ease and take three a day
all your problem related to GI track will disappear like magic.

Thomas hughes says:

Can anyone help me? I’ve been suffering from constipation for about 2
weeks. Every time I go the stool is very hard and very difficult to pass,
and I have to strain quite a lot. I have eating more healthily with
wholemeal bread, some fruit and drinking more water, but nothing is really

Corbin Dallas says:

I jus searched constipation on here nd found lots of gud info, especially
the Self-Administered Colonic Massage vieo, you shud try that, nd wut this
guys saying seems lik a gud idea. Hope ur son gets better

TheUnderground Cure says:

Great Video, and your info helped me a lot. Say, I found a site that is
really helping people get their life back and beat that herpes for good.
You have to suffer, check them out! theundergroundcure . com

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