Dr Joel Wallach Dec 30 2013

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Dr Joel Wallach has had an amazing career as Veterinarian, Naturopath, Pathologist and more. Dr Wallach’s professional background has lead him to an important awareness of nutrition and its importance in our everyday health. Enjoy this most informative video, sponsored by Pete Carlson Golf and Tennis, Palm Desert


Al Goff says:

RadarAshWood. Having met Joel in person and having recorded this video and
then seeing the huge improvement in my severe skin problems that have not
gone away for over 20 years, and then Dr Wallach suggesting I had a copper
deficiencey, and then after taking chealted copper, DHERA, EFA, and tangy
tangerine. for three months my skin has improved a ton I am so happy I do’t
mind spending $150 per month on my health especially when Dr wallach’s
products do such amazing things. Radar, splurge and get the $150 youngevity
starter pack, it will do wonders for your overall health. 

johny Gnosis says:

Wallach is one of the most important iconoclasts of the past 100 years
along with Michael ruppert (R.I.P.) Micheal Talbot, david Wilcock, Graham
Hancock, etc etc etc

Proho Rizon says:

I would love to make Power Point demos for this precious guy!! I’m
surprised he using an overhead projector here. Call me Dr. Wallach, I’ll
set you up!!

krzysztof rutkowski says:

Thank you Dr. Wallach, I’ve learnt so much essential information from you ,
I am really thankful for…

Anogoya Dagaati says:

Thank God for America – in most other places in the world he would have had
an ‘accident’ and disappeared. Dear God I know you are listening – grant
many more decades to this wonderful and courageous man!

TMB247 says:

Got news for him … he won’t live to 200, but he will live long and
healthy, I can’t wait to get the results back from my MD … I have upped
my Egg intake, Butter intake and found a butcher shop that has REAL
LARD.cut out all Oils … I still love my beer and Biscuits and Gravy but
they make me happy. Waiting on my mineral supps.

Anogoya Dagaati says:
1mtstewart says:

this is great stuff! nutrition is the answer to our health problems! wed
need cures not to become customers of hospitals, doctors and drug

Dr. Elizabeth Tuttle says:

This lecture should be shown in grades 3-12, and our young children
annually learn to know how important health effects our bodies.
The 90 Essential are ESSENTIAL !!

Zolee chch says:

give a Oscar to this guy! rather then to the actors 

JonW says:

The hardest thing (for some people) is to be ‘open’ enough to see that he
could be right about certain things and to try them for yourself. If you
do that.. for a few weeks or a month, you can judge for yourself. You
don’t even have to buy anything he sells, just follow the same principles
buying the same things from someone else. It’s all the same kind of
thing. He’s very wise, and I agree with others.. he does have a good
heart. He gives 300 free lectures every year.

Fulcanelli says:

the motherfucking man. i’d possibly be dead without his ideas and
supplements. i used to believe these vegetarian idiots and people who say
low fat diets with high carb intake is great for you. i found out theyre
liars before i found doc wallach but it led to him. He saved my life. thank
god for dr wallach. hand before god, i will swear to anything that he is
right. the man is a genius. hes gonna outlive most of you deniers. the only
thing that will kill him is the stress of dealing with your ignorance.

Roger Seccombe says:

Some great news

Jameelah Laramore-Ahmad says:

I suffered from back pains for more than a year and spent a lot of out of
pocket money. My beautiful friend introduced me to the products, The
Healthy Start Pack for Bones and Joints, which includes something called CM
Cream. Well, I believe in miracles! No more back pains and I fired my
chiropractor after asking him why am i not getting better? His reply was ”
RELIEF!. Located right here in the Miami. I wish my mom and dad was here

Perfect Peace Ministries says:

Thank You … God bless you, Dr Joel!!! I pray there is an army of
physicians just like you…well, without some of the crassness… that will
continue the mission to help us live long and strong as we serve to make
this world a better place. Maybe this will help reduce the epidemic of
legal and illegal substance consumption in America…that destroy people’s
thinking, their lives, their families, our communities and the strength of
our country.

36whitedove says:

All good information Dr Wallach….and I will use it to be sure….BUT WHY
are YOU over weight ?

mick125 says:

What was the product called that he wouldnt name?

ruth giloy says:

Its true Doctor almost kill me, I got bleeding ulcer he keep prescribing
drugs, one day on my 3rd black out from losing blood, I finally got to the
emergency room for loss of blood almost die and they operated on me, and
that cure my ulcer. The Doctor keep prescribing drugs so I could keep
coming to him, and afraid to recommend me to a Specialist because of
Insurance scare.

Slawomir Chmielewski says:

“we have cavemen paintings because the people 28 000 years ago new some
pigments lasted and some didn’t”
this is total BS. They had absolutely no clue what will last for more than
a few years, simply WE NEVER FOUND the ones that didn’t last. Obviously,
the only ones that we can study today are the ones that were painted with
those forever-lasting pigments, thousands of others disappeared.

Sky Grazer says:

Arthritis is a mineral deficiency . I’m 34 and just got diagnosed with
R.Arthritis. I’m a photographer, Drone flyer and a Doorman so I was sad
when my joints in my hands and wrist began to get extremely inflamed. I
really depend on my hands and the inflammation started coming in waves and
fast. I did some Intense research and I think I got or may have found a way
to reverse it. I have had no pain or inflammation since I began my regimen.
I’m drinking Stinging Nettle tea extract. 3x/day along with Cat’s Claw
extract in dropsliquid form together with the Nettle tea and some honey.
As for pill supplements I’m taking Omega 3s, Suma Root extract, Grape Seed
Extract, Vitamin D, Calcium and Tumeric mixed with Pepper pills. Those 6
supplements 2x/day and can be all found on Amazon, EBay or your All Natural
health store. As for multivitamin I drink a cap full a day of Nature’s Way
ALIVE liquid multivitamin. It has fruits, veggies and green foods plus more
in one cap full. It’s an incredible drink. I stopped drinking soda or fake
fruit juices along with coffee. Caffeine extracts minerals and is not good.
I make my own Lemon juice for PH and Akaline balancing purposes. Also I
drink a cup of ACV, baking soda and honey every morning. PLEASE WRITE DOWN
EVERYTHING I JUST TOLD YOU TO TAKE. Research them and their ingredients
along with benefits and see for yourself. You’ll see that not only could it
cure R.A. but possibly CANCER, TUMORS and other dieses along with a new
life style, new way of eating and exercise .

Paraiba blue says:

I LOVE Dr Wallach. He is a hero. God bless him.

Donny Richard says:

I cant afford those products, I just want to do what right on my state
benefits, to bet better, i dont know where to start, im probably a good
example of what not to do
give me a guide, to get on the road to repair

mick125 says:


Campaign For Nutrition says:

If you haven’t had the chance to ever catch Dr. Joel Wallach’s famous
Healthy Lifestyle Presentation on how to prevent, reverse & eliminate over
900 different diseases…. Here it is! Time to start thinking BIG. Theres
no time for small talk. Life is too short!

Candacej330 says:

Alan, Thank you for posting. I have been on the 90 for over and year and
ALL my MDs took me off 17 prescriptions (gradually) as I improved. I love
Dr. Wallach!!! Again, Thank You!! Candy

Als tevens says:

Youngevity IMD :)
Truly the only group of doctors I will ever listen too.
p.s. Who , in thier right mind, would not like this video !

Linda Davis says:


Elmer Soria says:

I have listen to Dr. Wallach since 1995 when I was just in high school from
my teacher who was inspired by him and until now his name is still in the
forefront of common sense health.

Josiah Tucker says:

Just wow

John Miller says:

love this man… fighting the criminal scum bags that control our
lives….. ya’ll ready to fight with real men who die or go to jail for
sharing truths because of no help from the people… wake p an join the


Este video salvara personas

Constantine Joseph says:

Hi, I want to take the Imortalium by Youngevity and help preserve my DNA.

Darren foster says:
MyShowtime33 says:

While I really like dr wallach’s premise….some things don’t make sense.
He did human autopsies as a vet?..what?…why is there very little calcium
in his products if he says its so important? I do not doubt that proper
supplementation can help everyone, and am thankful for his info on some
things. Still thinking about whether I like Multi-level marketting

sigmiami says:

Obesity is caused by our diet going from a high fat and high protein diet
to a high carb diet because of the faked and now debunked studies of Ansel
Keys which the USDA adopted. We now know it is not FAT that causes
cardiovascular disease or cancer or anything – the real culprit is SUGAR.
Go read the latest clinical studies done by Harvard & University Of
California at San Fran. Fructose impairs and damages your metabolism – it
causes insulin spikes which make you store fat and it disrupts the
receptors of the hormone Leptin that tell your body to stop eating.
Nutrition is important but missing essential minerals might make you sick
but it doesn’t make you fat. We had a motto at USMC OCS it was Ductus
Exemplo, if you are going to lead do so by example. You see that big belly
he has – that is visceral fat – the fat that kills – that fat that damages
your liver and causes metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and a host of
others. The supplements he is peddling are doing nothing for him to lose
weight because they have nothing to do with it. There is a reason the
Atkins diet works, The Low Glycemic Load Works, The Ketogenic Works, The
Paleo works – Because they ALL reduce your Carb intake and sugar.


I’m here to tell my story to the world so the world will know who I
really am.
I will try not to exaggerate my finding but you will not need schools and
teachers apart from the internet after knowing the way. It’s a very weird
theory but it’s most effective at the same time. Iv’e all my life in
developing it and researched all successful cultures mainly Japan, South
Korea, China, America, England & Germany. Remember my name is Mark Etin,
but forget it now. Nice to meet you world and the name of the theory is
weird and effective as the theory itself and it is
“gay voice ass doodling theory of rapid learning” and It’s the most rapid
theory in human history. everyone will become Da vinci I’m sure very fast.
but first check the greatest Doctor in the world Joel Wallach. Dr Joel
Wallach Dec 30 2013

ProvidenceWoman36 says:
Sheila meri says:

I just learned about this man so I am watching this video. I am into
health, myself. Now I don’t know him at all or any of his products.
However, it seems to me that he has taken valid information (I have heard
all he is saying and agree with it) and is using it to sell his products.
I know our earth is becoming depleted from insecticides and all, but where
is he getting his nutrients from? If he can get them from places that sell
healthy nutrients so can others. Also, there are so many ways to learn
about nutrition on youtube. So many sites that will open your eyes to the
medical scandals that go on in our country. It is all about nutrition and
you can learn it all on youtube!!!!

Steven Blackburn says:

I guarantee I outlive everyone in my family. I take youngevity earth
mineral product. Eat 100+g of healthy fats a day 100+g of protein,
virtually no carbs except from greens or peppers and tons of filtered

citippett49 says:

well I just finish watching the program. now where do you buy

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