I have a bad case of Diarrhea – Japanese learning English

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I have a bad case of Diarrhea – Japanese learning English


evilwarcow says:

This is the official theme song of Taco Bell and McDonnalds

Alex Guitarist says:


S.B. E. says:

В печени моей цирроз доведет меня до слез !

Dolan Dark says:

This is my favourite anime

Learner-Learns says:

Oh Japan! I’m sorry about the bombs. 

Nintendog140 says:

I bet saying this in japanese, it’s your average “may I use the restroom?”.

George Morris says:

When has anyone ever called an ambulance for diarrhoea?

Waddle Dee pop says:

Check this out :D

Serega M says:

Учим английский. Хочу такой рингтон на начальство!

max steele says:

Diarrhea Turns me on.

Anton Wizard says:

айхэвэбаткейсофдаярия айхэвэбаткейсофдаярия айхэвэбаткейсофдаярия. пойду
послушаю обожекакоймужчина 

TrueLeha says:

кто попал сюда от Стаса?

Aleksey Yaremenko says:

I can understand everything, but why here 1:09 is written Fräulein in

Евгений Зубавичус says:

Что б*ять за ё*аный в рот?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clockwork says:

Am i the only one who’s here because of neave

banders77 says:

stop eating raw fish then you wont have diarrhea 

MrThisucks says:

next time i go to japan i’ll call the ambulance for diarrhea

Slavchik-WH [Ascend Team] says:

Ай хэв э бад кейс оф даярия

Immersia Language Games says:

Language learning in Japan. Oh. My. God.

Emma Polcyn says:

Why can’t schools in America teach languages like this? XD

Mauro Baratella says:

I have a bad case of Diarrhea – Japanese learning…:

뿡뿡! ^__^ says:

I would help her find toilet and then take her on a date <3

Palmina D'Alessandro says:

…Not sure what’s funnier…the guy imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger or the
diarrhea song/dance 

Mick Psyphon says:

*I have a bad case of Diarrhea – Japanese learning English:*

You really need to have a good sense of humour and self confidence to pull
this off.

MrPainkiller4rent says:

Not my proudest boner

Lynn Cooper says:

Thumbs up if Vegard brought you here!

Victor Fernandez says:

“Fräulein” hahahahahaha
what the hell did i just watch…?! hahahaha

Володя Иванов says:

Доведёт меня до слёз печени моей цирроз)))

эNKa says:

Кто от Стаса?

Anna Anishchuk says:

Доведёт меня до слёз печени моей цирроз…

Андрей Платонов says:

надо обрезать и на звонок поставить 

apolan06 says:

да это же хит сезона! я хочу mp3 у меня будет новый рингтон на телефоне!

Владян Васильевич says:

Да чтож с вами не так то…японцы, почему вы такие?

Guy Bar-ner says:

Language learning in Japan. Oh. My. God.

Nexusdoesgaming says:

O.o If this is supposed to teach Japanese to speak English this a…..
weird way of doing it xD

Saimon Faus says:

Кюкюи доо сен ай хув а бэд кейс ов даярия!

Mr skovorodka   says:

кто из This is хорошо?

FreewayBrent says:

Oh my goodness…I literally laughed my ass off and watched this about 3x
in a row. 

Ronnie Carvalho says:

Óia, até no Japão tem praça é nossa.

Aliyah Knight says:

So, I’m still confused… what educational benefits are we supposed to
learn from this??? Seriously, I’m lost.

sgbe33a says:

If you have to call an ambulance because of diarrhea, you probably
shouldn’t sing it while working out like in the video. (I’m not a doctor,
so talk to a real one before following my advice.)

EnglishofEverything says:

I’m an English teacher and do lessons here on YT and can tell you that this
is the best fucking lesson on the whole internet. I’m sick of boring
classroom lessons like all the other teachers do.

ShadowCircus says:

Is there ever a good case of diarrhea?

MeenahMeenah says:

Am i the only one wondering about that “fräulein aero” brand??

Danny Zuko says:

please diarrhea in my mouth

Alex Lay-Calvert says:

Seems legit

Сан Саныч says:

No panic , yes russian attack internet.

Philippe Amex says:

It’s extended version of la Macarena lol

Serg Ltd says:

я уже начал подпевать :)))

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