Mineral Oil’s Effects on the Skin

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Sally B’s Skin Yummies demonstrates the effects of mineral oil on a cracker over time to prove that the oil does create an impermeable layer on top of skin, clogging pores and denying it beneficial vitamins.


Dayalan Murugesan says:

Great experiment! Thanks for sharing

Atieh Jibbe says:

do you even know how mineral oil works? It creates a barrier in which water
cannot leave the body into the air. Thus leaving that area more hydrated.
This is the EXACT same way glycerine works. And dimethicone. And petroleum.
And Urea. The list goes on and on. The goal is not to add water, but to
reduce the amount of water that can leave the body in a specified area. 

11martin82 says:

@Samantha Titus you should show a reference to those studies. 

Atieh Jibbe says:

too bad this study never existed. wanna prove me wrong? post the link to
the study…. it’s just internet nonsense being thrown around. 1
person/forum says it and it spreads like aids in africa. sigh. 

Brian P says:

Nice citations

Ben A says:

Everything has mineral oil in it! What the fuck are we supposed to use?

TokkerProductions says:

Just because the mineral oil doesn’t get absorbed into crackers, doesn’t
mean it’s bad for your skin… I’m pretty sure it’s actually GOOD for you

vosstok75 says:

That does not prove anything you idiot. Your skin does not behave like
crackers. Go study biology & chemistry you genius….

Mastiff Mum says:

Great experiment! Thanks for sharing.

KevinHarlan says:

Shea butter, cocoa butter or any natural oil.

okm188 says:

I can confirm my skin is a cracker

Lisa Spezzano says:


Samantha Titus says:

To the idiotic comments posted…The cracker is ONLY a demo… recent
studies HAVE actually shown that mineral oil absorbs the nutirents and
vitamins that your body needs, essentially robbing you of all the good
stuff. Also, note that ingesting/consuming mineral oil has been known to be
extremely harmful for your body ( check any medical website), yet putting
something on your skin is essentially doing just that – consuming it. So
yes, it is bad for your skin – you genius

vikas sharma says:

Skincare companies want people to give their products a try to show how
good they are. Have you ever seen the cosmetics section set-up in your
neighbourhood mall offering free samples? Well i just found a website that
will send free test products to your home, its the best way to get free
skincare products :) You can get them here bit.ly/13hhyLQ?v=ovikc

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