Ulcerative Colitis Remission with THIS Juice Recipe

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http://www.ontheregular.com/ I achieved remission from my Ulcerative Colits with this juice recipe. Please visit http://www.ontheregular.com/ to learn more about my story.

I had no succes with any UC medications for over 4 years. Once I started using this juice recipe, it changed my world in just 3 days!! After 2 full months of juicing this recipe, it got me to 85% remission. Visit my website at http://www.ontheregular.com/ to learn what helped me get to 100% remission with ZERO medication!


wcjcnc says:

Oh My God!!!! This actually works!!! I’ve had ulcerative colitus for 9
years. I’ve been having a bad flare up for the past 8 months. The doctors
do the usual. Try this medicine. Come in for a rectal exam. Ok, try this
medicine. Well, hmmm.. OK try this medicine. I was desperate and just
started looking on the internet for help and found this video. I went out
and bought a juicer and started drinking this recipe 3 times a day. I’ve
been doing this for only 6 days and I’m symptom free. I’m shocked and
amazed. Make sure you buy a juicer NOT A BLENDER like a Nutri Ninja or
Magic Bullet. You only want the juice not the juice AND the pulp. I bought
the Hamilton Beach Big Mouth juicer and it works great. It was $50.00 at
Target. The napa cabbage is much easier to feed into a juicer than the
regular green or purple cabbage. I put a small plastic grocery bag in the
catch all to catch the pulp so it’s one less thing I have to rinse when I’m
done. Don’t put the discarded pulp in your kitchen trash. It will stink up
your kitchen. Throw it out in your outside bin. Thank you Levi Lascsak for
posting this video. I wish I could shake your hand and thank you in

Barcode731 says:

Hey bro. I’m trying it out right now. I’ve been flared up for a few months
now. Was on pred and asacol for about 3 weeks. Bleeding reduced a bit but I
still have all the other awful symptoms, cramps anyone

Manuela Marinello says:

Updates: I started juicing 3 days ago cause I had to leave my
medications… too much bad effects. I run to buy a juicer, carrots and
cabbage. I already feel better!! Unfortunately I was not able to find
organic vegetables yet, but I’ll keep searching. Thank you so so so so much
for the video and motivation!!!

Claudia Hurt says:

So are you juicing and eating a regular diet?

Les G says:

This just saved my life! I’m going to get a juicer! Thanks

Solveig Bergersen says:

Txs for the video. I juice a lot of different, my dentist say I am not to
juice apples , it takes the white on the teeth that are poor on me. Pears
instead. But another thing that keep me from medication is doTERRA oils,
used it for 9 mnts and no pain or anything. Have suffered from UC more than
30 years. I do not always juice organic, take what I get in the shop, live
in Norway

Jennifer Franco Carrillo says:

Thank you for sharing this video, I will make this juice for my husband
that has IBS Constipation and Gastritis Colitis :)

Barcode731 says:

Reporting some results. A few days on the cabbage drink. I immediately saw
some good results the same day I started. I had a more soothing feeling in
my stomach. Unfortunately for me though, I was too severely flared up, and
diarrhea continued. I had no choice but to go back on my medication. I can
totally see though, how this cabbage drink can strengthen your system and
maybe even keep you from flareups, given of course that you eliminated
foods that agitate you. I stay away from dairy, gluten and spicy. I’m still
continuing this cabbage drink and will have my loved ones on it too. Thanks
you so much Levi, for sharing a wonderful healing drink with the world

Levi Lascsak says:

Hi Pascale…yes, I wash the juicer Everytime. It’s better than going to
the restroom five-ten times a day!!!

Praque Forqsk says:

Informative video Levi. Keep well.

daddyworerbucks says:

i have UC..i got diagnosed when I was 20 and I just turned 23. I took
myself off medication about three months ago, and I’ve been fine up until 3
weeks ago I started to see some bleeding. This started to occur only a day
or two after I had a major fall off my horse. resulting in me unable to
walk and i had a concussion. I think stress often triggers my flare ups.
I am also to be honest really ignorant when it comes to the disease. I
was diagnosed, not explained at all about the disease when i was 20…then
went on my way about my life taking one pill a day. 7 months later after
being diagnosed I had a big backpacking trip planned for myself, days
before my flight I became DEATHLY ill…to the point where my blood
pressure was so messed up I couldnt even stand. I couldnt touch my stomach
nor could I digest anything. After a few days of this my mom brought me to
the hospital and I was in there for a month…Lost about 35 lbs (and im
already very tiny). When I left the hospital I was taking over 23 pills a
day including steriods….since then ive had a few flare ups. But I dont
want to spend my life taking now 8 pills a day. I’m embarassed
unfortunately of this disease…I hate when one of my relative even
mentions to someone I have it. Ive always been very healthy even as a
teenager in highschool. I think I may attempt to try the raw food diet
(even though I’m such a foodie and love cooking that I dont know how ill
make it) But something needs to change for me. And its so hard to find
information on the disease, my doctor really has no dietary suggestions
either, all of them have said eat whatever you want….
I enjoyed your two videos you’ve posted on the subject and I would be very
grateful to more tips and tricks and advice. I know everyones body is
different but I cant seem to really find anything all that helpful online
or from any of my doctors. The first time I was hospitalized they
suggested taking out my colon….like are you kidding me? thats a major
organ and soooooo unnecessary.

Julian Markov says:

why in the world would you have ulcarative colitis for 8 years? If you
drink a gallon of milk a day, the colitis will be gone on the third day.
Juicing may be beneficial but depends on what you juice. I would strictly
avoid lemons, oranges, grapefruit, beets, ginger and so on. Kale, parsley,
dill, spinach is a totally different world. The first ones are strong
acids, while the green leafy juices are alkaline. The citrus fruits will be
like acid on your wound, while the second ones will neutralize the acid and
oxygenate the wound to speed the recovery. However, nothing works better
than enormous amounts of milk

Meri Meri says:

Thank you for this video!

chamchaolover says:

I wouldn’t immediately stop medication, that’s dangerous

reconopps says:

What do you eat to avoid a flare or prevent one. I have started cabbage
juicing and it helps but what about the rest of your meals ?

Veggie Eric says:

Great video Levi, glad you’re doing better and found juicing! I was
diagnoses with colitis, cancerous polyps and diverticulitis in 2009. Never
once did my doctors mention diet as a factor. I had to save my own
health… juicing was the first step, I do mostly cabbage only and maybe 1
carrot for flairs, but I might try the apple in there too. I usually do
apple-carrot with meals and cabbage only to cure flair ups. The other thing
I suggest is switching to a plant based diet and dump the animal products,
that is why you have colitis… heavy animal fat and protein
consumption…. ever heard of nutritionfacts.org? lifesaver… be well

Molle Palmer says:

Would anyone know if a Nutribullet would be the same as using a juicer?

lisa sobell says:

I juice ginger( love me some ginger) kale, grapefruit, lemons and carrots
with a apple and iv been feeling great but still feel run down but I have a
iron deficiency. Living with UC for 10 years and in remission for 3!

Claudia Hurt says:

how many times a day should I drink this Juice? 

hprice1980 says:

I wanted to try juicing for colitis & I got my juicer this week. I tried a
few different fruits yesterday but think I went a bit overboard as I had
some pain. After doing some research and watching this video I did apple,
white cabbage & carrot this afternoon but also added some ginger & lime. It
tasted really good & I’ve not had any pain today!

v Nill says:

i just wonder what else you did include in your daily diet during those 2
months, was it only 2-3 cups of juice, lm so tired of colitis, l would
appreciate an answer

Stella Ilyayev says:

I have gastritis is the napa cabbage better than the purple cabbage? 

Rire Muyi says:

I heard potato juice is good for UC too, please try it.

foxyred303 says:

You should always core your apples and pears. There seeds contain arsenic. 

Lynn Beers says:

It looks like you’re using Bok Choy?

kinglanky93 says:

what do u think of green machine juice? have you had any experiences with

Randy Davis says:

Thanks for this. I am thinking I will give it a try. I was recently told I
have Crohn’s as I have been having stomach troubles for years that has
recently gotten much worse. It just seems crazy to me that the cure is to
take immune suppression agents when the body is obviously reacting in an
allergic type of inflammatory way because of something (obviously diet?)
So this actually makes more sense to me than just trying to knock out the
immune response in the body. Like shutting the barn door after the cows
are out. lol. Any way I will let you know how it goes. Thanks again,

Levi Lascsak says:

Great news Steve!!

eLemonnader says:

Pokeman, I’m in California, too, and we are a MECCA of Farmers’ Markets
where lots and lots of organic vegetables and fruits are sold. Also, Whole
Foods and now even Von’s Supermarkets carry a WIDE selection of organic
produce choices. Hope your health is improving and thanks to “On The
Regular” for the info on ulcerative colitis!

Ivan Rey says:

been on cabbage juice now for 3 days, lets see if it works …. gotta say
im only drinking pure cabbage juice with no other fruits mixed in and it
tastes like ass. 

PokemonShinyLover says:

Sigh* I have a stomach ulcer & I’ve had it up to here with my freaking
stomach ulcer, & I live in California where the heck am I going to find
ORGANIC FRUITS & VEGETABLES? I want to cure my stomach ulcer & liver
problems & go poop like a normal person *without pooping problems* does. I
LOSS. Please someone help? I’ve had this problem since I was like 14 years
old but now I’m 23.

Levi Lascsak says:

Hi Deb, I’d rather be orange than have colitis!! It depends on how much you
drink. It can happen but not likely.

PacinoXTC says:

Hi Levy. Drinking cabbage juice and taking L glutamine powder and
probiotics have almost eliminated my gastritis. Anything else you recommend
to increase recovery. Supplements? 

kwixotic says:

A few months back I went to a local Whole Foods and had them make me a
drink making use of their juicer. One of the ingredients was apple juice
which as a teenager I absolutely loved. But this time it was an
unmitigated disaster!(I have Crohn’s BTW with the lack of an ileocecal
valve due to surgery so that might explain the awful diarrhea that

Sanj Lon says:

Good video

enry que says:

Try aloe is good i dont use any meds i try some thing call Bevida,Bromelain
ther is more thank you for the video 

Steve Troise says:

Dude, stir it with a SPOON!!!

Janice St. Germain says:

So how often and how many glasses do you drink a day? And what else do you
eat with the juice?

Aubrey Griffith says:

Thanks for sharing! My son is 5 years old and was diagnosed with UC 9
months ago. He was put on 6MP and that didn’t work. Now he is on Prednisone
and waiting for the preapproval for Remicade. I have been researching diets
and natural ways to help my son. I stumbled upon a local juice bar that was
very informative and told me to look into cabbage juice. I just got a
juicer and will be going out to get cabbage today. The guy I spoke to
recommended red cabbage?! Do you think it matters which kind he should try
first? I figured I may as well start it now even though he is on the
steroids in order to help heal his colon/ulcers.
Thanks, Aubrey

panmexili says:

Great man!! So happy for you! I will give it a try !! :)

Khaled Saleh says:

Will am going to try that starting now and i really hope it work out with
me because am suffering from the deices from 4 years now. 

Home Ec Obsessed says:

I am 36 years old and I have had ulcerative colitis since I was 9. NOTHING
has worked for me so far. I would really like to try this recipe. I hope
it works. I agree with you one hundred percent on the urgency issue. I
have had remissions for three year stints and then it comes back for a
while and then I go into remission again. Not sure if there is a cycle to
colitis or not. I’ve just come out of a three year remission starting
last week. I forgot how miserable this feels! Definitely trying this
juice. Thank you so much for posting!

Donna Vee says:

Hi Levi, have you had any weight issues? My 14 year old son has just been
diagnosed and he has lost so much weight that I’m more than
a little concerned… of course the dr will only recommend steroids in
addition to the meds. They refuse to talk nutrition.

Daielle Elizabeth says:

This my first time with UC need some information.

futbolporvida says:

Nice vid I was in the e.r for two days for the same problem had realy bad
abdominal pain, I’m feeling better now but I’m going to try this out before
symptom get worse thanks for sharing ur story hope it help me and every
body out there suffering from this same illness and thanks again

PacinoXTC says:

Hi Levi it’s Sam from Long Beach again. I read that the active ingredient
in Cabbage juice is Glutamine. I came across some health stores and I saw
L-glutamine in powder form. I am going to give it a try. Have you ever
tried Glutamine in powder form or heard anybody try it? 

Mktg6degrees says:

Make sure you bless your food so you don’t have so many repercussions with
your food loved your video reminds people how important eating real food


Thanks Levi!
I just started, hopefully help me to!

Neo Zion says:

May 21 2014 a New Infusion IV antibody approved by FDA for Ulcerative
Colitis. Once a month IV infusion makes UC patients have normal lives of
flare up. The Food and Drug Administration said it had approved the drug,
vedolizumab, which will be sold under the brand name Entyvio, for patients
who failed to gain adequate relief from one or more current standard


vic m says:

Hi there, hope you’re feeling well. I’m writing an e- book on IBD and I’d
really love it if you or anyone reading this blog would take the time to
answer a few questions.

I want to find out what’s working for people – i’m particularly interested
in the diet and alternative therapy side. Hopefully, with enough responses
they’ll be some clear correlations with people achieving long term success
then we can all copy them!

Well, that’s the plan.

You can find my questionnaire at:

Thanks very much and great videos btw =)

Vicky – aged 25, UC 12 years

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