Baba Ramdev -Yoga for Constipation & Piles(Kabz Aur Bavasir)

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This video for constipation and piles by Swami Ramdev contains Pranayama, Yoga Asanas, Acupressure techniques and home remedies along with herbal food supplements and various treatments related to Naturopathy. More than 100 million people worldwide are suffering from constipation and ailments due to constipation such as gas, weakness, lack of appetite, feeling lethargic. A must watch for all those who want to regain their lost health.

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amol dhaygude says:

My cyst surgery done how much time I stop yoga can anyone tell me ?

Bahamas Soul Radio says:

He needs to go to the toilet

TrueFiete says:

So that’s what Luke Harper did before he joined the Wyatt Family

Ashutosh Sharma says:
pavan kumar Kohli says:
Chauhan j.s. says:

Yoga is the best

sudhir garg says:

Constipation door to sabhi rog door.

Rohit Thakur says:

Our YOG and PRANAYAM are the best in the world.. 

sandeep kiran says:

should pranayam be done after drinking lukeware water or otherwise?

allencrider says:

Constipation comes because of karma from eating animal food. Stop eating
meat & paneer. Eat whole brown rice and whole wheat for fiber. Then you
won’t need to do anything to remedy constipation.

rohan sharmA says:

We always think about ,what god gave us when he created us , the only thing
that is yours is your body, so keep this god’s gift healthy

Jitendra Sharma says:

Jai ho baba

Sandeep Kumar says:

really helpful its need dedication to do..

naya nepal says:

lauki during pregnancy we can take or not?

Rabbani Dilkash says:




Manik Munda says:

Kabz aur bhabasir ka

Meat Pie Mildred says:

My new hobby is holding in my shit-let it come out a few inches,then
SHLOOOOP suck it back in again.Do this 30 or 40 times a minute.

Bob Trufant says:

I wonder if his video would have as many views if he didn’t have that
massive beard

Philip Stevens says:

Ummmm. Ummmmm. Ummmmm. Ummmmmm. Dammit, now I’m a zombie. Ummmmmmmm.

neelam jhaveri says:

its so simple this ramdev baba is telling you to do.. be healthy…

amit jaiswani says:

all glories to u baba ji !!

Prince Singh says:

I like every aasan please a
ap bhi daily kariye aur svasth rahiye baba ramdev ji ko pranam thanks

Akins Cator says:

I’ve learn the amazing 5-steps natural strategies to clear away pain in 48
hours, and permanently cure my hemroids in 60 days. 

Mary Mount says:

I think an enema or colonic works better than meditation. I love to have
hoses and stuff put up my ass for a long time, and now after seeing this
vid, I’m getting out the garden hose and some beer for a cleaning out
project. My dad always helps me out and loves to see the fecal stuff
flying all over the backyard. Happy times are here again.

derpmochump says:

Oy vey! Swasticas! It’s another shoah, hitler reborn!

IceyHedgehogTV says:

I learned that Hitler stole the swastika from indians then made it his own
in sixth grade. So if you don’t know that you probably don’t belong on
youtube anyway.

Satadru Saha says:


tswapnil says:

BUrger nahi bajre ki roti 😀

Mohan7 says:

please give the english translation of the ingredients which are in
Hindi…i know hindi but my mastery of the language is limited…It will
help millions of people around the world.

rsplenum says:

A sanyasi does not subscribe to the narrow worldly view of one religion, he
or she believes in oneness of “brahman” and diversity of thoughts, methods
and ways. He sees everyone as part of one brahma no matter whether he calls
HIM Ram, Allah, Father, Guru, Mother etc.

11092202 says:

baba ramdev has got sme issue

Amit Kumar Baidyaka says:


jagdeep rai Rai says:

its good thwt we can learn from this holy person .IT REALLY WRKS

Waheed Malik says:

People only know Hitler as was introduce to them. You should know that
There is always a Hitler in this world. George Bush was Hitler. Idi Amin
was Hitler. So you see Someone is always there to fill his shoes. Sadam
Hussain was very Noble Person but he was labeled for their own (Americas)
gain to be labeled Hitler. What has he done to America – Nothing and in
future Americans will see thousands of Sadam Hussain will be born but
George Bush will Die for ever. One is about to go, other one follow

SuperCrapul says:

serach on google “Patriarhia Romana”

Canada buzz says:

Oh my god.. I love him.. I will start it from tomorrow…. Wow !! I cant
wait to see the results.. :).. Thanks a lot Ramdev.. You are great !!!

iamamoviefan says:

Thank you so much for this..!

Fatima Zahra says:

Hello, do you speak English Rawat? I’m very interested in Prophet
Mohammad’s medicine (new science in many ways has shown it’s a true thing,
and I find it has many things in common with ancient indian and chinese
medicine!)… but I can’t read what you wrote :(

Ashish Sayal says:

One of the Piles Meds specified by Guru ji is: Take 1 cup cow milk bowl it
and later bring it to room temprature. Take a lemon sliced into 2 halfs.
Take cup of milk along with lemon half and chant “OM” 11 times. squece the
lemon in milk and drink it instantly. Repeate this every morning empty
stomach 1 hr before eating anything for 7 days. You should see the
difference… Good luck

anuragchoubey says:

@TeamTopEnd is dat a joke? its 6000 yr old hindu symbol at dat time chinese
where living in caves, chinese came in indian contact only 7 and 8 th
century wen medicine, martial arts and many other science and techniques
where transferred

harlllz says:

subtitles would make differences

tek thapa says:

nice ilike dhande bat ramdev baba

Sarwesh Kumar says:

demanted fool.know the real.

Anuj Dewan says:

@SuperCrapul @ check ur facts dude.. hitler took it from India

PisseausdeimArsch says:

Schwätz Deutsch, mach das Gedudel aus und das Zeichen hinter dir weg!

millicentbistander says:

An hour and five minutes and forty two seconds… I’m constipated now!
Haha! Constipation sucks! Nothin’ worse than sittin’ on last weeks dinner!

Mohan7 says:

Thank You, I appreciate it.

trial123 says:

Nice explanation and reference to herbs thats worth a lot. I know Ayurveda
Practitioners charge hundreds of dollars for this sort of advice and its so
difficult to get the correct advice .

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