ACG Trustee Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG, Director, Division of Gastroenterology New York University Langone Medical Center (former Director of The Jay Monahan Center for Gastrointestinal Health), narrates a tour of a patient’s colon during [More]
Most of us prefer not to talk about colon health and take those functions for granted. But many conditions can affect colon health, particularly as we age. A University of Michigan Gastroenterologist discusses diverticulosis and [More]
Optimal Colon Health – The centerpiece of pH balance – (part 1) This is part one of a 4 part video series where we’re going to explore the importance of maintaining colon health and [More]
Fasting is a great way to clean out the colon, but incorporating natural juices, soups and Metamucil can keep you from getting too weak during a colon cleanse. Eliminate toxins and solid waste from the [More]
20hz Rife freq. pure tone: “one cure against many problems” Relief from: Allergy, Aura strenghten, bacterial infections, Bedsores, Bladder and prostate complaints, Blood, Blood poisoning, Blood pressure low, Brain (general), Bronchitis, Cold in head chest, [More]
I dont own this instrumental. THIS SONG IS NOT DEDICATED TO NO ONE SPECIFIC. I JUST MADE IT. Much Love:) Lyrics: Intro: You know, it seems, just like dream. But, really its reality. Its kind [More]
Colon Cleansing and Detox on Power 105 1 FM / Dr Oz Talks Colon cleansing can help improve your body’s overall health and wellness, and may even reduce your risks for colon cancer. Makes the [More]
It’s no secret that many younger people take risks with their health and believe that diseases like colon cancer won’t occur until they are safely into middle age. While this may be true for some, [More]
visit: .. Colon Cancer Early Symptoms now video is about tips on how to prevent colon cancer detecting early symptoms for colon cancer,and learning this tips cold make the difference between life an death [More]
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center features survivors’ personal stories about battling colon cancer. The number 1 cancer killer for non-smokers and 2nd leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. for both men and women.