Constipation is usually related to the imbalance of the Ayurvedic body energy, vata. Vata imbalance causes dryness in the body, and problems related to movement and internal transportation of substances. Diet: Avoid fried food, white [More]
The amazing health secret from Japan. Kangen Water. See what it can do for your health
Learn how Kangen Water helps clean the colon and in keeping it detoxified! Kangen Water has many properties which can assist it in helping your body restore a pH balance. The benefits of this water [More]
How Your Body Works 2, Colon Health Radhia talks about problems with colon health including IBS, constipation, bad gas, bowel movement problems, etc. She discusses what can go wrong the gastrointestinal system or GI system. [More]
Integrative Nutritionist and Self Mastery Coach Ronnie Landis explains the importance of colon cleansing, elimination, and colon hydrotherapy. This is a video from Ronnie’s Online Holistic Health Mastery Certification Course. Prof. Spira learned of Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System from Brother Air in 2002 and the information profoundly changed his life. By 2003 he’d lost over 110 pounds and overcame many ailments [More]
Difference between Colonics and Colon Hydrotherapy – Colon hydrotherapy preparation for Colonoscopy Aquanet is FDA and Health Canada Approved, The most safe machine in the world Fort Langley Colonics 778 298 4325
Dr. Alan Olson describes his experience with colon cancer and encourages everyone over the age of 50, or with other risk factors to get a colonoscopy. Learn more about colon health by walking through the [More] You need to drink an adequate amount of fresh water every day for a healthy colon cleanse if you want to maintain healthy colon function. 60-100 ounces of water a day should be [More] is where you can find the great information about how to colon cleanse d constipation relief using constipation treatment. Tyler Tolman is a world renowned expert in colon cleansing, colon cleanser, and constipation remedies. [More]