How to avoid constipation

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Close Have you ever gone a day without pooping?

What an unpleasant feeling, right?

I know people who have gone even 3 days without pooping.

Right now, I can’t even imagine that painful feeling since I’m as regular as a Swiss clock. I have two meals a day, I poop twice a day. It’s that simple. No traffic jams allowed inside my body anymore.

But, let me tell you that it hasn’t always been this way.

I used to suffer from clogged bowels in the past and I hated that feeling with a vengeance. You know, constipation robs you the anticipation and joy of going to places and doing new things because you’re feeling like shit.

Not fun at all.

Thankfully, that hell ended with the right foods.

Finally, I experienced that feeling of completely emptying my bowels when I’d go to the bathroom. If you can’t feel it now, you owe it to yourself.

It’s like day and night. I know because I’ve been on both sides.

When you are constipated, you feel upset; you’re in a bad mood. On the other hand, when you’re regular, you feel relaxed, calm and at peace.

Let me tell you though, getting rid of constipation is not just about feeling relieved.

It’s about health. Your future health.

If the output of your organism is clogged, throughput is compromised.

When there is no complete elimination through the bowels, fecal matter is not properly expelled and begins to coat the inside walls of your colon. With time, this matter putrefies and becomes toxic leaching all kinds of poisons into your bloodstream.

Doctors specializing in cancer say that there’s no case of cancer without previously not being present chronic constipation.

This is a very serious topic considering that colon cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States.

A colon that is not releasing fecal matter every single day is a colon that is extremely susceptible to cancer.

You need to cleanse your bowels. That may be the most important factor for improving your health and helping you lose weight for good.

So, how to uncork your gut?

There are people who decide to try colonic hydrotherapy. While, this method works, I believe flushing your bowels with water is far too harsh and extreme. Don’t you think?

There’s another method that people use, which is using laxatives and supplements. These substances work by irritating your colon so it throws out what is held within.

The problem is when your body gets used to these laxatives, you’ll eventually need more and more of these drugs to keep discharging your colon.

So, no good.

Plus, these two methods don’t do anything to change the causes of constipation in the first place, which are poor eating habits.

I recommend you do this instead:

Spend some days eating only living and high-fiber foods without grains and dairy.

Hydrate your body. If your colon is hydrated, it will be easier to move the fecal matter which is inside of it.

Do some light fasting. Fasting triggers the cleansing reflex in your body once it has gone 24 hours without solid food. For one day, go on a liquid diet of nothing but water or small amounts of fruit juice.

If you’re looking for a way to get regular, lose weight and feel freaking great, there is this program that you might be interested in:

This is a program that will teach you to eat living, high-fiber foods that will help you uncork your in

testines and give you lots of energy.

Remember that you don’t have to eat this way for your whole life, but it will be tremendously beneficial to eat easy to digest foods to get the bowels moving for people who have stubborn fecal matter stuck in their intestines.

If you’re not pooping a minimum of 1-2 times per day, please, consider my advice.

We’re not talking about just fat loss. It’s about your health and this is the first thing to take into account.

Keeping your bowels in motion consistently will help you in your fat loss goals like you can’t imagine.

Yours for health. If you want more tips on health and fitness, go to


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