How to Treat Diarrhea

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Symptoms of diarrhea include frequent loose stools, abdominal cramps, and dehydration, all of which are uncomfortable for you or your children. Because diarrhea is usually not a serious illness, it can easily be treated at home.

Step 1: Increase fluids
Treat your child’s diarrhea at home by increasing fluids that help replace electrolytes, like sports drinks. For babies, offer them additional breast milk or formula.

Avoid plain water, fruit juice, and sodas.

Step 2: Keep regular diet
Continue your child on their regular diet.

Step 3: Wash hands
Frequently wash your hands and your child’s hands. Keep suspected diarrhea contaminated areas clean.

Step 4: Consult a doctor
Consult a doctor if your child’s symptoms do not improve within 24 hours. Call a doctor if your baby has not had a wet diaper in over three hours, has a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, is unusually sleepy, has a dry mouth, or has bloody or black stools.

Step 5: Drink clear fluids
Treat diarrhea in adults by drinking plenty of clear fluids such as water, broths, and gelatins. Avoid cof

fee, alcohol, and apple and pear juices.

Step 6: Add solid foods
Gradually add solid and low fiber foods such as soda crackers, toast, and chicken.

Avoid dairy products, high fiber, and fatty foods.

Step 7: Call a doctor
Consult a doctor if you are an adult and the diarrhea lasts longer than three days, you are dehydrated, and you have severe rectal or abdominal pain, bloody or black stools, or a temperature above 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Eating the right things — or getting the right advice from the doctor — will have you back to your regular self in no time.

Did You Know?
Acute diarrhea is commonly caused by consuming food or water contaminated with a viral infection, bacteria, or parasite.


captain teemo says:

Every time I drink chocolate……. I need to go

goldenspidereye says:

I’m not going to Taco Bell for a while……..

ERoseSmith says:

Wait im supposed to drink Gatorade ive been drinking water and cranberry
juice. Ugh

Fahiza Abdulhafize says:

Same I’m at the gp waiting for the doctor but I’m getting lots of stomach
cramps ow

princesspopstar says:

And here I am drinking orange juice…

MrK1llzombz says:

I’m crying I can’t take it I need help please this has lasted 4 months

Tatsuhiro Sato says:

I am the ‘expert’ on this subject! As 24yo Japanese man, I have had more
than my fair share of diarrhoeal disease! I have been one of 10% of human
population that has had (non-paralysing GI only symptoms of) polio, I have
had mild cases of cholera (El Tor species) and typhoid (salmonella typhi),
giardiasis, cyclo- and cryptosporidiosis, vibrio parahaemolyticus (I LOVE
raw oysters, sorry, but I can’t help it!), dientamoebiasis, norovirus (also
known as Norwalk virus), Sapovirus, the GI strain of adenovirus,
astrovirus, rotavirus (who hasn’t?) and rotavirus-B (the so-called ‘adult’
rotavirus, making me experienced twice with rotavirus), hepatitis-A, so I
must say that I am well experienced in diarrhoeal disease. (I even
established a user handle for myself because of my not-so-infrequent
medical history of diarrhoeal disease; ‘explosive-watery-diarrhoea-boy’).

The Sheepster says:

Ignore the avoid plain water, that’s for kids, that is why it said drink it
later becuase it was for adults. For you kids, drink plenty of water.

Eric Luczko says:

Sh#% it out and drink water or tea, its what Ive been doing the past hour

WTFCartoon Studios says:

I have had it for 4 days now

Umar and Muhammed Soofi says:


Bonifilio Soto says:

Ew my sister had it yesterday and now I think I have it..dint even go to
the gym since I might have an accident

oscar garcia says:

I just clogged the toilet :( 

Umar and Muhammed Soofi says:


HoserPowerlifting says:

i shat my pants while maxing my deadlifts at the the gym….not pleasant at

Jim Jones says:

If you care i was at the movies watunf popcorn something I haven’t had in a
year, but I consuned a thied of the big bag either that caused it or
because I didn’t have clean hands an avoidable mostake

Maivkib Yaj says:

well…… Pepto Bismo here I COME!!!

oscar garcia says:

I just clogged the toilet :( 

Qyuubi786 says:

I find that rubbing oil on your stomach dramatically increases recovery
from diarrhea. I think it reduces tension on the muscles around the
Use it while on the seat or when you have to go. Don’t use baby oil it’s
not thick enough! Mustard oil or Olive oil works best.

Rose Moore says:

Why should one avoid plain water? That does not sound right!!

George Sherikjian says:

Someone plz reply to me!!!!! I drinked Gatorade and water and I kept on
throwing up 7 seconds later and does it have anything to do with my weight
I am 12 and I’m 114.7 pounds PLZ REPLY!!!!

restlesswikiinfo says:

Believe it not, people really die from this if they don’t drink enough

Lewis Spencer says:

It’s like rusty water ….

Randomkillerqueen says:

BTW EVERYONE: It’s only BABIES who can’t have normal water. Water is really
good for this if you’re not a child, toddler or baby.

Andrea Patane says:

Diarrhea isn’t a welcome visitor in the human body.

DARKVENOM055 says:

I had so much diarrhea there was 10 waves of it and now i am drinking
purified drinking water sodium free what else should i do? I HATE DIARRHEA 

robloxatyourservice says:

I have diarrhea and I’m a older child, and I have done everything wrong
with this list. 

mike hawksafloppin says:

It’s fun to take a trip. Just an let it drip. Dayrhea cha cha cha dayrhea
cha cha cha! JK! This sucks!

seme aweke says:

i have it right now 

Trinity Joy Alhambra says:

I just pooped a while ago i have a little wet when it came out but i
checked if its diarrhea or not then i saw its a whole not diaerhea but at
the botton i saw a little diarrhea about 4 small of them? But i need your
help my dad is cooking meatloaf is that ok for me? This is a problem..

JoshS says:

i just let it out…

Darkwolf787 says:

did you not watch the entire video or something cause the lady said how you
could get diarrhea.

Nana Chan says:

Why is this in my recommended videos?

MyPupRandy says:

water is for the adults and juices but for kids is differnt

DeanAndMyself says:

I spent until 4 in the morning vomiting & having diarrhea and finally when
i got to sleep i woke up all good, thanks! (:

BinkieMcFartnuggets says:

I treat diarrhea like an old friend. An old, dirty, evil friend.

Masterzaah says:

Well my Diarrhea has the most beautiful voice ever :)

uksteveee says:

ive just destroyed the toilet

Chance Mathis says:

The last time I had diarrhea sucked so bad. I was pooping blood and it
stung sooo bad.

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