My Anxiety Story | IBS

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Hello. I’ve seen a lot of Youtube videos recently on everyone’s individual anxiety story and I thought I would share mine. I do have IBS, which is Irritable Bowl Syndrome, so I know that also effects my anxiety. My anxiety did get better in college and I think it was, in large part, due to working with my perfectionism and desire to please others. I also began more relaxation practices and changed my diet, which helped a lot.
I blog over at – so you’ll see me more there. :)


Heidi G. says:

Thank you for sharing this, you explained it very well. I’m currently
struggling with painful stomach aches and IBS due to anxiety. I went
through it once before and it was a terrible time in my life. For 3 years I
was able to live without it, but now it’s back and I’m so scared. Mornings
are the worst for me, but it can hit at any time. I’m glad I’m not alone,
but I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

Maddie Knox says:

Thank you SO much for sharing your story Kate! Its actually scary how
similar our story is but what ive learnt with counselling and therapy is to
not care about what people think of you, just be yourself and love

Fitness Gamer says:

IBS and anxiety pretty much ruined my life. I was very skinny and sick a
lot due to upset stomachs when I was in Middle School and early High
School. I would always throw up drink/food in the mornings and barely ate
all day….I am more muscular now, but still have trouble eating sometimes.
I also got bullied very badly when I was 15 and it made things
worse….Glad that you shared your story….I pretty much have no life &
have suicidal thoughts because I feel I have wasted my life thus far &
there are some other reasons as well…. Is there a way we can talk? This
video really hit home with me ….

Matthew Chidester says:

hopefully you’re feeling better these days.. I came across this video
searching for IBS/anxiety which is what I’m dealing with :(…I get
nauseated..flushed face and IBS..yet when I’m not having anxiety I’m fine
😛 it sucks!

thanks for making the video

Ryan Smith says:

I’ve had IBS for 7 years, I dealt with it ok for 6 of it but the last year
has been more difficult with my anxiety so during the last year I’ve barely
left my house & I haven’t seen any of my friends since October 2013. At the
moment I just feel really depressed & alone which isn’t nice. I’ve started
doing CBT but it doesn’t seem to be helping, if anything it’s made me more
aware of my emotions which has made me feel even more depressed :(

Kristian Faith says:

Exactly everyone is different. I liked this video!! It seems like when my
anxiety slows day during the day, it comes out of no where during the
night, i have panic attacks In my dreams, an wake up with panic attacks.
Not so pleasant xD.

Michael Brinz says:

Thanks Kayyydii for sharing. I kinda like this open way of dealing with
this stuff…cheers mic:)

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