Me Time and Meditation

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Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practised daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumours and to viruses.


Emotional balance, means to be free of all the neurotic behavior that results from the existence of a tortured and traumatized ego. This is very hard to achieve fully, but meditation certainly is the way to cure such neurosis and unhealthy emotional states. As one’s consciousness is cleansed of emotionally soaked memories, not only does great freedom abound, but also great balance. As one’s responses then are not colored by the burdens one carries, but are instead true, direct and appropriate.


A study at the University of Western Australia found that women are more likely to conceive during periods when they are relaxed rather than stressed. A study at Trakya University, in Turkey, also found that stress reduces sperm count and motility, suggesting relaxation may also boost male fertility.


When patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome began practising a relaxation meditation twice daily, their symptoms of bloating, diarrhoea and constipation improved significantly. The meditation was so effective the researchers at the State University of New York recommended it as an effective treatment.


A study at Harvard Medical School found that meditation lowered blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones, in a similar way to blood pressure-lowering medication. Meanwhile a British Medical Journal report found that patients trained how to relax had significantly lower blood pressure.


Stress leads to inflammation, a state linked to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions such as psoriasis, say researchers at Emory University in the US. Relaxation can help prevent and treat such symptoms by switching off the stress response. In this way, one study at McGill University in Canada found that meditation clinically improve

d the symptoms of psoriasis.


The simple difference between those who meditate and those who do not, is that for a meditative mind the thought occurs but is witnessed, while for an ordinary mind, the thought occurs and is the boss. So in both minds, an upsetting thought can occur, but for those who meditate it is just another thought, which is seen as such and is allowed to blossom and die, while in the ordinary mind the thought instigates a storm which rages on and on.


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Sandi F says:

calm dot com is also another app you can download on your phone for guided
meditation.. anywhere from 1 to 30 mins.. they have different backgrounds
with sound (beach, rain, river etc). also everytime I watch your vids I
end up singing your theme song all day lol…

Boyhead1973 says:

This is great — also mediation and unplugging goes hand in hand. Time to
ourselves also means ditching the phones and other electronic crutches.
Maya Angelou used to do that all the time while she was alive…


Angela Simmons says:

Team# Introvert. 

zenivivian says:

I’m loving to get to know a little be more about you Brosia. You’re such a
beautiful lady (in my opinion, the most beautiful youtuber in the natural
hair community) and now I can see that you’re also a beautiful soul. Keep
being you and of course sharing it with the world (yes, I’m in Brazil) <3

TressesOfAlexis says:

Love this video. You look fab!

NikkiandthecityTV says:

Been following your channel for years! LOVE.

brandilovesbeauty says:

beautiful video! it’s one of my goals to do everything in the “how to be
alone” video on youtube by andrea dorfman. 

DiVoyeINC says:

I have a friend that mediates a lot I really want try it also! You look
awesome btw loving ur outfit and makeup! 

gasmine hood says:

I Love The Vibe Of This Video; Very Peaceful.. Great Job B

beyouteequeen says:

You are giving me Grace Jones realness! So beautiful! And beautiful
message, we ALL need alone time and meditation. Thanks the video 

NaturalLiLovely says:

The colors you use on your face are beautiful. Very flawless

Bridgette S says:

Meditation is the bomb dot com! Thanks for sharing!

Ambrosia Malbrough says:
jadedpoet82 says:

Really feeling the new pace of your videos!! Calming, really useful in life
just awesome!

DameshaRae says:

omg i love you. you have such a beautiful soul. started meditating over
the summer and picked it backed up for the new year. and simply have time
for my self t set still and be quiet has changed me so much. im a more
positive persona and im just living life and loving it to the fullest. the
journey has just begun . but its so worth it. ill be talking about my
journey with meditation and such on my channel soon. +Ambrosia Malbrough 

Tam WiL says:

Hey Ambrosia, mediation is becoming very popular so much so, I’ve created
and patented a mediation coffee and tea creamer. This is the healthiest and
most relaxing thing ever created. I would love to send u some to try. It
will totally make u put down the Starbucks!! Let me know and I’ll send it
asap. Thanks!

Danielle Murry says:

I’ve been using Headspace for the last 6 months and I LOVE it! you’re
right, his voice is so soothing

Crystal Williams says:

Yes for meditating on Jesus

sheba1121 says:

Omg I have been writing in my journal about meditation all week!! So weird!
I want to learn all about it and start doing it on a regular!! Thank you
for sharing!

50LittleMama says:

Wow! You look absolutely stunning with your hairdo!

Tia Danielle says:

+Ambrosia Malbrough girl you are giving me 90’s rock star chic with this
look, I love it! Meditation does wonders for me…I have to start doing it
twice a day when I do do it…

Morgan Harrison says:

Thank you so much I’m new to meditating and this was really good

LoveDuoLux says:

That lighting and location tho! Photog here, had to tell you it’s

MsEverything1 says:

Great video

09AshMck says:

Whats the music in the backround ? Very calming

Donna Ramsay says:

Very nice. I love me time. Relaxing mood. I will try that app. Your hair is
so cute. 

sesamestreet90 says:

Love you girl. Great video

Nadine FeelsWrite says:

Lovely video

IMPamela Marie says:

Very nice video!

nappymodel says:

People that like to be around others in order to feel happy are usually

Tam WiL says:

Love you Pablo! Thanks for the correction your totally right! I’m sorry you
got offended sweet heart. The Fruit of the Spirit is the way to go….life
is so much sweeter this way. Kind words and a clean heart! 

yoyo yo says:

Love what your channel is becoming!

Crafts & Glory says:

Me time is the best! I love to use me time sewing, reading or walking.

Tam WiL says:

Sorry again palo not Pablo. Much love!

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