How to Relieve Constipation with Natural Movements

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The Sitting Solution

Hi there, It’s Chad & Brenda Walding with The Sitting Solution.

We’re so glad you’re here with us today on our mission to to raise awareness about the sitting problem. Our goal is to inspire you to take action and give you the practical tools to do so. The underlying message here is that you must take an active role in your own health.

The Sitting Solution is the ultimate guide to resolving your pain, restoring your posture and fixing your sitting problem.

We want to help you become more aware of how and why chronic sitting is undermining your health so you can eliminate this potentially dangerous blind spot. Most people “don’t know that they don’t know” that frequent sitting is a problem. They are experiencing pain and suffering but don’t understand why. If you understand the implications of chronic sitting on your health, you will be more motivated to make a change.

Click this link for our free report which covers the science behind that deleterious effects of sitting as well as some helpful tips to get you moving in the right direction:

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We hope you found this video helpful and if you’re looking for more solutions to your sitting problem check out our website here:


PS — Use this link to share this video on Facebook with your friends!


To your health,

Chad Walding DPT, OPEX L1, RKC
Brenda Walding DPT, FDN


Noni Jean Kaufman says:

Great, easy to follow instructions! 

Mar Rich says:

Excellent video. Very helpful and seems practical and anatomically sound.
I’ll be putting it in my new self-care program that I’m building for
myself. Thank you very much.

TrulyBlessed87 says:

Love this video. Thank you for sharing your techniques for constipation.
How long after I begin these techniques would it take to make a difference
in my constipation? (note: I am eating a high quality paleo diet and taking
high quality supplements from my functional medicine doc).

TrulyBlessed87 says:

I would also like to ask how many reps of each technique and how many times
a day?

Templar Knights says:

I heard turbo-lax works pretty well also

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