Are You Hungry Constantly? Signs You Are Mineral/Vitamin Deficient!

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Do you constantly want to eat? Are you low on energy? Have dark under eye circles or bags under your eyes? Have anxiety/panic/depression? Have a down immune system? Have brittle nails/hair/dry skin? GI tract problems (constipation, stomach upsets, etc)?

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Then chances are you have been intaking the wrong foods and not following a healthy lifestyle and have become deficient.

Raw vegan foods for the win! :)


kat carroll says:

good night Victoria , I love your video’s girlfriend I wanted to ask a
personal question on this lifestyle have you lost our period completely
because a lot of raw foodist have said so and I was wondering if it was
true I am new to this lifestyle and was thinking about it a lot , also
what’s your astrology sign? I am a leo and you?


I read a couple books on adrenal fatigue and the guys said to take vitamin
C and salt.

Katie Ricketts says:

Thank you so much for this video! I agree with you 100% that our bodies are
starving for nutrients. I was raw yesterday and hardly ate just because I
didn’t have a big appetite but I did drink 2 juices, one sweet one and one
green one. I haven’t been hungry, its strange. I did have the worst
migraine of my life last night though… Idk what caused it but it was
baaaad. I couldn’t sleep or anything so I was forced to take a pill :( I
was looking up natural ways to ease my pain but nothing worked and I was so
frustrated. anyhoo, thanks for the video!!! Hopefully I won’t get
another headache like that because it was the worst pain ever. 

Joanna W says:

Hi Victoria. I wanted to ask your opinion – what would you consider better
option? Green seedless organic grapes or dark non-organic seeded grapes
similar to concord grapes? What’s your take on hybrid organic fruits?
Thanks so much for taking time to respond.

Victoria RawVegan says:
raw breakthrough says:

dear victoria <3 i eat always raw but i am every 6 weeks ill :( i drink a
lot of juices and eat salads and a lot of fruits,…so what is my problem?
why i am so often ill? <3

RonPaulgirls says:

i’m with you on the value of a high raw diet, but where’s the proof that
adding some grains, potatoes, legumes and maybe some cooked vegetables to
that is going to do anything other than give you more variety and
sustainability, morse, danny and lou, do not look like rock solid specimens
to me. lou is always crying and danny is always spacing out and morse is
way overweight, i don’t know what his problem is, why not try say 80
percent raw and see how it goes. variety is the spice of life…

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