Ulcerative Colitis-My Story

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Ulcerative Colitis-My Story


Again, sorry for the buzzing sound.

Just putting myself out here to try to help others who are dealing with the same or similar situation as myself or are want to be educated on the topic.


L BS says:

great video, im just going through this as well.

Joey Esparza says:

My girlfriend got diagnosed with this so I’m doing some research to see how
i can better care for her.. and I’m just heart broken after this..

Christos Lavelle says:

I got diagnosed about a month ago and it has been really tough. I play
football and workout and strive to get better and it is very hard when I
have to go the bathroom very urgently pretty frequently. It is very
stressful and maybe the toughest thing to battle while trying to improve my
body. Any advice?

Paontera says:

research a vegan lifestyle
I thought I was gonna die and they were going to cut out my intestine.
A healthy diet saved me and my life.
I wish you the best I AM POSSIBLE (Crohns, Deadlift PR and Overheadpress

Ahmed Elbadaoui says:

hi, i have had pain in my bowel area for almost 3 years, Ive had every test
their is out their, countless blood tests and still haven’t been
diagnosed.I’ve tried countless medication and nothing has even slightly
took away the pain. I am wondering if any one with ulcerative colitis has
this pain 24/7. i always have the pain the only thing is its either on a
minimal level or really severe. if anyone could tell me thoughts would be
much appreciated thanks

Dina says:

“You really learn who is there for you.” That is so true! It wasn’t easy to
figure out who really visits you and cares for you when you’re in the
hospital and you’re in need of support or just someone who’s beside you.
I hope you’re doing well atm. Wishing you all the best!

Tom Spencer Nature Photography says:

Im in your boat as well. Good for you for being so positive and thank you
for this video! :)

Tracie Holladay says:

I suspect I have this. Will get tests done as soon as I heal from my
gallbladder surgery. I must say, though, I do not think I am malnourished.
My primary care doctor hasn’t seen sign of that at this time. 

Amit Patil says:

Hi Emily, Brave of you to share your story up in public. I have been with
UC since last 2+ years and i can understand the pains you mentioned in the
video. Especially the effects of prednisone and how it makes you
crazy…Hope you are doing better now….living a “bring it on” attitude is
the best psych medicine for UC….keep smilin..

arosmhboston says:

going thru the same hell as you good luck stay strong.

Chris Spooncer says:

Good work Emily. With an attitude like that, and with no fear of telling
everybody about this horrible disease – You are/will become a champion!
-Fellow UC sufferer of 15 years, and now a proud ilestomy owner.

shauna crook says:

You seem sooooo sweet. I am just stopping by. I was looking at random
things and this came up. Im not squeamish about these things. I want to say
God Bless you and your struggles. I do not have what you have but ive had
surgery before and I know its tough coping with a new life.

Silver Mustang says:

Yep, I described my intestinal pain on the left side as a hot knife stuck
in my side twisting and turning. I had a colonoscopy and nothing was
found. I re-thought what I was doing to cause the flare ups. so I adjusted
what I ate.I now eat Gluten free foods, Non-GMO foods, veggies, wheat free
foods. Its not easy to do and has helped a whole lot. Its not he cure all
but think its better then talking pills, medication or shots.

Fig1918 says:

I have had UC all my life, but was only just diagnosed in the past year
(I’m 39). Although some doctors will recommend against it (most will
acknowledge that it works), nicotine is what helps me the most. I would not
recommend smoking cigarettes (although some do it despite the obvious
risks). I choose to vape for nicotine intake. I do not like the idea of
being addicted to something whether it helps me or not, but if there are no
other options I am going to stick with vaping. 

Gabriela Parodi says:

I know EXACTLY how you feel because I’ve been going through those same
constant flare ups. I was diagnosed with UC when I was 17 and am now 20. I
was fairly advanced but after I went into remission I stayed there for over
a year…until this past April. I had my wisdom teeth removed so I was put
on antibiotics. I was already flaring up a tiny bit, but I think that those
antibiotics really screwed me. My flare up got bad and so I got a
prescription for prednisone. That week I got so much worse. I never
experienced pain with UC before, but I began to feel it then because I got
c-diff (a gut infection which is common for people with our condition and
can get very bad). I got admitted for 10 days in the hospital and was
diagnosed with pan colitis. Ever since then every time I’d start tapering
off the prednisone I would begin to flare up again. I got put on imuran,
but started losing my hair so I got taken off of that. I ended up back in
the hospital in November for 18 days. They took my off Asacol and put me on
Remicade. Even with Remicade you can flare. I’ve been on Remicade for 2
months now (had 3 infusions so far) and I’m beginning to flare a little bit
again because I started to really slack on my diet. So remember that it’s
all about DIET DIET DIET! I’m now gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free. I
know this sucks and it’s so depressing because all those meds can just mess
up your body and even face (I began to break out like crazy and my skin was
always pretty clear…so…I’m a 20 year old with the break outs of a 12 year
old). Just keep the faith. Get a tolerance test taken for what foods you’re
sensitive to and focus on your diet and exercise. You gotta change your
lifestyle to keep you healthy. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

ted marshall says:

Prednisone worked for me. Now all I have to do is take my Imuran
(Aziothiaprine) and Teva-5-ASA to treat my symptoms for Ulcerated Colitis
as I am now in remission. One of the annoying side effects of Prednisone
are the dreaded body aches that can leave you feeling somewhat arthritic
for about a year after you stop taking it. Good news…I managed to rid
myself of much of this pain and in a very short amount of time by going
regularly to the gym and getting some exercise. 

Andy Hunt says:

Hey after watching your video I felt I should offer some advice.

I’m Andy, I’m 22 and am from the UK. I have just come out of hospital after
just being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. This was my third flare up in
about 2 years and definitely the worst. I was put on IV steroids and then
the prednisolone but they weren’t really doing the trick for me in
hospital. I was offered this fairly new biological treatment called
Infliximab, it might be worth checking out or doing some research about it,
because I can honestly say within hours I noticed a difference, it was
amazing! I think is has a 70% success rate. It’s just another alternative
before going for surgery, we don’t want that if we can help it!

Hope I could help :) 

Chad Rivas says:

Hello! Just finished watching your video and I wanted to say thanks for the
encouragement. I suffer from all the same symptoms that you described and
could not figure out what was going on. It’s a difficult subject to discuss
with others, so the support on this page is uplifting. I have yet to be
diagnosed (procedure on Friday), but I’m praying for some real relief for
all of us!

jennie garrett says:

i just found out today that i have this, we do not know how sever it is
just yet. they want to do another colonoscopy and determine it then. i had
symptoms for a few months but did not think anything of it till the other
night when i went to poop and all that came out was blood. i had terrible
cramping, i didn’t want to eat or sit or lay down or anything! i am scared
to see what is going to happen next. any advice? 

maxgzy says:

Hey, i’m 21 and I was diagnosed when I was 17. Do you find it frustrating
how doctors seem to really not know much about UC. I’ve been on two
medicines called Pentesa and Azathioprine, and when I have flare ups – a
steroid enema. I find whether or not these help is pretty random, and I
i’ve gone months with no flare ups, and now I’ve had 2 in one month.
Besides stress, what else do you feel effects you? I really don’t know why
me, drinking and eating unhealthy/spicy foods has no effect on, so I really
don’t know what to do so that I can have some security with me health.
Thinking about having the surgery when I finish University. Sorry about
this ramble… 

foresaken to none says:

I contracted mine from a parasite. Infectous colitis. Obamacare was a
hinderance as I paid everything outta pocket,and due to this idiot am now
struggling financially. Prior to diagnosis they determined I had Carpel
Tunnel Syndrome. People say carpel tunnel has nothing to do with the
digestive tract. I tell them it was caused from wiping my ass so much!
Ha,Ha. Good humor helps. I know there is a cure.

tgillies101 says:

Male, 32 from Australia. Just got diagnosed with UC. Seems its actually way
more common in young people these days or that may just be education and
awareness.My specialist said it is effectively genetic and I can’t blame
myself its an inherited thing (thanks ancestors). So starting up medication
now, this was my first YouTube hit after getting home so thankyou its nice
to hear another persons story on this. I’ll also say your very beautiful
and its quite the irony of the human condition that what we are on the
outside is different to what we are on the inside. Keep strong.

KronosRocks says:

I hear you, I have it as well. It’s really annoying how I have to take lots
of medicine to keep it in check, stay strong! :) 

Michelita K. S. says:

Thank you so much for sharing your story! I have UC and I have lived
through the Prednisone and now I am facing surgery in a month to remove my
It was hard to face, but I want a life lived away from the toilet.
I hope you have remission today!

Ollie Stobie says:

I’ve had UC since I was 4 years old, which is very rare for this illness to
flare at such a young age. I’ve had pill after pill shoved down my throat
pretty much my entire life and yes, I’ll admit it seemed embarrassing to
have this as a child and feel real insecure about myself. But honestly you
shouldn’t feel self conscious about it, I’ll admit that after having it for
16 years the flares have died down quite a lot (my last flare up was 6
months ago). You’re not alone in this and you have plenty of support
especially in this community, I might do a video about my UC life story
soon as well as you’ve inspired me to:) 

foresaken to none says:

Head’s up. Check on food allergies. See if you have one. Adjust your diet.
Brother has cut out grains recently,and has no problems anymore. Digestion
of a cow is vastly different to that of humans. The grains have changed
immensely from what they used to be. Personally am ready to take that route
as well as utilizing the book”Breaking the Vicious Cycle”.

MrShadowfox456 says:

Oh steroids suck hate them so much unfortunately other meds like 6mp Humera
etc give me pancreatitis so I have to take Remicade infusions and this year
alone i been admitted over 15 times and i already had not at once but just
overall 6 blood transfusion thank you for putting up tv his vid becuse even
though I have a great family that supports me so much only ppl who suffer
it can empathize cuz we know what’s it like

xXNick1of5Xx says:

I have UC :(

Michael Samuel says:

I have uc and wish ppl who didn’t have it experience the pain and agony we
sometimes go through.

GoCougsKev says:

Best prescription I have had for UC is VSL #3 DS….try it, it will change
your life!

Nawfal Berwary says:

Don’t worry I’m in the same situation and right now I’m in usa for medical

Travis Cammilleri says:

Thanks for sharing your story. I am going through all kinds of stomach
issues. Mainly Diverticulosis, and Ulcerative Colittis with the later
having been discovered on a recent colonoscopy. Need good diet plan to help
alleviate symptoms especially since I work third shift. Take care —
Travis —

instawhore says:

I’ve been diagnosed with this since August 1st 2014. and I’ve been on
Predinisone for a month. I noticed I have a lot of acne. did you get acne
because your face looks flawless, and if you did, what did you do to get
rid of it?

LC Recinos says:

I hate prednisone as well, I had the worst symptoms and asacol did not work
well with me either. I noticed Lialda helped me get to remission after
years but yes I had to give up lots of foods I love. Sigh :) but I’ll try
anything to get my life back when I have a flare-up. I’ve tried everything
under the sun from acupuncture, going vegan, aloe vera meds, traveling to
other countries to try holistic meds, and nearly starving to not have to
deal with it(that wasn’t good). Prayers to all!

youare mylife says:

hope you get better my dad have it too

khushi sharma says:

cure for ulserative colitis-
1. Boswellia Serrata (google if you dont believe)
2. yogurt yogurt, yogurt in your diet
3. raw banana

Tonisha DeBrito says:

I healed myself by dieting and i believe anyone could who has UC! Get
Jordin Rubin’s book Heal Thyself! Its amazing! If you have any questions
e-mail me NishaMarie29@gmail.com. I might be making a video soon of how I
healed myself.

peter leicht says:

Look at
GMO and Monsanto, try to eat organic foods only and no red meat.
I am just as sick as you are. 

Myron Pearson says:

I have lived with Ulcerative Colitis since I was diagnosed in 1986. I’m now
on Disability because of it. I usually get a flare up about once a year.
I,m now on Remicaid infusion therapy for it which seems to be helping a lot

LC Recinos says:

Great video. I’m there too and can relate. Praying for a cure as well :)

Virginia Lynn Thomas Reese says:

How many of us have been told by our doctors that diet and stress do not
have anything to do with UC? How many of you think that’s is not accurate?

victoriaking says:

I have just been diagnosed with colitis and I’m 25, this just happened to
me about 3 months ago . It is horrible I’m currently in pain everyday and
ran out of my antibiotics :( everyday is a struggle but I try to stay
positive. It’s not fun at all and the pain is crazy. 

impala3607 says:

I have this condition,, there are time when I have oops myself in public in
the worst possible time ever, I took prednisone and again its shitty stuff,
I took all kinds of drugs and so far makes me wanna throw up,, right now I
am on nothing and having to plan myself ahead and sometimes not eat at all
till I know I am in the vicinity of a bathroom for a while 

Javier Garza says:

I have 5 years with uc,i was with remicade 3 years and it works not so good
in me but i can reduce prednisone to 5mg,now i am in humira also dosent
work 100%,but i can teduce prednisone to 15mg daily…note-i have been 5
years with 4 gr daily of mesalazine….dont worry pretty girl,theres a lot
of new stuff launching in the market like entyvio and simponi…good luck.

alfonso ramirez says:

I admire your strength and positive attitude towards this. I too have UC
and have taken the same meds you’ve taken. Like you say, it’s something we
deal with and can’t let us keep us down and from accomplishing our goals. I
recently became a dad and a small business owner. I have a reason to keep
fighting as do you. Good luck. 

Yadilon says:

I feel you ! 

René Lund says:

You go girl! Thanks for the videos. Got diagnosed with UC when I was around
10 years old, and now 24 years old. Dropped from 26 pills to now only 2
over these years, with a fresh view on my diet, training and getting
acupuncture treatment once every month. This took away the number
of migraine seizure also. I suffer from that too.

Stay strong and positive, you beautiful human being. World loves you. :-)
Hugs from Denmark.

aiseeyouu says:

I was just diagnosed a couple of months ago with ulcerative colitis also. I
was in the hospital for being so dehydrated and losing so much blood. They
put me on prednisone and I swear only people who have been on it know how
horrible the effects are. I recently got off it and am going through a
flare right now. This disease is extremely embarrassing and annoying but
hearing other people’s stories really help me not feel alone. Thanks!

David Saez says:

Wow I am sorry about your aunt. Your story is really nice and don’t be
scared of UC it’s not that bad once you kind of understand it. :D

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