Van Wilder- The diarrhea Scene

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This is a hilarious scene from the movie Van Wilder.


Isabelle Kim-Sherman says:

something like that happened to me…I woke up one morning and had a
smoothie my brother made. Turns out he put laxative in it. Anyway, I went
to school and we had a big test. Then the gurgling happened. Luckily, I
finished the test (and got full marks) before I ran to the bathroom. It was
recess time now and I ran into one of my friends in the hallway. She
started talking to me and led me away from the bathroom and towards our
hang-out place. Our hangout place happened to be the science lab, and we
were talking when suddenly I ran for the sink and began to poo. So

Giovanni Dubon says:


Giovanni Dubon says:


Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

lumumba says:

wich van wilder movie is this?

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Alex Douglas says:

im pretty sure i heard the fart from the dumb and dumber toilet scene in
there too lol

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Anthony Zbierajewski says:

laughed my ass off!

Craig Bowles says:

keep pressing 8

farfa15 says:

@emd4mylife National Lampoon’s Van Wilder

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Rated MK17 says:


Maggie Devine says:

this is fucken stupid

bulletloc0 says:

damn keep pressing 7!!!! hahaha

Lydia Barnard says:

When you got to go you got to go

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Maggie Devine says:

shut up

MrAmbidex1 says:

youre fuckin stupid

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

poor richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

Poor Richard :(

Korey Bruce-Doe says:

Poor Richard :(

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