Diet Tips for IBS | UK Dietitian Nichola Whitehead

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*WARNING* This video talks about a subject that people don’t usually like to talk about.. but with 20% of the population affected by IBS at some point in their life I thought that it was time to speak out and offer some 1:1 advice!

I really hope you find it useful! Nic x


Read more here: ‎

Find out more about OptiBac Probiotics for IBS here:

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Hi! My name is Nichola and I’m a specialist UK Dietitian and blogger. Follow me for tips on diet, nutrition, weight loss and healthy recipes!

It’s not about fad diets.. it’s about a way of life.

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OptiBac Probiotics paid for the time it took me to make this video and write a blog post about IBS tips. I do not promote products featured over others that are not featured. Please read my disclaimer page for more information:


Jason Griffith says:

I think you covered every trick that I use. The main thing for me has been
adding fiber from vegetables. Fruits tend to be a trigger for me, so while
I still eat them for their health benefits I’ve cut back on quantity and
frequency. Eating balanced means, particularly things that aren’t fried,
and increasing my veggies has almost completely eliminated my symptoms.

When I start to move away from that, cutting down the veg or bring more
fried foods back in, it all comes back. 

Amy Robb says:

Thanks for mum and best friend suffer from this quite badly! can
it come and go? as doctors told me I had it a while ago and got the
symptoms for over a year but I seem to be okay now :) xx

Elise Lobb says:

where is your dress from!?!?!

Nichola Whitehead says:

NEW VIDEO.. Diet Tips for IBS!

Kat Horrocks says:

Wow never knew what a resistant starch was this was really informative! I’m
quite lucky that I’ve always had pretty healthy digestion. I do want to
start taking probiotics though! 

David Sweeney says:

Hi Nic, thanks for this, I love it when you get down and dirty and get
right in there showing off your medical knowledge and expertise, you are
after all a very well qualified dietician, so why not! It’s all very well
doing a ‘food video’ but most of those people don’t know the science behind
it all. My friend Guy Cohen suffered from gut trouble for years, it nearly
killed him, he even wrote a book on it, so this is a very serious matter. I
have my daily pot of actimel probiotics to stop acid reflux and make sure I
meditate to reduce stress, and of course get tips from you about healthier
ways of eating! You’ve done it again Nic, brilliant clear, crisp, to the
point video. I love love love that dress you look gorgeous. Best wishes!

Laura Conlin says:

Great video as always Nic. I suffer terribly with IBS and manage to keep it
relatively under control but if I let my healthy diet go even for a day my
body doesn’t know what’s going on. It can be really draining so diet is key
for me 

19xjemx19 says:

Thank you so much for this video – been enjoying your channel and blog for
a long time now but first time I’ve commented.
Brill tips though. 9 months ago I went on the “low fodmap” diet to attempt
to improve symptoms…although its not banished them completely….it has
helped INCREDIBLE amounts. I can’t quite believe it! Thanks Nic and the
dress is lovely! I will be searching eBay! X

Ps what is the music called/where is it from in the background of this
video been wanting to know for AGES! 

Ruth Passmore says:

Great video :) on a non-IBS related topic, where’s your dress from? It’s

Lmjoshea O Shea says:

Thanks a mill
Great tips. I had no understanding of the pasta or pizza.
Thanks again. 

chl0e says:

Thanks for this. Avoiding dairy is a big help to my symptoms! xx

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