THE best way to get toxins out of your body and fight colon cancer

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More than 1,000 cultivars of plums are grown for drying. The main cultivar grown in the US is the Improved French prune. Other varieties include Sutter, Tulare Giant, Moyer, Imperial, Italian, and Greengage. Fresh prunes reach the market earlier than fresh plums and are usually smaller in size.
[edit] Marketing change

Due to popular perception (in the U.S.) of prunes being used only for relief of constipation, and being the subject of related distasteful joking, many of today’s distributors have stopped using the word “prune” on packaging labels. Their preference is to state “dr

ied plums”.[1]
[edit] Uses

Prunes are used in cooking both sweet and savory dishes. Stewed prunes, a compote, are a dessert. Prunes are a frequent ingredient in North African tagines. Perhaps the best-known gastronomic prunes are those of Agen (pruneaux d’Agen). Prunes are used frequently in Tzimmes, a traditional Jewish dish in which the principal ingredient is diced or sliced carrots; and in the traditional Norwegian desserts fruktsuppe and sviskekompott. Prunes have also been included in other holiday dishes, such as stuffing, cake, and to make sugar plums.
[edit] Health benefits

Prune juice is made by softening prunes through steaming and then putting them through a pulper to create a watery puree. Prunes and their “juice” contain the natural laxative dihydrophenylisatin (related to isatin).[2] Faster results are obtained by heating the prune juice.[citation needed] Prunes also contain dietary fiber (about 6%, or 0.06 g per gram of prune). Prunes and prune juice are thus common home remedies for constipation. Prunes also have a high antioxidant content.[3] In China, the popular summer drink suanmeitang, made with sour prunes, is sometimes thought to have positive effects on acidity in the body.


Lui Japan says:

nice timing now eating a bag of prunesss

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ur like a prune…haha

Fede lasse says:


lilmaccc22 says:

Peace out bro.. .lol about to go get some..

david fleming says:

Good boy, I was very sick with burning in my stomach and this was going on
for 5 or 6 months so yesterday my mother gave me some prune juice to drink
and I did, and boy did it clean me out but I woke up feeling much better
than how I previously used to arise in the morning as that burning wasn’t
there and the pressure on my head so I’m going to continue taking this
prune juice and stick with Gods natural fruit because that chemist crap is
just a money rack, they don’t care about like God does

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