What to know about diarrhea?

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Most people have experienced an episode of diarrhea. In this animation we explain everything about the symptoms, causes and possible treatments of this condition. Importantly, we also describe how you can prevent diarrhea.

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undertakerfreak1127 says:

Diarrhea cha cha cha 

Julia Christine says:

Keep the imodium close at hand!!!

Twin Team says:

Are all of us watching this while on the can? I’m not just read the

The Ender-Ghost Gamer says:

Can I sue Taco Bell If I got Diarhea from their food? 

_AlphaCraft_ says:

I’ve had it for a week now, (still have it).
I get cramps every so often but I don’t have a fever or vomiting symptoms.
just diarrhea, and it’s really annoying
anything serious, suggestions on how to stop it? 

Healthchanneltv / cherishyourhealthtv says:

+metrosonic Thanks for your comment :)

The Ender-Ghost Gamer says:

I ate Taco Bell…. Never again

Eva Pineda says:

I need this because I have a stomachach and poop wet

Jacket Potato says:

I ate a Triple Chocolate Swiss Roll today. I had stomach pains for 3-4
hours, but went to the toilet 2 times. I felt diarhea, but pooped out 5
rabbit looking like poops. After an hour or 2 I went again, I had stomach
pains while my mum and dad was away. At dinner I felt better, ate a Swiss
role again and felt.. Normal. I guess it must be the pancakes I ate this

SWAT Bro says:

How dafaq did watching pranks get me here?

DC Francis says:

This is a real shitty video

Joe Jahoe says:

Oh dude, i just ate the suicide wings at the local tavern, im feelin the
relative diarrhea now let me tell yuh…. Ahhhh .. Ouuuu

BboyGrimm says:

133,340 people have/had diarrhea :D

TheLalalalalaland13 says:

Like if your watching on your toilet

Drake Oliver says:

You forgot stay away from Taco Bell… ugh…brb

zee339 says:

I thought the final word on diarreah was the diarreah song

Cody Talianu says:

how the heck am i spending my free time these days

Healthchanneltv / cherishyourhealthtv says:

+Kara Allen That does not sound good! Make sure you drink sufficient water
and visit a doctor for advice if the diarrhea stays for long time. We hope
you get better soon! Hugs

The21abc says:

It’s been 3 days..still watery ughh

Healthchanneltv / cherishyourhealthtv says:

+MrHaloXpert Hi, please visit your familydoctor if there is also a little
bit of blood. Hope you get better soon! Hugs

sbusty09 says:

I drank hot chamomile tea last night and after that I’ve been going is that

weip lin says:

That’s what happened to me at school the 5 things.

swift rames says:

do don’t eat anything ?

Santino Garcia says:

I have IBS so i get diahrea whenever i am nervous it’s really bad in fact
I’m pooping while watching this video right now…

Tom Chance says:

How did I get here?

jaredontv says:

I had diarrhea last night. from like 10:30PM till about 1:30am I must had
went about 18 times.. it stopped after that, even though I was still a
nervous wreck till sunrise lol

LaWanda Thrower says:

I really appreciated the video because I was searching for a kid friendly
video that explains that causes and symptoms if diarrhea. This video and
the graphics were perfect. 

oAswx says:

Ah, at last, the cure for diarrhea: WHEAT BREAD

Joseph Prushinski says:


Basma Fayez says:

helped a lot thank you :)

Kevin Fajardo says:

Earlier, I`’ve been eating lots of cheese balls and drinking lots of
Hawaiian Punch could be the cause of why I`m having dirrhea

michael cornejo says:

Im shitting fire right now, pray for me:(

dan laesu says:

awesome animation 

Red Scout says:

4 diarrhea in 30mins new world record!!!

clockwork69 says:

I maybe got diarrhea from eating street food but at least I had only 2

daniel silva says:

What a shit. Hahahaha sorry for this joke.

Crong says:

Is it alright if I use this video to show my schoolmates about diarrhea?
It’s part of my science class…

metrosonic says:

Thanks for advices.

Equity6 says:

very helpful and informative. I have had diarrhea non-stop since 1968.

ismail nurse says:

thank for u …..this animation very important

Ethan Blue says:




Wax Mop says:


jamaika De la zeus says:

This was helpful thank you

Boo Spanyer Cassiopeia says:

i love your channel! is helpful and informative, explains (often sensitive
subject) in ways that are inoffensive and easy for all to understand
*thank you for all the uploads! :D*

Sabrina Kitty says:

I had diarrhea once when I got home from Longhorn. It lasted only 1 day…

holy yay says:

I though i was gonna die because i had diarrhea for 2 days the longest i
ever had it was for 1 day i no y i got it to thx for helping me out

Gracie B. says:

Recently I have had pain in the stomach. But I use the restroom once yet,
its watery. I have got to thinking am I lactose? Could you anwser quickly?
Thank you :)

Gummy Eater says:


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