An unexpected problem for this very kind hearted dog. I wouldn’t wish thus on my worst enemy. If you have a new born or young children have problems with their stomachs such as constipation, hard bowel movements, soft bowel movements, gassy tummies, etc, then this may be something that is of [More]
Michelle shares some massage techniques that can help relieve digestion problems! Do you have an upset stomach? Michelle Ebbin shares tips for easing digestive issues through reflexology and massage. Click below to subscribe to our [More]
Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: Learn about digestive disorders from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems. Digestive disorders are basically diseased states of [More]
Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: Learn about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about and digestive disorders. IBS is short for [More]
Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: Learn how to treat a stomachache from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems and digestive disorders. There’s a [More]
Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: Learn how to treat constipation from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems and digestive disorders. So if you [More]
20hz Rife freq. pure tone: “one cure against many problems” Relief from: Allergy, Aura strenghten, bacterial infections, Bedsores, Bladder and prostate complaints, Blood, Blood poisoning, Blood pressure low, Brain (general), Bronchitis, Cold in head chest, [More]
Watch more How to Prevent Stomach Problems & Digestive Disorders videos: Learn about colitis from gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu, M.D. in this Howcast video about stomach problems and digestive disorders. Colitis is basically inflammation of [More]
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