Please READ this box for more info. Do you tend to suffer from stomach pain, heavy stomach, indigestion, constipation, gas and bloating or IBS? Now that it’s the holiday season, most of us might be [More]
“Yoga & natural remedies to prevent or cure Constipation & Digestive System problems” – Asanas, Pranayama & helpful tips
Determining if a cat is constipated requires monitoring the litter box to notice any distressed behavior or vocalization while the cat is in its box. Have a constipated cat checked out at the vet’s office [More]
Bowtrol Colon Health Support was developed for people with sensitive digestion, particularly a sensitive colon. Constipation relief during pregnancy – Constipation treatments Constipation is an unpleasant but common symptom of pregnancy. The good news is, there are steps you can take to deal with it. Here is Dr. Keith [More]
Bowtrol’s all-natural formula helps calm and relax the digestive tract, eliminating feelings of urgency and diarrhea or constipation.
I COULD HAVE JUST TOOK TESCO VALUE LAXATIVE! BUT I DIDN’T HAVE ANY 😉 So 1 litre of prune juice it was! or follow and like the healingplacemedfield on FB and Twitter. Reflexology Tip. If your stomach is off and you are constipated, try these easy foot reflexology tips. Before you know you will feel better! [More]
Shiatsu treatment for constipation. A practical workshop in The Netherlands.