How to cure constipation : relieve, easy, healthy, natural way using olive oil evoo

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Cure constipation: Extra Virgin Olive oil method for curing constipation (EVOO)


Simon Keel says:

interesting, how does this compare to prune juice? I think prune juice is a
pretty healthy thing to drink on a regular basis but I can definitely see
how this would be more efficient. I think if you eat a insane amount of
almonds you get the same effect as long as you chew them well.

Holden Magroin says:

my god this worked but i had sore anus after my poop but felt so relieved. 

Divine and Chosen says:


Rayyan Rohayyem says:


mdimarco87 says:

@oMosDefinite Sure 2 is fine, but 1 usually works. I would take 1 then wait
2 hours and if you still don’t need to go, take another tbsp. But if you
want to take 2 from the start, thats fine.

xXxgriefelementxXx says:

Just buy a bide and turn it to high pressure.

mdimarco87 says:

awesome! good to hear doctors recommending my grandma’s folk remedy she
learned in Italy :).

iheartgdgc says:

Just had a colonoscopy and slowly after I was regular. I’m on vacation now
and I’m super irregular. One every 2 days I will go normal then the other
two days I’m either backed up or pooping pellets. Not to mention I’m
bloated, gassy and because of me not pooping my weight has shot up. Just
took about 2 and 1/2 tablespoons of evoo. I hope to god this works so I can
feel normal, light, and free again.

oMosDefinite says:

How many tablespoons of it should i take. Is one tablespoon fine? Or can I
take 2.

Piscess86 says:

How long did it actually take you to pass a bowel movement after drinking
the olive oil?

emienm shady says:

yeah man thanks i was looking for this its been 2 days that i go to toilet
for shit and thats make me suffer the abdominal pain and yes i go to doctor
but they sucks they gave me the laxative that give me the jump start and 3
day later it happens again

etcrobb says:

Thank you for the info. I went from IBS to this. Headed to the kitchen now.

mdimarco87 says:

It usually takes a couple hours from what I remember. If this doesn’t work
it means the constipation might be more severe, which the best route I’ve
found would be eat less and eat only fruits and vegetables for a day or so.

betty827 says:

a real pro you are mate .. i think i’d take advice from my dog before you

mdimarco87 says:

@iheartgdgc. awesome good luck, it should help your case nicely. Also
another trick I found recently is acidic foods. So drink acidic things and
it should help you stay regular. A splash of apple cider vinegar in water
is a fave of mine. :)

Robert Turner says:

a nyc doctor told me to do this. this is true. yesterday she told me to
take 3 soup spoons of olive oil.

mdimarco87 says:

@mokugin81 ok…either way it probably won’t relieve constipation quickly
like extra virgin olive oil will.

GamertagTOWELLIE says:

etcrobb, to permanently cure IBS or bouts of constipation you need to clean
and heal your colon. Check out a book or ebook called Bye bye IBS The
Natural Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cure. Namaste

Brenda Verly Luhman says:

Thanks for the info! I think that will taste better than castor oil and
have the same effect

mokugin81 says:

the best oil is Coconut and MCT oil!! olive oil is ok in small ammounts
with food but coconut and other saturated fats are WAY better then olive
oil!! read the infos on Ray Peat website!!

mdimarco87 says:

Heh, in this video I’m trying to be nonchalant about an embarrising
subject. It is your choice whether to listen to your dog or myself, but I
do have a degree in the science of Nutrition. I am a biologist by
occupation and am studying to become a Mechanical Engineer. Regardless of
that, I encourage everyone not to take anybody’s “word for it”, and do your
own research. Hopefully you will find my suggestions and experience are

mdimarco87 says:

@allessio777. Yup that is a great idea. Make sure the big salag uses extra
virgin olive oil since light olive oil doesn’t seem to work for me. The
vinegar increases acidity which also seems to help move things through. The
salad leaves provide insoluble fiber (and some soluble) which help the
intestines to grip and push things through.

mdimarco87 says:

@BrendalulovesHCG Very good thought, yes it definitely tastes better
especially if you chase it with something. Castor oil is definitely a
natural stimulant laxative so you don’t want to take it much, (google
dangers of stimulant laxatives for cautions). One would think evoo (extra
virgin olive oil) is purely a lubricative laxitive (which it is) but since
extra light olive oil doesn’t seem to work as well I think extra virgin
does have some properties of a stimulant laxitive as well.

Alexa Tiger says:

it works me myself have took it and it takes about 4 hours and dose not
hurt as bad as other store boughten laxitives

Benedict Fernando says:

Hey there, have you heard about “Belly Fat Blaze” (google it)? There you
will find a beneficial free video. It made it easier for Harry to lose his
abdominal fat. I hope it helps you too…

mdimarco87 says:

Nah, its not unhealthy. These are good fats and extra virgin olive oil also
has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Marie Killian says:

You are right man! This does work…only I am looking at you using an olive
oil in a clear, plastic container…EWWW! If you are going to put olive oil
into your body why not put the good stuff in so it may benefit all of the
other parts of your body as good extra virgin olive oil will do??!!
Carothers’ Olive Oil stands above all. It is wonderful and delicious olive
oil. Check it out! Visit the website, learn and explore! Carothers Olive

creativecompanion says:

Thank you much. I will add to my salad.

Lexy513 says:

this really works. Trust me. it does!

Danielle S says:

It seems so unhealthy but I hope this works!

mdimarco87 says:

It does, just make sure to use extra virgin, It doesnt seem like the extra
light stuff works as well so it may be something other than the oleic acid
in the oil that does it. If you try it, post on if it worked for you.

Allessio777 says:

Why not just eat a large salad with Vinegar and Olive Oil? Sounds a little
more palatable.

Yogesh Subedi says:

Hey, have you come across BellyFATtack yet? Just have a look on Google.
There you will discover a practical free video presentation by an
experienced certified dietitian revealing how you can get rid of fat. This
helped Katherine to get rid of her tummy fat. Hopefully it will work for
you also.

Minati Biswas says:

Hello, have you considered ” BellyFATtack “? Simply have a look on Google.
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Sheila to get rid of her belly fat. I will probably give it a try. It might
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