Weatherman Goes Diarrhea On Air

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Weatherman has a bit of an accident on air.

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Jean Gedeon says:

Never trust a fart. 

Chrnan6710 says:

Where will YOU be when diarrhea hits?

DA0470 says:

Diarrhea is very hereditary. It runs down through your genes.

nomibe2911 says:

I remember having an embarrassing thing like this happen to me on my first
day of high school and I kept asking the teacher to use the bathroom and
for some reason she kept saying no. I relieved myself in class and
some students started looking around like what’s that smell. I had to play
it off and go to the bathroom where I spent the whole day trying to clean
my pants and I had to throw away my underwear because that was a lost
cause. If any teachers are reading please allow your students to go to the
bathroom if they ask permission to do so.

Dave The Xenomorph says:

Weatherman: There is going to be a shitstorm hitting Oklahoma, winds can
gust up to 40 mph.
Weatherman’s Ass: Shit sounds

rockergirl83 says:

I don’t think he’s gonna make it to that bathroom. Janitor’s gonna have a
hell of a mop job. 

Alvalanker Highwind says:

Sometimes you think it’s just gonna be a fart and then the feces squirts
out of your asshole and you’re in trouble.

Stevie Wonder can't read....because he's a nigger. says:

Seems like there’s precipitations of shit in his pants.

NewEnergy says:

Strong gust of wind with showers coming from the ass.

Ron Burgundy says:

He wasn’t kidding when he said “A lot of high pressure moving through our
area, probably for the next few days”

Zach Holt says:


Stephanie St.Benedict says:

Omg!!! Hahahahahah…..too much Taco Bell?

NICK nikki says:

when they drop the bomb ill be dropping the bomb too….peoww!!!!!!!!!!

75lexluther says:

wonder what his crew had to say bout that

MrOrthogonalization says:

The day after getting drunk on cider, never trust a fart.

gabriel nyström says:

The humidity of his diarrhea is 100%

Michael Hamilton says:

spread this man’s shame. I want everyone in the world to see this video!

MyDogIsYoshi says:

One time my dad thought he’d mess with his friends at work and rip a huge
fart. Instead, he crapped himself and waddled to the restroom.

TehElectricGuy says:

What a shitty day he had

WWE Alex says:

When I get nervous, I don’t get that nervous

Colonel Radec says:

Americans can’t read or what? Don’t need some man getting paid to read
stuff on the screen for you all wtf

Onion Rings says:

Poor guy.

BooNube says:

Shit happens.

stefnasty says:

I don’t understand how people lose control of their bowels. I can hold it
in until it kills me.

Harley Rider 3021 says:

And the forecast is calling for a 100% chance of the squirts in his
britches. Poor guy.

roshirawrz101 says:

At a soccer game i had diarrhea. My boxers are still in the forest buried
under my wipes.

Justin Adams says:

The weather must have been shitty

craigslistrr O says:

walking like a penguin to the bathroom

Phish N' Chimps says:

its mud season down south.

Mrs. Angela Parchi says:

Poor guy! Some point in your life time I’m sure you had to go too, and if
not then your time will come. I call this just bad timing. 

kanas jeep says:

poor guy :( must have been embarrassing :(

Tyler Dopeneck says:

He is only human, but come on don’t eat tacos and such at lunch he was
asking for a “shity” day at work.

Don't readthis says:

Always call in sick to work if you have diarreah, if you don’t then you’ll
have a really shitty day 

Daryl Taylor says:

Stand by for technical difficulties

The Gaming Wall Breaker says:

yeah high pressure dude high pressure 

Alexandra says:

Poor guy. He seemed uncomfortable. He did a great job.

LionEntity says:

Poor guy…

Chris Gould says:

Heavy falls expected today

Michel Madaire says:

warm front coming down his legs lol

theresa42213 says:

poor guy. I feel bad for him. :( Hope he made it.

Jason Steiner says:

Oh there is a high-pressure front coming alright

Scott Shepke says:

when your busy at work and that chipotle /taco bell hits

Lynda Clark says:

That must be and embarrassment.

Jared Clark says:

He kept it very well manored while shiting his pants. Jolly good show fine

dale cota says:

hope he didn’t shit his pants instead of a storm urupting on the screen it
was happening in his pants instead!

Mike Harkins says:

You can hear his voice quivering the whole time LOL… He’s got balls to
even attempt to get through this segment with a log about to fall
overboard… I bet that dude felt so good after he was done on the toilet.

buzzclick500 says:

It happens a lot to people who go around saying, “I don’t give a S***!!”
They program their bodies for unexpected rebellions and uprisings.

1987slim says:

Shit happens :D

Mr. Spoon says:


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