Intestinal Problems Colon Relief Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones

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Free Download Guide to Audio Visual Brainwave Entrainment:

Frequencies for Intestinal problems colon relief.

Binaural beats may influence functions of the brain in ways besides those related to hearing. This phenomenon is called frequency following response. The concept is that if one receives a stimulus with a frequency in the range of brain waves, the predominant brain wave frequency is said to be likely to move towards the frequency of the stimulus (a process called entrainment).

In addition, binaural beats have been credibly documented to relate to both spatial perception & stereo auditory recognition, and, according to the frequency following response, activation of various sites in the brain.

The stimulus does not have to be aural; it can also be visual or a combination of aural and visual (one such example would be Dreamachine).
Perceived human hearing is limited to the range of frequencies from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, but the frequencies of human brain waves are below about 40 Hz. To account for this lack of perception, binaural beat frequencies are used. Beat frequencies of 40 Hz have been produced in the brain with binaural sound and measured experimentally.

When the perceived beat frequency corresponds to the delta, theta, alpha, beta, or gamma range of brainwave frequencies, the brainwaves entrain to or move towards the beat frequency.

For example, if a 315 Hz sine wave is played into the right ear and a 325 Hz one into the left ear, the brain is entrained towards the beat frequency 10 Hz, in the alpha range. Since alpha range is associated with relaxation, this has a relaxing effect or if in the beta range, more alertness. An experiment with binaural sound stimulation using beat frequencies in the Beta range on some participants and

Delta/Theta range in other participants, found better vigilance performance and mood in those on the awake alert state of Beta range stimulation.

Binaural beat stimulation has been used fairly extensively to induce a variety of states of consciousness, and there has been some work done in regards to the effects of these stimuli on relaxation, focus, attention, and states of consciousness.

Studies have shown that with repeated training to distinguish close frequency sounds that a plastic reorganization of the brain occurs for the trained frequencies and is capable of asymmetric hemispheric balancing.

The thalamus (from Greek θάλαμος, “inner chamber”) is a midline symmetrical structure within the brains of vertebrates including humans, situated between the cerebral cortex and midbrain. Its function includes relaying sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex, along with the regulation of consciousness, sleep, and alertness. The thalamus surrounds the third ventricle. It is the main product of the embryonic diencephalon. Download Here:


TJ C says:

I listened to this along with several others. It really works, The benefit
in a few days are much better than one month of accupuncture treatment!

Ysabel Castillo says:

Thank you so much! God bless You and all yours!

GrandAdmiralGamez says:

I farted one minute into listening to this, and I felt relief. Proof that
this works.

Carlos Gonzalez says:

If your a smoker, smoke a cig itl help the stomache loosen up and listen to
the music aswell you will perfect after this.

Nicolas BENOIT says:

Waw! Impressed, it works!

jmv2335 says:

I pooped! 

Roy Copeland says:

Helped with my latest bout of diverticulitis. Thank you!! I was wondering
if this can be listened to on a regular basis??

Alicia B says:

This helped me greatly with my Diverticulitis pain. Thank you so much!

Christine Doiron says:

Wow. I was having major discomfort all night and this actually helped
significantly. Hard to believe but and maybe it’s just a coincidence but
definitely worth a try.

Neoreina says:

I had parasites a year ago I didnt expect they were so destructive, now i
have intestine problems because cant drink milk or stuff that makes me feel
inflated ,going to hear this maybe help!

Ryan Gillis says:

will this get rid of parasites?

Jan Olaf Amundsen says:

Can you make something for the Pylorus/Duodenum? This narrow area is in
many cases a critical area for people who get cancer, as far as I know.

Lisa Hinchey says:

hmmm are headphones required for this??
i am waiting for a massage client to show up.i hope i don’t have to
interupt his massage..haha

jen4um says:

After a few minutes I was in the bathroom. It must work. Cool

vorkev1 says:

holly cow that was weard if you turn the sound up enuff and play it with a
hd sound system 2 speakers it s like the sound is inside your head and the
back of you neck you can feel throbbing so awsome

LOVELABmusic says:

I pent woop!

Minilik teferi says:

Very good !!!next era music !!!

Red Gem Studios says:

sounds like an airpl..ngbfuirhiuydtgf vbhyaj,ads

prashant osho says:

drink alchohol for bowel problem


Very soothing on the ears…..Very happy I found Your video. Thanks for the
healing vibes.

OspreyMusicInc says:

Glad to be of service.

KMVclassic says:

Very nice tone, it’s extremely soothing and… OH crap, I need new pants

sefireb says:

After listening to about 15 minutes of the audio – there was some movement.

prashant osho says:

wao very good sound,i like it

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