Natural remedies for constipation

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Natural remedies for constipation

Remedy 1:
Orange is known to increase peristaltic activity and is very effective in the treatment of constipation. Taking an orange early morning is an excellent way of stimulating the bowels.

Remedy 2:
Broccoli is full of soluble and insoluble fiber which is very important in constipation. It’s best to eat vegetables raw because cooking them can reduce their fiber content. Add Broccoli to your diet if you suffer from regular constipation.

Remedy 3:
Date is an excellent source of natural dietary fibre which helps in fighting constipation. Soak 5 to 6 dates overnight and take it along with water early morning.

Remedy 4:
Fresh ripen sapota is a good source of minerals like potassium, copper, iron and vitamins like folate, niacin and pantothenic acid. These compounds are essential for optimal health as they involve in various metabolic processes in the body as cofactors for the enzymes. Sapota fruit provides a high amount of dietary fiber (5.6/100g). Thus, it

is regarded as an excellent bulk laxative. The fiber content provides relief from constipation.

Remedy 5:
Consuming a guava daily keeps constipation away. You should consume guava with its seeds for better results.

Remedy 6:
Soak 4 or 5 dry grapes in water at night. The dry gapes will be swollen by morning. The next morning squeeze the grapes and take the juice. It will be 2, 3 spoonful of juice. Give this to infant. He is sure to pass motion. This is the most effective home remedy for baby constipation.

Remedy 7:
Half cup cabbage juice taken twice-daily cures constipation.

For any other information on any other natural remedies, visit our website


Sunitha Jagwani says:
David Frausto says:

All i have is grapes

Sunitha Jagwani says:

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