Feline Constipation Symptoms & Treatment

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http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2011/10/18/the-simple-kitty-constipation-cure-thats-nearly-always-overlooked.aspx Dr. Karen Becker, a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian discusses about feline constipation symptoms & treatment.


oh2love4love says:

interesting, the raw fed cat yahoo group people say that when feeding raw
food that cats don’t poop everyday and that their poop should be on the
darker side, as in black.. so what about raw fed cats, in particular

KlassiskPerser says:

excellent video – it contains the single the best health advice for all cat
owners: get rid of the kibble and feed that cat raw/canned >^..^<

Apollyon says:

2) Vaseline with chicken paste for it to be easyer but nothing yet. He is
well alive.. I brought him to the vet and they drained him 2 days ago both
ways. They have no idea what’s wrong. They did X-rays and full check up.
This is a local vet and not an costly emergency room. They gave us
medication and anti-biotics he seems to be doing even better when he’s not
buzing on it. And he moves around alot like nothing happend but mostly on
his sides. Now he he won’t unless we spoon it for him.

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