What To Do When Baby Is Constipated | CloudMom

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As soon as a newborn skips out on a poopy diaper, a lot of parents will ask “is my baby constipated?” http://www.cloudmom.com

Quite often, the answer is NO. In this show, I walk through how to determine whether you baby is constipated and some common baby constipation remedies.

Have you experienced baby constipation and do you have a baby constipation remedy that worked for you? Please comment below and share you experiences!

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Stay tuned for more how-to video guides for parents, from one mom to you!

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amy WILSON says:

Dear mellisa I’m buying my baby’s buggy before birth I don’t know who to
try it out to see if it’s safe can u help

Melisa Soto says:

I never thought I’d be watching these type of videos.. lol

Mrsyeakley41 says:

(I’m here cause of the moms view 😉 )
So I guess I just want to share my experience. My daughter is 1yr and
became constipated. I am trying to remember what would have made her
constipated. Diet was the same. She drinks water and juice constantly
almost all day long so i know she was dehydrated. And i dont remember any
changes to our routine. I took her to the doc who just told me to give her
more fiber…honestly i dont even know how to give a kid that loves
vegetables (and thats mostly all she will eat) MORE fiber! Anyways, I
tried. One day i checked her diaper and there was blood all over. She had a
fissure…uhg I went back to the doc who gave me stool softener, and that
has been helping but i think she is almost traumatized by pooping now. She
runs over to me screaming and shaking and im just totally helpless ;( This
has been 3 months now and she is still doing it. It has gotten to the point
where i plan my day around when i think she might poop.

joe delgaudio says:

just lay him down and feel his tummy or her tummy if its hard then they are

Kelly F says:

Great advice – thanks!

kb1177 says:

Yummy VJenn

2028R says:

I had to switched frmula 3 times til I found one that did not constipated
my baby. It was so hard to see him in pain.

CloudMom says:

Thank you…

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